Carrying a BUG for sig others...


New member
OK, got a few questions, and I wanna see what some of you guys think.

My fiance is a KY resident. I live just across the Ohio in IN, and we plan on living on the yankee side once we get married. She plans on carrying, and has decided to wait until moving to Indiana to get het License to Carry a Handgun, rather than get a Kentuck CCW and have to get the LTCH right after.

My first question is this: when I am out with her, I generally carry a primary and a BUG. I always tell her where my BUG is, in case we end up in a situation where they are needed. Do any of you guys carry a BUG for a significant other who, for whatever reason, doesn't carry?

My second is this: We are getting ready to make a trip from IN/KY to Alabama to visit my family. Again, trying to anticipate the worst, I plan on having 4 handguns with me: My primary and BUG (probably a S&W J frame .38 IWB plus 2 speed strips and a Kahr 9mm w/ a spare mag on my ankle or IWB as well, a SHTF pistol (in my case a CZ-75 w/ 3 mags fully loaded), and a small .32 in the glove box (probably the one from my collection that my fiance has decided will be her carry gun- Beretta Tomcat) with an extra mag. Any suggestions in terms of different placements, etc? I don't have that many SD weapons (and I am faily generous is my listing a weapon as a SD weapon) other than what I am listing- I do have a CZ-70 (.32ACP), and a Smith I frame (50's ish, .32 long) that I could feel OK with using for SD.

Any thoughts are appreciated...
Couple of things. Carrying a spare for your S.O. may or may not be such a good idea. What do the concerned States have to say about a non-licensed person using a firearm. She may be in violation of the law the minute she puts a gun in her hand. Something to think about. Other than that detail, it appears to me that you should be well enough armed to start a small war. If you think that you are going to need all that fire power, I would either change my planned route, bring a shotgun or two, or better yet, stay home.
I fully understand that it is always better to ere on the side of caution, but I think you are going way overboard.
This, of course, is just my opinion. Yours probably differs, but that's the way things generally are.
Whatever you decide, Merry Christmas, and a Healthy New Year
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It appears to me that you should be well enough armed to start a small war. If you think that you are going to need all that fire power, I would either change my planned route, bring a shotgun or two, or better yet, stay home.
I fully understand that it is always better to ere on the side of caution, but I think you are going way overboard.
This, of course, is just my opinion. Yours probably differs, but that's the way things generally are.
Whatever you decide, Merry Christmas, and a Healthy New Year

Definitely not planning on needing them, and the only long guns I own are a .22 and a M-N m44. I am more of a "better to have it and not need it" kind of guy. As to being starting a small war, that may be true, but again, half of all the rounds I carry will be locked in my trunk. (15 rds for the revolver, 14 for the BUG, and 15 for the glove box, compared to 47 in the trunk). Thats including all my reloads and +1's in the chambers, and that's between two people. If I was making the trip on my own (like I did earlier this month), I would drop the glove box gun, but I want to make sure my fiance has access to something quickly if needed, without putting her in legal jepordy for having a gun without a licensed.

This will all be so much easier once she gets her LTCH....
Couple of things. Carrying a spare for your S.O. may or may not be such a good idea. What do the concerned States have to say about a non-licensed person using a firearm. She may be in violation of the law the minute she puts a gun in her hand. Something to think about. Other than that detail, it appears to me that you should be well enough armed to start a small war. If you think that you are going to need all that fire power, I would either change my planned route, bring a shotgun or two, or better yet, stay home.
I fully understand that it is always better to ere on the side of caution, but I think you are going way overboard.

Thanks, I hadn't thought of the legal question. Time for research. I appreciate your input, and sorry if i seemed dismissive in my above post- not my intention.

EDIT: From a little preliminary looking, it seems like her legitimate use of my firearm would be covered under respective self defense statutes. I think Yankee makes a good point, and I will probably leave the glove box gun at home. That leaves me w/ 2 in the car, plus the shtf gun in the trunk. Probably more than I would possibly need, which is always good.
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Sounds pretty paranoid to me:rolleyes: I don't even carry that many guns on the job! Unless you are out looking for trouble, one does not need a gun in every orifice of the body. :)
There is no need to call the guy paranoid.

If I'm going on road trip and my destination allow me to have my guns, I'll usually take more than one. In fact, on a recent trip to Floyd County (The Capital of Bluegrass) I took with me the following guns...

- My EDC
- A larger revolver/caliber for the woods
- A mid sized semi auto for the car
- My usual night stand gun.

Of course I had to have the EDC but I hate holstering and unholstering every time I had to get out of the car. With the car gun, I could just leave it in the center console and leave the EDC on me. Floyd County is known for its bear so I figured I'd bring my trusty Ruger SA. Lastly, since I was bringing all the others, I figured I'd bring my night stand gun and really make it feel like home.

The above is not the norm for me but it illustrates how one can get a little excited when packing guns. FWIW, I did not pack any with the intention of arming my wife or any other person.

I carry multiples also so do not listen to the un-enlightened when they call you paranoid. Carry what you carry, what you do not have "physical control" of should be secured. What are the laws concerning multiple pistols where you live and or are traveling? Some states only allow 1 ccw pistol.
I was driving through Alabama one night and found myself with blue lights following me. So, I pulled over to the side of the road and (not knowing the local protocol) waited for the cop to approach. He came up and asked me to step to the back of the car. I opened the door, got out, and showed him my wallet badge. He relaxed a little bit.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"Not a clue, brother. Just trying to get across this state" I handed him my driver's license.

"Do you have any guns in the car?"

"Yeah, about half a dozen. We've been doing some hunting in Florida. Heading home. Oh! Plus the one in my pocket."

He just chuckled and shook his head, handed my license back to me, and told me to slow down. I promised him I'd watch my speed until I cleared his county.
Do any of you guys carry a BUG for a significant other who, for whatever reason, doesn't carry?

No. My wife has a license but doesn't use it. I think she got it to maneuver me into getting one.

I plan on having 4 handguns with me . . . . Any suggestions in terms of different placements, etc?

Locked in the trunk sounds good to me. I don't see how you can carry them all let alone use them all. And it would be a shame if someone knocked out a window and stole them. Also, no matter what state you are in, the is a federal law that says you can transport a firearm - I think if it is in a case, unloaded and in the trunk. But you need to check it out.
There is no need to call the guy paranoid.

There are times when a back up makes good sense, I carried one to work daily for 27 years. Yet taking four handguns on a trip to meet the potential in-laws is a little over the top. If I had a potential S.I.L. show up with one gun ok, two guns maybe, but more than two and I gotta rethink if I want him as part of my family.
check the laws of the in between areas. handguns are slightly less friendly in some.

just an example, in the DNR regs for 2012, its illegal for an out of state resident to have possession of a handgun in michigan. unless they have a chl in their homestate that is accepted by michigan.

and doesnt interstate transport require the guns not on your person be unloaded and stored in the trunk..
When I travel with my wife or by myself, I only carry what I can have on me as much as possible. So far that has meant a single gun for road trips. I don't like leaving guns in my car or in other people's houses if possible. I may start carrying a reload though, friend took a shot at a raccoon on a farm so I only had 4 rounds for a few days (could have bought some)
Nothing wrong with carrying a BUG. However, if something goes down and you need to arm someone else, I think the last legal worry on your mind will be arming someone unlicensed. You are going to be dealing with the aftermath of shooting another person. That's going to steal the limelight away from any lesser concerns. You also would probably rather increase your odds of survival than avoid a comparatively minor crime. And you could always need the BUG yourself.

I would recommend a revolver or other DAO pistol for this purpose. It may not be your SO you are arming, it could be a stranger. You want something that pulling the trigger is all you need to do, in case the person is not familiar with guns beyond what they see on TV.
When we travel to PA from VT.......

We carry the two cheapest handguns we own. Two charter revolvers and 3 speed loaders for me two strips for her. We have to travel through unfriendly NY state. What we are doing is leagle as we have no intention of staying the night in NY however if something were to get confiscated etc I wouldn't mind as much with these two.

I typically have a bug of some sort during my daily activities. Normally mine is in the form of a dedicated truck gun.

Regards, Vermonter
I imagine you already made your trip but I will throw in my $0.02 anyway.

Do any of you guys carry a BUG for a significant other who, for whatever reason, doesn't carry?

Mine does so this is a non-starter for me. When my previous SO did not carry the answer was also no because she was not interested in guns at all. Since she did not want one there was no point in me having one for her. Being untrained in use it might have been dangerous.

My second is this: We are getting ready to make a trip from IN/KY to Alabama to visit my family. Again, trying to anticipate the worst, I plan on having 4 handguns with me: My primary and BUG (probably a S&W J frame .38 IWB plus 2 speed strips and a Kahr 9mm w/ a spare mag on my ankle or IWB as well, a SHTF pistol (in my case a CZ-75 w/ 3 mags fully loaded), and a small .32 in the glove box (probably the one from my collection that my fiance has decided will be her carry gun- Beretta Tomcat) with an extra mag. Any suggestions in terms of different placements, etc?

That is a lot of handguns for 1/2 people. One of them is in a marginal caliber with a short barrel too. Unless you are the "Mariachi" I can't see how you would possibly need and use all of them and get to them in time to use them. It must be difficult to walk with all that ammo strapped to your leg? I would carry either the Kahr or the J Frame and then follow up with a long gun of some sort (either a CFR or SG) in the trunk. I would take the reloads off the hard to reach places and put them some where easy to reach like the belt line.

In a worst case scenario a long gun in the trunk will serve you better than any three extra hand guns (and reloads) you can think of that you need to secure. An AR with one or two magazines will give you many more options and be much more useful. The SO could use it too if need be.
Alabama Shooter said:
That is a lot of handguns for 1/2 people. One of them is in a marginal caliber with a short barrel too. Unless you are the "Mariachi" I can't see how you would possibly need and use all of them and get to them in time to use them. It must be difficult to walk with all that ammo strapped to your leg? I would carry either the Kahr or the J Frame and then follow up with a long gun of some sort (either a CFR or SG) in the trunk. I would take the reloads off the hard to reach places and put them some where easy to reach like the belt line.

Really. Do what you want, but this is absurd. If you're primaries aren't working, you're calling upon a secondary, tertiary and quaternary firearm? You'll be dead by then. And if you fiance doesn't carry, how do you suppose you're going to pass this weapon to your lovely prospective bride when she's under fire? Carry a BUG if you want. Talk the missus into carrying a primary and BUG if she wants (key word: "she"). But don't for a moment think you can wade into battle with four guns of different operation and caliber, and umpteen magazines for same, and simply pass one over to your lovely bride. And then another!