I conceal carry whenever out of the house, except at work due to their rules and me liking my job/income. I rarely ever use a holster. Sometimes I use an outside the waistband holster for Sig P239 or S&W J Frame, if it is cold enough to wear a chamois shirt or canvas shirt over it to hide it. Mostly, winter/summer, I use a belt pack that clips onto my actual pants belt, (not a pack with its own straps). Nobody's ever, ever asked what is in the belt pack, and I don't much care if they know intuitively what I've got that pack on my belt for. I used to worry about it, a bit, but then one day I went to NJ (notorious anti-gun state) to go hiking and exploring old RR tunnels, bridges, etc, and I used my belt pack for the camera, cell phone, and paper/pen. Not one person asked me all day long what that belt pack was about, so now I feel a lot less insecure about carrying my guns around with me in PA (where I live and have a concealed carry license) than I did before my NJ experiences. Anyway, I'm one of those people who HAS to have his shirt tucked in, even t-shirts with shorts. And, I hate stuff touching me, (I cut the tags out of my t-shirts, etc, yes, even out of underpants), so the idea of an IWB holster is just horrific for me. I've tried several and can't leave the house with one on. On the other hand, I am quite comfortable putting my P239 into my pants with the grip holding it at the belt line without a holster. I frequently walk the dog like that. Is it safe? I guess so. Oh, I know. You guess not. Right. You guess. I guess. We're all guessing. Oh, no. You KNOW it is NOT safe. Whatever. "You guess" is more accurate, but "you admit it" aint gonna happen, right? Whatever. I think I'm going to just buy the Clip-draw thingie and be done with it.