Care to help a highschooler?


New member
Well first off a little preamble.

I'm a junior in highschool, in the course of my APLanguage and Composition class, we are assigned a rather largish (elephantine in proportion) paper. The paper is based upon answering a question. My question is as such: Should my state (NE) allow CCW permits?

After lurking on here for quite some time i finally have something to contribute... a question, i can tell you're all vibrating with excitment.

But... i digress.
What do all of you knowledgeable people think? I'll assume the majority or indeed possibly the entireity will say yes. However i can't really fill 30 pages with the word yes repeated endlessly. So back to my question. Are there any particular books/web sites/ personal diatribes that Y'all (shudder) could direct me to/mount your soapbox?

Thanks in advance
Go to my website

You'll have most of the material you'll need....if you want more then go to the bottom and cruise thru the RKBA webring.

Keep in mind this underlying concept: CCW allows the means to defend oneself and others. The lack of CCW deprives that...and all the laws in this country DO NOT give you defense...the law kicks in after an incident occurs. Crime is down in CCW states because criminals like docile and unarmed victims.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If you can find it, get your hands on the landmark study by Lott and Mustard, University of Chicago professors, regarding CCW and the corresponding reduction in violent crime. The study was extensive and objective. Perhaps DC knows where to find it.

Also the Kleck study is very helpfull. I tried finding the web address and can't find it. I will try to find it and get back with you. If you have any questions I have written several college writing papers on CCDW and will be glad to help in any way I can, just be patient I work full time & go to school full time.
actually, being as I am only 3 1/2 years removed from high school, I know for a fact that you can fill 30 pages with endless yes's. The Teachers don't like it when you fo that, and tend to give very low scores when this is done, but it can be done, and the bibliography is really short.
You may want to get you hands on crime stats and see how they have risen. Although this doesn't to corrolate directly to the CCW, it goes to show that CCWs make people less vunerable.
is this doesn't work, my friends often consulted the POMA Journal. You'll never find it in a libray(sp?) cuz its the Pull out my @ss journal. you can always say you found it on the web and give a fake url. Not that i'm telling you to lie or anything, but 30 pages is a lot.
Jeez Chink...a 30 pager is cake, esp on a topic like this....I'd have paid a teacher for a topic like this :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Yeah, Yeah.. you can get all the info on CCW in regard to Crime deterent and all that which should give you more then enough material.

However, you may want to get down to the REAL reason for the 2d Amendment (and by default CCW). A great book on this subject is "The Second Amendment Primer". Mine is out on loan right now but if you look through some gun magizines you should be able to find an ad for it. Great book.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Try, they have quite a bit of 2nd Amendment information. Make sure you read "The Embarrassing Second Amendment" which is a well-footnoted paper from a constitutional scholar.

Lots of quotes, I've discovered, fill space and lends authority so long as they are from good source (like don't quote David Duke).

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited April 22, 1999).]
The first response was the right one. Go to DC's website. You're certain to get an "A" based on the info there. It's complete, well organized and understandable.
I could talk all night about the question on the table, but I think you've got enough great source material to do the paper justice.
Unfortunately, considering the current events,political climate,New England Liberalism in public schools, I predict you're going to get a VERY poor grade if you write a paper in favor of concealed carry.
If they give you an "F" for the content, please scan it into the computer and email it to me so that I may print it out, frame it and hang it on my wall. That will be an "F" earned by means of Integrity and Honor. Truly a thing to be proud of.
Better than any Suckup A ever given!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
The other folks here have certainly given you all the documentation you could ever need. What I would like to point out is that the police, by necesity, are a reactionary force. They can not act until a crime has been committed. They can't be eveywhere at once and all too often don't even know about the crime until after it's done. Anyone who makes the arguement that the police will protect us is wrong, possibly even dead wrong. CCW on the other hand allows us to defend ourselves AS the crime is happening. Please be sure to mention this in your paper.
You might also want to note that the Courts have ruled that the police cannot be held responsible for failing to protect you.
Good luck.
Poz, you might want to also search for the statistics from Australia since it's nearly all-encompassing ban a short time ago. Things have gone horribly awry, crime is rampant, and the politicos want to just "wait and see" if things will, maybe one day, change for the better. Pretty sad and disgusting in my book. How can they look their constituents in the face after such a debacle?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Good luck and kick ass, young dude, may unassailable logic and irrefutable reason be on your side. I think I have Aussie crime stats at home, will look this PM. Also try and

Here ya go -
* Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2%
* Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6%
* Australia-wide, armed-robberies are up 44% (yes, FORTY-FOUR PERCENT)
* In the state of Victoria, homicides-with-firearms are up 300%
* Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in homicides-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)
Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in armed-robbery-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)
* There has been a dramatic increase in break-ins-and-assaults-of-the-elderly
* At the time of the ban, the Prime Minister said "self-defense is not a reason for
owning a firearm"
* From 1910 to present, homicides in Australia had averaged about 1.8-per-100,000
or lower, a safe society by any standard.
* Australian politicians are on the spot and at a loss to explain how no improvement in "safety" has been observed after such monumental effort and expense was successfully expended in "ridding society of guns". Their response has been to "wait longer".
Violence on police rising 5feb99
ANOTHER police officer has fallen victim to violence. Police statistics showed violent crime against Victoria's police was rising, with more than 2300 attacks a year. Sixty-two police officers were attacked with knives last year, double the previous year. Threats and injuries involving firearms were four times higher

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited April 22, 1999).]
Well, thanks overwhelmingly. I didn't expect such a large response from the denizens about. I've just gotten done reading the Lott and Mustard paper and am slowly chewing through the "Embarrasing second amendment".

You folks (is that PC enough?) have been truly great. The Australia issue is something I forgot about completely, and that definately requires stating. Thanks.

As to posting it.... isn't there some kind of limiting factor to the amount of crap i can cram into one post? If not, then i'll be happy to.

I'll take this otherwise blank space to thank all who have replied once again.

If you haven't noticed, we have a very large crap limit here. :D Please post your paper. Many of us would love to read it.
Grayfox is right. There isn't a limit to post length. While most won't read long posts, I think yours will prove the exception. If no one else reads it Gray fox and I will!! :)
Looking forward to it.