Care to help a highschooler?

If you wish, e-mail it to me and I'll put it up so TFL can see it.
My advice (having written alot)....get into it and don't think of it as a chore, you will learn an awful lot about politics, history, culture and human nature just on this topic and you will be enriched regardless of how your final beliefs are.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Poz, you actually do have me vibrating with excitement - it is always a pleasure to meet a young person who truly thinks about his / her world.

Chink has now taught me (way too late, I might add) a much more creative way to fill a term paper. And, Rich and Grayfox may have doomed this board forever (as well as my limited self-restraint) by exposing the 'no crap limit' of TFL. ;)

Everyone else has essentially answered your question. But, I look at this very simply - CCW laws are like locks - they're for honest people. Criminals don't give a tinker's damn if you tell them not to carry a gun, or if you lock your home / car. That's why we call them criminals!!! Lord! It seems soooooo obvious.

CCW laws simply allow law-abiding individuals to carry firearms for self-defense. Are they all law-abiding? No - see for a very biased look at this issue. The VPC makes their mistake / lie by not telling us the proportion of Texans with CCW's who commit crimes, versus those without CCW's who commit crimes.

In Arizona, the Department of Public Safety (our state troopers) rep's tell me they like the CCW law - they administer our program. And, we just had a CCW-holder capture one of the BG's who assassinated an LEO in Phoenix, right on the spot.

When people argue against CCW, listen closely. I find the arguments inevitably degenerate into emotion - not logic.