Carrying concealed means "concealed"

I thought I was doing a good job at keeping covered with my Ruger SR9c until my neighbor told me that he could tell I was armed by looking at me from behind. Probably 75% of concealed weapons can be seen if you know what to look for. Lately I have been carrying a Ruger SP101. The rounded handle from the Hogue grip helps. Standing in front of a mirror is not the same as moving in real life.
I don't wear advertizement shirts. If you ever are in a situation where you use your firearm, The bad guy or their relative might take you to civil court and use your shirt to strip you of all your possessions. They would say you were just itching for a chance to blast someone whether or not they really needed it. A jury may agree with them. Without the shirt, they wouldn't have much of a case. "Kill them all and let God sort them out" is especially not a good shirt to wear.
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In AR, OC is currently "in flux," for lack of a better description. That said, I don't OC, except on very rare occasions (out on someone's farm, for example). I do wear my NRA hat from time to time, and I do own one of those "Keep Calm and Carry Guns" t-shirts. I just got it a couple of weeks ago, so I haven't worn it in public. Truth be told, the only public place I do plan to wear it is to the gun show.
I recently bought a shoulder holster, to use when I just need to go pick up my wife or drop her and the kids off, no need for me to get out of the vehicle so I'd rather not change out of my shorts into pants. And since my apartment has no real exposure to any of my neighbors unless they are in their yards, I don't need any concealing garments.
Two weeks ago, the youngest of my stepkids, 8 yrs old, asked me 'Why do you carry your gun everywhere?' I gave the usual answer "Because I want to protect those whom I love". I waited a day or two to ask her if my carrying bothered her, and it turns out it does. Her reason: "Someone might hurt you because they can see your gun."

Not a lot of 8 yr olds can correctly arrive at that possible outcome. Sure, they can predict what will happen if they deliberately disobey, or misbehave, but this is different. And for her, I promised not to carry openly.
When I read the OP, despite the inflamatory language, I think the biggest part I contend with is the idea of advertising gun possession while carrying concealed appears to be a contradiction. If the purpose of concealing a weapon is to appear as though you don't have a weapon, why wear a shirt that works against that purpose?
When I read the OP, despite the inflamatory language, I think the biggest part I contend with is the idea of advertising gun possession while carrying concealed appears to be a contradiction. If the purpose of concealing a weapon is to appear as though you don't have a weapon, why wear a shirt that works against that purpose?

I think that depends on the individual. Some people carry concealed because that's their only option due to some state laws and city ordinances. I personally think advertisement of guns and the gun culture [as long as it's done respectfully] is what we need to help keep public opinion on our side. We live in a time when marketing is everything.