CAS Knockdowns?

People are more in character when at a big annual or regional match. That's where the "doll up".

That is not my experience. Those shooters, including myself, who like to wear the full compliment of cowboy clothes do it at every match, not just the big annuals or regionals.
Classmate (from OR) told me about one CAS. He handloaded and got his ammunition down to about zero recoil. The bullets were so slow you could watch them in flight. He'd hit the targets, but for the lack of energy couldn't knock them down. He whined and complained his way to top gun.
We had one guy load his pistol ammo down so much that one match he had a bullet bounce off a CARDBOARD target and land at his feet. From then on we christened him "Kid Dimple".
I consider loading down to that level dangerous. It's a good way to get a bullet lodged in your barrel.

Yup, I always bring a couple of brass rods and a hammer in my tool kit when I go to a match. I have had to drive a few stuck bullets out of some guns over the years from guys who load too light, or forget to put any powder in their cartridges. And this is exactly why SASS finally instituted a minimum power level requirement a few years ago.
I had a problem with some "reactive" targets not too long ago at a match.

It was a match that a friend invited me to come to, and I had never been to his club before...

There was one spring loaded rifle target.
I was shooting frontier, with full BP .44-40 loads from my 1866 rifle (only one shooting real BP at the match).

Everyone else was just making the target go down a bit with rifle shots, so I figured this was going to be easy. :cool:

The first shot of the rifle rang good and loud on that target, but I got two more out of the gun before I realized the "full house loads" made the spring loaded target completely bottom out and take forever to get back up- shooting over it with the those two! :mad:

I still had fun, but every time I was up, I heard the coughing and hacking (and heckling ;)).
Good thing you didn't wreck it, full loaded.44-40 out of a rifle is pushing max for most of those targets. Bring a .45-70 and you might get only 1 shot. ;)
Gues I'll just need to watch.
SS and Retirement arent enough for another Vaquero and a rifle too .
Guess I'll have to shoot paper aand cans and th pattern board!