Carrying one up with Ruger LCP for new owner

I have had my LCP since they first came out. I have always pocket carried it in a holster similar to a Sticky holster. Always with one in the chamber. I will admit I don't rough house any more. To old and I tend to break when I do stuff like that. The more you carry the more you will become comfortable with it.
All I am going to say is that I will never carry any striker-fired gun, period, do not consider ANY of them safe.
I pocket carry my LCP II with one in the chamber in the provided pocket holster, but my children are older. When my kids were young, I bought and carried a Beretta PX4 Storm due to it having an external safety. I can't recommend rough-housing with the kids while pocket carrying (lock it up/secure it), but it should be fine in other situations. I assume that you purchased a firearm to protect yourself and your family. If you feel that this is better accomplished with an empty chamber, go for it. Carrying a gun is an individual right, so I leave it to individuals to decide how to exercise it.
Wow. Thanks for the help guys. I think for now I will probably still carry it without one in the pipe. Thats probably the safest way to carry at this stage. The pistol is still half cocked so I can see if there is an accidental discharge without an actual shot being fired. When I get a proper holster I will reconsider my carry style, doing one up and putting it away safely when rough housing with the kids. I clean the LCP every two weeks due to pocket lint and sweat from being carried almost 24/7 (not including days I used it)

The reason for buying the LCP as my first firearm is that its perfect for concealed carry. I am in a profession where I cannot carry the firearm in the open (suite and tie with the shirt tucked in made me lean towards pocket carry instead of carrying on the hip concealed) and in anycase, it increases the risk of attack as firearms are in high demand here. Even the police sometimes get attacked by criminals with the purpose of stealing their firearms. Having a firearm is not something you want to advertise here.

I have purchased a Glock 19 gen 3 as my second firearm but am waiting for licensing. Semi-auto rifles is a big and long process to get here, not impossible but I was thinking of rather purchasing a micro-roni with a few extended mags for the glock (I think this is a discussion for a different threat) after my licensing has been approved as it will be much easier and cheaper to get.

Thanks again for the info guys. I feel much better about carrying but I think the way to go is getting a proper holster first before even considering live carry at this stage, even though it seems that the standard holster is save and I have even tried pulling the trigger while it was holstered and it is impossible to do. Always better to tread on the save side with these things.
The Ruger LCP has a rather heavy DA Trigger which is practically impossible to pull accidentally, especially if you're carrying it within the included pocket holster, ergo it is perfectly safe to carry with a round in the chamber.

I've carried my LCP in my pocket with one in the chamber since the first day I got it over a year ago and have never had it go off. It's also worth mentioning that my LCP is the 10th Anniversary Limited Edition model with a lighter trigger.


So yeah, carry it your pocket (inside a pocket holster) with a round in the chamber everywhere you go and be ready for anything with confidence.
That is sweet. It looks great with the silver slide and trigger
Oh and its the original LCP not the LCPII
There is no concern with pocket carry of a loaded LCP of the original design. Use a good pocket holster like a DeSantis Nemesis, and you will be completely safe.
There was a story recently where a father and son were rough housing while the father was carrying. Son ended up dead.

Do you have a link to that story? This is the internet and it's easy to post links, otherwise, it's just hearsay.

If someone is carrying a quality manufactured, modern firearm in a quality pocket holster, they should be good. There are defective/unsafe guns, but the LCP isn't an unsafe gun. If you contend it is, please provide link to litigation proving so.
The 10th ann version doesn't have a lighter trigger. The trigger design also doesn't do anything to the trigger pull.

I don't carry one chambered. I've carried te P3AT since 2007 until the LCP came out and carried every variant except the LCPII. I would never carry the LCPII (including gen 1, gen 2, stainless, Custom, and my current hard chrome'd gen 2). I say it is completely dangerous to carry given my history with tinkering with the P3AT

I appreciate people feeling timing is everything. I look back at all the times I've need timing with a gun (never) with how often I am with my kids (all the time).

So...guess that makes me a bad gun carrier. I think it makes me smart :)

The story is no "hearsay." Do we need to live in a world where the idea of a gun killing a kid isn't possible? Not even going to google it for you.
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I pocket carry a S&W Bodyguard 380. Hammer fired, but no external hammer. Manual safety, unless you want the one with no manual safety. I carry it with a round chambered. Long trigger pull, so practice is recommended. I use a ‘sticky’ pocket holster. Only thing I’ve added are tritium night sights.
Carrying without a round in the chamber is, and always has been an acceptable method. Do what you feel comfortable with. It's going to take about 1/2 second longer to get off a shot the way you're carrying. If you've waited until that 1/2 second really matters then you're already in trouble.
Carrying without a round in the chamber is, and always has been an acceptable method. Do what you feel comfortable with. It's going to take about 1/2 second longer to get off a shot the way you're carrying. If you've waited until that 1/2 second really matters then you're already in trouble.

Assuming that you have two hands available is a dangerous assumption. Surprise attacks happen. You may be fighting someone off or struggling to defend yourself. I hope you practice racking the slide with one hand under stress.
Really? I think Wild Cat was dead on. Denial of highly possible but avoidable situations is as bad or worse than negligence.

BTW, It almost took me less time to google than to read your post. Here’s the first link that came up.

The story you linked to was about some guy who tucked a loaded gun in his waist, not in a pocket holster, BIG difference. If you don't understand the difference, ask a pro. Seriously, if you're going to criticize someone, have a clue and post a link that's relevant.

wild cat:
Do we need to live in a world where the idea of a gun killing a kid isn't possible?
I didn't question the possibility that a gun could kill a kid. Nice attempt at a straw-man argument. The OP was questioning the safety of pocket carrying an LCP, in a pocket holster, with a round in the chamber. That's a very specific scenario, if you need to construct your own straw-man argument, create your own thread.
“A gun” never killed anybody. I have loaded guns laying all around the house. Not one has tried to stand up and kill me. The key is they are laying, not lying. See the difference?
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The story you linked to was about some guy who tucked a loaded gun in his waist, not in a pocket holster, BIG difference. If you don't understand the difference, ask a pro. Seriously, if you're going to criticize someone, have a clue and post a link that's relevant.

Ok, I’ll take the criticism-not exactly the same situation. I will still maintain that I don’t think it’s a good idea to pocket carry - even in a pocket holster if you are wrestling with kids.

I carry a lot of items in my pocket. Admittedly, I do not have a pocket holster, but I would be concerned that something in a pocket-especially when wrestling could put pressure on the trigger.

In general, I do find your posts informative.
^You bring up an excellent point: When pocket carrying, you can't have anything else in your pocket! Even with a pocket holster, you can't have any other junk that can jimmy things up, and you don't want that junk in the way when/if you have to draw.

Other good point: Even though pocket carrying in a pocket holster is generally safe, maybe handing it off to mom while you roughhouse is also a good idea. In the US, we have that luxury, in S. Africa, maybe not so much. Maybe we can't find an article on the internet right now, but no one wants to be that 1st lightening strike.

I've pocket carried off/on the past year since I got my LCP II. Although I'm not roughhousing with my kids, I'm as often reminded I'm carrying after I've already picked up a way to heavy box, climbed up on the roof, slammed into this'n-that, etc. It's taken a beating and it hasn't gone off (in my pocket).
Carry it in your back jean pocket if you can. The LCP with a decent pocket holster is safe, personally I carry mine in a DesSantis.

You don't want to fend off a knife wielding criminal with one hand and have an unchambered firearm in your other hand. :eek:

En as jy moet skiet, skiet raak en skiet dood..;)
I guess I ask the esteemed group how many times they have fired a gun in a self defense situation.

If we are going to be experts on the subject, and put down others, let's back it up?

No. All modern production guns (excludes the LCPII, Kel Tec P11, CZs without the drop safety) are drop safe. If you are asking about drop safety, there you go. Answered.

If you are asking if your chance of a gun going off when chambered vs not, yes. The chance that is goes of not chambered is zero and when chambered is greater than zero.