cartridge conversion cylinders

Hmmm, the picture of the 1858 conversion cylinder looks mirror image. Move it 180 degrees and it looks almost, no, exactly like the picture on the Florida Gunworks website of a Kirst Konverter? On second look, all the images are of Kirst products. Are any of the pics on the site a pic of your conversion(s)? Please post (here) a picture of the conversion that you've already made.

All, I may get heat for this, but unless he posts a pic of his own work, I would really be careful before sending him loaners and such.
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All, I may get heat for this, but unless he posts a pic of his own work, I would really be careful before sending him loaners and such.

ya im thinking we need to see the actual work or at least some one on the forum who has one and can testify to the quality first .

Kelly / Kills many, just stopped by . I took on an engraving job for him .
So the offer I told you about last week is no fulfilled , YA!!!!!!!
So Ill be ordering a converter for my 1860 here in the next week .

i would like to order from this guy but i would like to see or here about the workmanship first
The pic of the cylinder on his website is for a Rogers & Spencer, not a Remmie, notice the gas check in the front.
I want to put my order in

This would have to be good to be true.

I'll take a couple for sure . 1858 Pietta .44
Is see he never came back and hasn't posted in months , ya that was a scammer , send me your money you get a piece of round metal with holes drilled in it ..
His website is still up, and his prices are still posted. Eventually, we'll see/hear of someone with a positive or negative account of this guys work (if he actually makes anything).