I don't think it was such an idiotic question, although it needs qualifying. First, it should be obvious that one is not in danger absolutly everywhere and the whatever danger there is is relative. However, everyone has their own problems and their own solutions. The best thing I ever read on the subject appeared in an issue of gun world several years ago. There was an article about the Para-ordnance pistol before they started making complete guns, so that tells you how long ago it was.
The author of the article was a hunting and fishing guide in Florida, which is wet in places. It is also full of dangerous critters, probably more dangerous than mountain lions and certainly more dangerous than all those packs of feral dogs (and cats) that are referred to frequently around here. I've never seen the first feral dog but I have seen alligators (in Florida). His solution was an S&W Model 66 revolver with a 2 1/2-inch barrel. His reasoning was that he could carry at the same time a variety of loads for whatever might stick its head out of the water. There are snakes there, too. His recommendations was shot cartridges for the snakes, except in the water, where the shot cartridges just didn't work. For that, he used wadcutters. For everything else, 125-grain magnums. He was happy.