
"and also found some with a Kynoch (spelling?) headstamp."

Were they FMJ or were they sporting rounds?

After the war there were a LOT of Arisakas, good ones, floating around Asia, and many of them were pressed into service as sporting rifles and military guns. Kynoch could have supplied ammo for either one of those purposes.
Also, bringbacks to the UK and Commonwealth countries were entirely possible at the time.

Even the British home islands were pretty casual about long guns in the '40s and '50s.
This thread kinda turned into an Jap thread :confused:

I reciently picked up a Beretta Carcano, from one of my buddys that is in really good shape... I assume this would be one of the better collectors, since it was manufactured by Beretta ???

any clue why the length of pull was so short on these rifles ??? were they sending 14 year old kids into battle ???

I have a slip on butt pad that adds an inch... any other suggestions ???
magnum wheel man said:
any clue why the length of pull was so short on these rifles ???

1) Folks were shorter. If the average Italian troop was 5'7", I'd be shocked.

2) They were going to be fighting in woolen jackets with leather outer load-bearing suspenders.

3) I don't know this for a fact, but I'd imagine that the ideals of marksmanship have evolved in the half-century since then.