Carrying in Waistband (No holster)

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1. I do not claim to be a gangster, claim to be involved in any gangster related activities, or hang around other gangsters. My behavior occasionally mimics one, however. I am interested in the gangster lifestyle because I occasionally look to it for guidance with such issues as cars, women, and money.

2. A full spectrum of gun owners will only help to strenghten the reputation of gun owners and not hurt it. From the redneck to the suburbanite the more people we have representing the better. It is better than just having the public identify gun owners as, "those gun nuts with a bazillion guns locked away with weird quotes on TFL."

3. I think carrying in the waistband is more suave than ripping up one's pants. Due to my small stature using a holster would mean more bulk which cannot happen. I think this issue strikes at the heart of what it means to be a gun owner because how we carry defines what kind of gun owner we are. Carrying in my waistband allows my to access my gun easily and although it has slipped down before it has never fallen. Clutching my side to prevent the gun moving while running works although it makes it obvious that I carry.

4. The fact remains this a viable method of carry that works. This has been on my mind for quite a while and I am glad that I started this thread. No doubt many people will learn from this and decide for themselves what they want to do.

5. Thank you SAWBONES and Walter. I knew that there were some others out there.

6. I will carry until the day I die whether it is legal or illegal.
6. I will carry until the day I die whether it is legal or illegal.

I have to say that IF and only IF you are responding to a certain threat that exists in certain areas of certain neiborhoods, then I agree with the idea to protect yourself and your loved ones by whatever means neccesary. HOWEVER!!! Do some research on those certain areas and the amount of jail time involved in doing what you stated above.

I thought long and hard about "my" certain areas of certain neighborhoods that I frequented and the laws that governed them. It was enough to make me move into safer certain areas where the law that governs says I can carry legally and not visiting those certain areas anymore where the law said I couldn't. That said, having lived in or near those certain areas for some length of time, the idea that its "every man for himself" was sometimes evident in the response times of the local LE community.

Just remember that it's quite difficult to protect yourself (or your family for that matter) on the "inside" with out a weapon... ;)
My behavior occasionally mimics one, however. I am interested in the gangster lifestyle because I occasionally look to it for guidance with such issues as cars, women, and money.

If it looks like a rabbit, and acts like a rabbit; chances are its a rabbit.

And why of God's green earth would you want to look to a gang banger for advice?!?!? Cause their life is going so well? (maybe it looks like that for a couple of months; maybe years at best); but it will end up either in jail or dead. The only way out of a gang banger lifestyle is either in hand cuffs or a body bag.

You think this little bit of irreverent gallows humor couldn't offend some or portray a shoot em all cowboy attitude

FYI that's a police motto; is there something wrong with a police image????

And do you have something against a General that successfully defended your freedom?? Patton fought hard, and Patton got the job done. It's because of Patton that you aren't reading this in German.
Shoving a loaded gun in your pants without the benefit of a holster is just a bad idea on so many levels. But hey, it's your nads and your arse.:rolleyes:
re "Mexican Carry"

Yeah you can carry that way but just remember that gravity wins. You may find yourself picking up your piece from the floor of Wally- World after it slid down your pant leg. :eek: My Glock 27 has a trigger pull of 5.5 lbs from the factory would I carry this Mexican style NOOO! Get a good holster.
in all seriousness i knew a guy who carried like that. he has no penis scrotum or testicles and severe damage to his left hip and thigh.

how will this help your gangster lifestyle with the wemen. yo yo i think it would kill it yo. right. peace out
I think we've about gotten all we're going to get out of this one. It started off with a question about waistband carry.


Can you? Yep.
Should you? Nope.

Then we devolved into gangsta stuff and a debate over sig lines.

Closed for obvious reasons.
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