Carrying in "Nice Neighborhoods."

Do you still carry in a "nice neighborhood"?

You know, the people that often feel the most victimized by a crime are those who felt the safest before the crime, especially those who felt they were safe because of the neighborhood in which they lived or worked.
Do you expect thieves to rob poor people?
They don't have anything worth taking.

As Willy Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks. "Because that's where the money is"

I'm one of those guys that picks and chooses where I'm going to carry. On this forum, I know it'll sound like I'm the odd man out. But, in general, I'd bet most folks who carry don't carry a gun all of the time.

For me, it's simply a matter of convenience. I will admit that there has been at least one time when I wasn't carrying when I suddenly discovered that I wish I had been. Fortunately, everything turned out ok - I was able to discretely access my gun fast enough and it turns out that I difused the situation to where I didn't need it at all.

Life is full of risks and choices. Whether you carry at all, some times or all of the time - it's your choice. I just want it to be known that I (and probably a large number of gun owners) don't think someone is "wrong" by choosing when and where to carry a gun.
I'm one of those guys that picks and chooses where I'm going to carry. On this forum, I know it'll sound like I'm the odd man out. But, in general, I'd bet most folks who carry don't carry a gun all of the time.

You're probably right. As most gun toters aren't members of gun forums either. Sadly most don't get any training beyond their permit either.

No such thing as a nice neighborhood. Unless you are in Fort Knox - what's nice? Congresswoman Gifford was in a nice neighbhorhood. The Petits were in a nice neighborhood. My most scary time was going to an upscale cello concert.
We are in a nice neighborhood.....

Last summer my girlfriend came home from work and the streets were blocked off since someone pulled over jumped from his car with a gun and was running thru the area. The cops never told anyone, she called me on her cell phone to say she would be 1/2 late or so. We did not own anything at the time so I could only sit there and try to call the neighbors to warn them.
No area is a "unaffected area".
Everyone pretty much summed it up. No one is safe in any location at any given time. Better to be prepared for your life than not to be. Once I did not have my firearm on me when I went into a convenient store and some shady people walked in. I was with my girl and usually I think steps through to protect her and myself, play it over in my head just in case. I though she was going to stay in the car (where I leave the G22 or 1911 by her side with the car locked I run in and get the snacks for our home movie and that's it) but she came down as I go out. COMPLETELY slipped my mind and wasn't thinking about doubling back to grab my gun tuck it in and go. There were people standing in front of my car. It was at night 7-11. So anyways, inside and played the scene in my head the "what if scenarios" only to realize., what if? I felt so naked that one time. Had something happened to her I'd never live myself and had something happened to me. My pops would have thought he taught me better.

It may sound dramatic but if you've been there you know that feeling right?

Anyways nothing happened. And there are times my martial arts really cannot save me. That time felt like it. Miami folks carry guns legally and illegally. Even the dirt bags.
Young man was killed at the gas station I fill up at all of the time. Next to my very nice neighborhood. He wasn't a gang banger, drug dealer or anything else. They just wanted the money he was carrying. In the last six weeks I believe we have had three shootings in town. Now that is on the northside and I live on the south side. About 7 miles away. (Big distance.) I believe those were drug related. We live between two major cities and get a lot of trash moving their "stuff" around. I don't want to be caught in some stupid cross fire at Wally world and not be able to defend myself just because I am in a nice area of town.

Carry everywhere you can. Heck, I have a pistol very close to me right now on the computer.

Just sayin'
But I had a very naive person tell me theres no need to carry in "nice areas."
You answered your own question by saying the person who told you that you do not need to carry in "nice neighborhoods" is naive.

All the best,
I live in a nice neighborhood, not really actually, I live in the country and don't even have a key to my house. But I still carry. Came out of the shop one night and shot a fox getting my chickens, more then once I've had to dispatch rattlers in my yards, last fall shot one under my back steps.
Nice Neighborhood

I also grew up in a fairly nice neighborhood in Las Vegas during the 70s. It was middle class and outside of the casino areas. Before we moved, we experienced three attempted burglaries. Someone was home during each of the three attempts and fortunately was armed. No one was ever injured but you can be sure that my parents carried all of the time.

As others have said, the criminals know where to shop.
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A paragraph from Marko Kloos

There are people in this world to whom you’re not a human being. They don’t want to be respected by you. They don’t care about you–they’re not even really aware of you. They only care about the food you represent, the money that’s in your pocket. You’re not a person to them, but an obstacle. You’re just in the way of the reward, like a wrapper around a candy bar, and these people are willing to discard you just like that wrapper in order to get what they want.

Now, with the unwitting help of Henry Ford, those people can get nearly any where at any time. They can also get away before the cops can arive. The best thing to do is, make sure that you are ready to face them where ever they decide to show up.