Car carry?

Doc540... I have to say that is a nice lookin' rig you got there. I've been thinking of adopting something along those lines myself. Thanks for the pictures.

Here's my two cents in regards to the original question...

Almost everyone is going to have a different answer. Some people spend a lot of time outside of their car... some don't. I, for instance, usually don't go a lot of places socially. I go to work, the store and visit family. I can't carry my gun into work and I'm not really worried about when I'm visiting family because they have their own guns should someone bust into the house or something. There are others that are much more social and go to more public places. Obviously, the more time you spend at public places outside of your car, the more often you're vulnerable if you leave your gun in your car.

My opinion... if you have a concealed handgun license, why not carry everywhere you can? I have a CHL license and even with the little bit of time I spend outside of my car, I carry EVERYWHERE I can. If the gun is awkward or hard to conceal, get one that is easier to conceal and/or carry. If you don't already have a license to carry, it is an understandable question. You have to consider how much time you spend outside of your vehicle and determine if you want to be able to protect yourself during that time or not.
"Doc540 - Do you get questions asked from your dealership when you take your car into service about the empty holster in your car?

I work for an Audi and VW store and hadn't seen any roll through the shop, but thought I'd ask."

That's known as a "Texas Cupholder". ;)

Simple setup for about $20.
My opinion... if you have a concealed handgun license, why not carry everywhere you can?

That tends to be the problem....some of us work in places where carrying is not only prohibited, but also a bad idea (I work at a mental health facility). That's where you have to be far more creative with your SD plans....
I have to say the OP is one of the strangest I've seen in many moons on this forum. I keep a gun in my car when I'm going to places where I can't carry -- my volunteer job at the local library, for instance. That said, your car is the least likely place you'll need a gun in most cases. Get out of your car and your likely need goes up dramatically. If you don't have a gun you can carry, get one!! For a few hundred dollars, you can get a good used semi or revolver; add a crossdraw holster and you have solved the access-in-the-car problem as well as set it up so you can carry your gun away from your vehicle. You don't say where you live or if you have a license to carry concealed -- but if you care enough about your own safety to carry in the car, figure out a way to carry away from it ... just leaves me slapping my forehead in wonder ...
The only downfall I have ever had with car carry is "what if" cars get broken into and stolen all the time

Sadly so true, but people also get hit in the head from behind and robbed.

The biggest argument I can give you is.... in a car - you can drive away. You have basically a 2 ton weapon.

With today’s traffic congestion you can’t always drive away, which IMHO is almost always the best option. I can attest through personal experience how effective an open car door, at 15 MPH, can be in breaking up a bar fight that spilled into the street can be.

There is a time and a place for car carry just as there are for any other carry option. I believe it’s incumbent on the person caring a weapon to decide on the appropriate weapon and method of carry for varying situations.