Carrying in a public restroom


New member
This morning, for the first time since I started carrying, I had to use the stall in a public restroom. I usually try to avoid that, regards dless of carry condition, just because of some slight germ paranoia, but sometimes there's just no choice. I could not figure out what to do with my gun! Didn't want to leave it on the waistband, since that was down below the wall of the stall and visible/accessible to whoever might go in there, but also didn't want to take it out of the holster and set it somewhere where I might absentmindedly leave it (not likely, buy why take the chance?). What do you more experienced CC folks do in that situation?:confused:
Keeping it in the holster is your best bet...( don't set the gun alone / or gun in holster on a paper holder, or tank top, or something where it might fall on floor ). If I think the holster will be seen from outside the stall ...when my pants are down.. you can kind of roll the top of the pants over a little so its more inside.

If I'm wearing a vest or a jacket...I will remove it ( with or without holster ) and zip it into a pocket of the vest or jacket - and hang the jacket on a hook - that is usually available.

Worst case ...set it on floor in holster - cover it with paper...

( most folks are not going to look under the walls of the stall...
Pretty much... don't lower your pants so far. I hate public restrooms. I would probably shift the gun to a jacket pocket temporarily until my business was completed and then adjust. You really don't want you carry gun falling out of the holster onto the floor in a public place or being easily accessible to somebody else.
Didn't want to leave it on the waistband, since that was down below the wall of the stall and visible/accessible to whoever might go in there, but also didn't want to take it out of the holster and set it somewhere where I might absentmindedly leave it (not likely, buy why take the chance?).

I'd recommend never removing the gun and/or holster from your waist.

In my CCW class, the instructor who was a retired LE officer was telling us a story about a police officer in an adjacent city who had to use a restroom at a public park. She removed her service pistol and put it on top of the toilet.

While on the toilet, she received a call about a bank robbery (I think?) and she rushed to the scene (being the closest unit). As she attempted to draw her pistol, she realized it wasn't there. After another unit showed up, she returned to the bathroom to find the pistol gone.

A child found and accidentally killed themselves with her service pistol. :(
I have never thought about this. Dropping a deuce in public is something I don't like to do either. It will probably come up now that you planted the seed, THANKS. I am thinking tucking under the arm till I take the throne. If I have my 380, no biggie, as I pocket carry the mighty 380. IWB a Glock is another story.
I seem to remember a story from a magazine (shooting times?) where an undercover cop hung his (safety off) 1911 on the coat hook on the stall door. Mr 1911 (must have had a deactivated grip safety) while being hung on the hook had the trigger pushed! If you can beleive what you read, the gun almost emtied itself rocking and rolling on the coat hook! If true, I'm not sure where the bigger mess would have been, the ceiling/walls or the pot!
My AIWB holster tends to flop over when my belt is loose. It's a good holster, and my Shield stays put,but there's a yuck factor with the grip in contact with the floor of the toilet. Recently I've been locking the stall and transferring the holstered weapon to my emptied front pocket. Keeps it hidden, under control, and clean. I'd have to do something else if I were carrying a larger weapon, but I'm happy with the Shield.
I read an account of a Cop who put his M1911 on the coat hook in the stall. Somehow, the safety was off. When he went to retrieve the pistol, he managed to bump the trigger against the coat hook, which caused the pistol to discharge. Because the pistol recoiled back and forth on the coat hook, all seven rounds went off in the lavatory.

No one was killed from what I read. Reputations may have been destroyed, or made, from this incident. Either way, don't get known for being the guy who shot up the men's room.
A solution for me has been making the appropriate length loop out of a shoestring. Then slipping one end of the loop in the trigger guard, the other end through that smaller loop, and then over my head and hang from my neck. I keep the string in my pocket looped to my key ring. (Sometimes gets in the way but more than makes up for the hassle if it's needed.)
I pull my IWB holster with the G30 out and place it in the crouch of my pants after I lower them. It is a safe place off the floor and I will not forget it for obvious reasons. Pulling my pants up after I read a few threads on here I hold the holster and pull up my pants. Been doing it for years that way. I wish I could just leave the hole thing in place, but I don't like the gun flopping back when I lower my pants.
Big Mikey,
I travel a lot and when I do I wear it ITW(Uncle Mike). When I have to use a Public facility I
take the gun and holster and when I lower my pants I place it inside the pant leg and that way no one can see it and you can get to it in a hurry. Sorry, can't be any more graphic than that.
No one has ever seen it nor have I ever forgot it.
Hang it on the hook on the back of the door. As all know, guns do not go off by themselves. I have to throw the BS flag on the 1911 story. None of the guns I have put on the hook have ever gone off by themselves. :eek:

One task force I was part of with the S.O. was at an off site location. So many cops kept forgetting their guns in the can that gun rug cases were installed on the back of all the toilet doors.
Lay it in the crotch area of your pants...

This is one reason I wear a holster that can be easily unsnapped from my belt and reattached as easily.

Holster & gun come off the belt together. Do NOT unholster the gun, there's no reason to unholster the gun and good reasons to leave it holstered.

Pants come down and the gun/holster goes in the seat of the pants. Don't set the gun/holster down where it will be difficult to access or where it could be forgotten.

Underwear comes down over the gun/holster to provide a little extra concealment in case someone peeks in the stall.

Reverse the procedure when you're done.

Might be worthwhile to carry one of those single-use antibiotic hand-wipes if you are averse to handling your gun/holster before you can wash your hands. Of course, it would be typical to handle one's belt/clothing/etc. in the stall before getting to the sink, so maybe that's overthinking things. But I'll bet if I left that step out, someone would surely point out the lack of sanitary considerations in the procedure...
I normally pocket carry so it is not a major issue. If I carry IWB, I remove the gun and tuck it under my arm. I sure as heck am not placing anything on the floor in a public restroom. Most guys in a public restroom have pretty bad aim. :eek: