Carrying Multiple Guns On Your Person

Ankle guns. When I'm on duty I carry one. But off duty I dont.
Why do you carry a BUG on duty?

Then ask yourself, why isn't that reason valid when I'm off duty? After all, you carry your cuffs and badge, and said that you would intervene if necessary. So if you are willing to take the same action on duty or off, shouldn't you have the same preparation?

As to why carry a second gun? Because guns are mechanical devices that can break. I bought a new gun and took it to the range to practice. I ran the popular "200 round reliability test" to determine if it would be OK to carry. The extractor broke on round 201 and the gun was down for the count. If that had been on the street and I didn't have a backup, where would that leave me.
In addition to what BobK, Glenn, and newworldCurmudgeon have already posted, if you are proficient on your support side ("weak" side seems inaccurate to me) and carry a 2nd gun on that side, you have another option if some BG with a knife or gun takes your strong side hand out of action.

I am better on my strong side, so the Commander rides there. The Bersa T380 rides on my support side. For my mundane lifestyle, two are sufficient.

I don't look for trouble and have been known to go the extra mile to avoid it. But I want to be ready to get out of trouble if it finds me. So far, I've had only one time in 45 years in which I thought I'd need to pull the trigger. The idiot threatened to "get me" at my home, and the police couldn't respond in time. If the idiot had gotten through my front door, we both would have learned whether a 20-gauge shotgun filled with #4 magnum loads is adequate for self-defense. Fortunately for us both, the idiot wasn't that idiotic.
Glenn E. Meyer wrote:
It all depends on your evaluation of risk.

garrettwc wrote:
Why do you carry a BUG on duty?

Then ask yourself, why isn't that reason valid when I'm off duty? After all, you carry your cuffs and badge, and said that you would intervene if necessary. So if you are willing to take the same action on duty or off, shouldn't you have the same preparation?

+1 to both.
first post on this forum so go easy on flames LOL

Personaly i carry 2 small pistols with 1 reload for each ( a kahr pm9 and a kel-tech p3at ) I am former LE and have 4 or 5 sets of cuffs laying arround , i find they make good gunlocks at home when the grandkid comes over , take them out never . I will not hold anyone for the police , if they show up and the a$$hat is there then they can arrest him or take him to the er and arrest him , but i will not eaver stop anyone from leaving anywhere , folks it just isnt my job anymore . Now as to why i carry two small pistols , well one i reach easily with my right hand , and one i reach easily with my left hand , all reloads are carried left front pants pocket ( ya gotta tuck em somewhere ) anyway i wont carry an auto without a reload , and i carry two so that makes two reloads ( the mag size is diff enough i dont worry about attempting to put the 9mm mag into the .380 ) just my thoughts , your mileage may well vary
Once we have SOME form of CCW here in WI, the carry "arsenal" will be simple: 1991 Compact .45 @3:30 IWB, Smith 19 in Coronado vest, maybe the Taurus 850 at 10 (set to go to either hand). Why? The Taurus is a BUG (hence available to either hand), the .45 is primary (hence location), and the Smith will be living in the vest (in case I have to run out of the house without taking time to arm, or if I'm wearing a riding jacket zipped up: the vest happens to be my "colors"). Two reloads per weapon...

Excessive? Maybe: but I'd rather have it and not need it...
You don't have to go out looking for trouble. I've found it is quite capable and ready to find you, when you least expect it. If I could predict when I might need a gun or a back-up, I'd just stay home that day. Or go buy a lottery ticket.:D It seems that every place is capable of becoming a "bad area" these days, although I know some are worse than others.

I carry a Colt Defender .45, one reload, and a J-frame for back-up. If I carry the J as primary, it has at least one reload. Guns break, guns jam, mags fail, ammo misfires, etc etc...

Handcuffing someone by yourself is dangerous at best, suicidal at worst.
Doug.38PR writes;

But just as a guess, I would say throw the handcuffs to them while holding them at gun point and telling them to put them on.

NO NO NO!!! Don't ever throw the BG a weapon.

Or cuffing them after they are down and shot to see that they can't reach for a gun while overplaying their reaction to pain.

NO NO NO!!! Unless you've been trained in cuffing techniques, you're asking to have your gun taken away and used on you.

Otherwise I would say calling the cops and holding them at gunpoint would be better

Probably the only wise thing you've ever said here.....

FWIW, I carry a full-size 1911 IWB at 4.30 with 2 spare mags, a P32 in my left front pants pocket with 1 spare mag, and a J-frame in my r/h coat pocket (when I wear a heavy coat).
I always carry multiple guns, never carry cuffs.:)

Even tho I have been trained in cuffing techniques, I will not try to cuff a person by myself. The training is the reason.

I do carry Fox OC.
One gun (Usually a 1911), three mags (one if it's the Glock), a folding knife, and a cell phone.

In this area, the police will be where I am, if I have fired a round, long before I could cuff an adversary.

I do like the ankle backup for driving, but I don't own anything small enough to ride on my ankle and not interfere with the clutch/brake pedals.
Bingo!! We have a winner, posting as KC135.

I would say the same, except that I don't always carry OC. I probably should.


P.S. The quickie post above is in no way intended to belittle the well-thought-out contribution of Glenn E. Meyer on page 1 of this thread. Anyone who actually doesn't understand why some folks carry more than one gun should go back and read his response to the original question.
I always carry a backup gun. I carry a P226R at work, with one spare mag; and a P239 with one spare off duty. I'm stuck with Sigs only for the time being due to agency policy.

My backup, on or off duty, is a S&W 642. Why a backup? Lots of reasons:

1. In a weapon retention situation, it's a lot more effective to jam the muzzle of my 642 in someone and pull the trigger than it is to try any of the multiple unarmed defense tactics I'm trained to teach

2. If my primary goes down hard (mag self destructs, double feed, etc) it's much faster to transition to my backup and keep fighting my way to cover. Once behind cover, IF THE SITUATION PERMITS, then I can work on getting the primary back into business.

3, With my P239, no matter how I hold the pistol, my thumb puts pressure on the slide release lever, meaning that 8 or 9 times out of ten I end up with a slide forward reload. It's faster to transition to the backup and keep fighting than it is to swap mags and rack the slide on the 239.

Is it a PITA to carry two all the time - not so bad. The real hard part is concealing the primary carry gun; the 642 on the ankle, in the pocket, or IWB cross draw isn't that big of an issue.

Of course, this is one man's opinion, and worth what you paid for it.

