Carrying in "Nice Neighborhoods."


New member
So this is a big question I've always had.
I have 3 years until I turn 21 and can use my concealed carry.
(Even then, I'll be in the Air Force, and no CC is allowed on any base.)
But if you're in a "nice neighborhood" do you still carry?
I know that bad people are everywhere.
But I had a very naive person tell me theres no need to carry in "nice areas."
I strongly disagree because bad things happen all over.
What do you all think about this subject?
heck I carry at church. I work on an army base so the only time I'm out of arms reach of a gun is on the drive to work until I draw my weapons and then from turn-in until I get home.

if I knew when and where I was going to need a gun I just wouldn't show up!
Just because "nice" people live in an area does not mean that no "bad" people will be there. If you plan to carry then carry, don 't assume that just because you are in a "good" neighborhood that nothing can happen because you never know. When i was growing up (in a "bad" neighborhood) all the nice bikes were in the "good" neighborhoods surrounding us. Needless to say that there were "bad" kids going over there to steal bikes, break into houses and cars, etc etc etc... Always remember that the bad guys know where to go to get the nice things... The nice neighborhoods
Btw i never participated in those activities. I just watched the dumb kids get in trouble and laughed at them
Have you ever noticed the nice areas are never to far from the bad areas say within 15-20 minutes at the most.Also the BG living in the ghetto knows where the nice areas are and that there are fatter wallets there. I have to wander what makes a person think a nice area is less of a tatget for a BG rather than a sweeter target. My awnser is deffinatly there is a need to carry in a nice area the BG's dont exactly make a reservation to come to your area.
I live in a nice neighborhood. Unfortunately I must leave it to go to work, shop, go to resturaunts, ect...

I probably have neighbors that aren't nice people. The price of a house does does not determine the quality of a person. I have also found that bad people come into my neighborhood. So I carry.

I carry all the time. Sounds like you're head is in the right place. Try to educate that potential victim. If you can't, at least you did your job and tried.
Be Prepared

I would always carry whenever possible. Would you leave the first aid kit, extra water, and emergency blankets home if you went for a day hike? No, you would go prepared "just in case." Same goes for carrying a gun, right? Thats my two cents.
I live in a "nice neighborhood" and I carry in my house, when I'm running the snow blower, when I mow the grass.....

its on the toilet tank when I shower.

you see a pattern developing here?

I hope your naive person never needs a gun in a nice neighborhood.
Many times I've seen the tv news about a serious crime. A neighbor says 'nothing like that has ever happened here before' .If you research it you will find a list of gun attacks in churches ,schools ,nice neighborhoods ,even gated communities [where drug dealers live as they think it's safer !]
My life style incorporates CCW. I don't care what neighborhood I'm in. Could get a little silly arming yourself for "bad" neighborhoods, disarming for "good" ones, rearming for bad sectioins of town, disarming for good ones, arming at night while in town, but not during the day unless you happen to be in another nauseum.:cool:
Nice areas still have crime.
Churches still have crime
Everywhere has crime.
No safe place exists, no matter how secure. If it did, why are there armed guards on the inside of the pentagon?

I carry every where I'm legally allowed to. That includes nice areas.
Your location says you're from Virginia, as am I. The Mexican drug gang Zetas were recently found to be operating a commercially significant marijuana growing operation . . . in Richmond County (pop. about 3,000). Various nasty gangs are in operation throughout the Commonwealth, including in one of the richest counties in the nation (Fairfax). Hell, they're bleeding westward, too.

Criminals don't observe that yellow line on the road saying, "nice neighborhood."

Wait 'til you're legal (please, trust me on this), and then carry where legal. And don't be in too much of a hurry. Until you have the self-mastery to use a weapon when you should, and walk away when you shouldn't, you don't need a firearm.

Please understand, I don't mean to say you aren't there already, but I certainly wasn't.
That grocery store in Tucson was in a nice neighborhood. VA Tech. was in a nice neighborhood. Lubby's cafteria in Kileen Texas was in a nice neighborhood. When the martians invade earth, they'll likely land in a nice neighborhood.
Mr. James, no offence taken at all.
I train quite often with pistols. (Not mine)
I practice using a G19 G23, using a holster.
And I'm also leaving for basic training for the AF in a few months.
I cant ccw on base, but once I'm off base I can.
I will ccw whenever I can, both while I am in the military, and once out.
Carrying in "nice neighborhoods"

I live in a neighborhood that could have come straight out of the set of "Leave it to Beaver", updated for 2010. It's full of single-family homes, most of them older and surrounded by mature trees and nice, but not overly manicured, lawns that frequently have children's toys scattered on them, with or without children, and dogs. (Can't forget the dogs.) There are three schools -- a public elementary school, private elementary school, and public high school -- within a mile of my house. There's a working small farm/ranch about a half mile away. There's a park next door, and a half dozen within the neighborhood. People fish in the nearby river. Most of the neighbors know at least their immediate neighbors, and frequently the people on the next block. My husband and I moved here two years ago, and are still the newcomers.

The "Stop Crime" web site shows exactly one crime reported in this neighborhood -- in the past *five* years. That crime was a residential burglary during the work day. No violence was involved. However, this lovely, peaceful, crime-free neighborhood is less than two miles from a downtown core that has one of the highest violent crime rates of any city in this class. "Stop Crime" reports a couple dozen crimes, seven involving violence, in that area in the past *week*.

I carry any time I leave the house unless I am going to a place where carry is illegal. Then I carry the most effective self defense tools that are legal, and plan my activities to minimize the time I spend without my preferred self defense method -- a small handgun.

This isn't because I live in fear of crime. If I actually felt unsafe where I live, I'd move. :-) But there is no place that is 100% safe all the time. Since I would probably not carry often if I allowed myself to leave the house without my carry gun, I simply don't do that except when I must. It's one way to be sure that, when the unexpected violence happens, I'm prepared.
If I felt that I was going to need my gun I wouldn't go to that place.

Hence I carry everywhere legally allowed. I learned a long time ago, bad things happen to good people in the nicest of places.

Just saw a new flash (ok, I didn't, but I'll make the point, anyway:D).

Criminals have been know to seek out "nice" neigborhoods because certain crimes are more productive there. :cool: