Cash confiscation...4th Amendment violation

All of my money is acquired from working as as emergency department nurse. I will use my income as I please. If it pleases me to conceal part of it in my vehicle- I will do so. ANYONE who decides to seize that money will be treated as any other armed robber would be treated. Seize it if you dare...I double dog dare you. Give you a hint before you do so: buy a very, very large life insurance policy- you will not have to make many premium payments.
And when you're standing there with two (or more) armed officers standing around your vehicle, possibly wearing those fancy braclets they gave you, how are you going to stop them?

Or are you going to, with premeditation, track them down at a later date? with all the consequences that entails?

And what about the 50% of you income that the government currently seizes? Are you going to take on the IRS, and the state Department of Rev? and the officials at medicare/medicaid? and FICA? They're already taking half of your income as it is! This is only a scheme to get the rest of it.

Seriously, though, I fully understand how you feel, but that would be one battle you would lose.

The only defense against this is to get this bad law off the books.

And the only way to do that is to throw the bastards out!
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 29, 1999).]
I believe in giving fair warning. Seize my property without a verdict by jury of my sovereign peers and I'm not going to court over it. I'm going to fight. Break into my house. I'm going to fight. Confiscate firearms. I'm going to fight. I will work for change up to these three points. When these three are violated, talk is through.
I think I'll move to Mexico. The cops down there only want $10 to leave you alone! hehe

The ironic part is we call them corrupt!
Sounds like we put a blue uniform and a badge on a hot dawg, and give him the License to legally rob you. I heard of a couple on vacation with $2000.00 on them, and they got put in jail and forfieted their vacation money, because they didnt have a good reason for carrying enough cash. In some cases you cant tell the good guys from the bad ones. any more, the police arent protection to the public, they just take reports after the crime, and you are on your own. But under the disquise of "the war on drugs" they have the rights to do about anything they want to you.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Hmmm...there's finally a good reason for keeping a cross-bow for home defense: to avoid alerting cops to the proceedings. God forbid they come to your aid, you'd probably prefer to deal with Mr. Burglar...

Or is it not that bad and those paranoid Libertarian gun nuts are scaring easily-led Cornered Rat again? Documented cases of these abuses, anyone?