Carrying different weapons

As alluded to by most, I carry a variety of different guns depending on the circumstances. And while I feel pretty confident in my abilities with respect to each, I have experienced the momentary confusion with regard to controls that can occur in a sudden emergency. We all think we're real smart and well trained, but I'd venture to say that when there's about a gallon of adrenalin coursing through your system it could be a different story.

So.....anymore I almost invariably carry either a cocked and locked 1911, or a revolver or semi-auto with a double-action first shot. In the case of the semi, I never use the safety, keep one in the chamber and rely on the DA feature.
(For what it's worth)....after 40 years of experience I would coach the same by teaching skills through repitition.Certainly we all don't all learn the same or are at the same intelligence level but when the game is on the line and I have done my job properly my teams will beat you most of the time because they learned and will react from repitition of concepts, correctly taught,under stress.

I really hate to say this hotntot12, but so will my pup. :) What in hell are you guys training for, WWlll? :confused: Man, I'm old and my wife will tell you kinda senile, but I always know which gun I'm carrying, how to use it, and I don't lose any sleep over it. Having said that, I probably will begin to sweat it if a rifle team decends upon me and opens fire.. ;)