Car Carry: Under Seat?


New member
I live in a state that allows a firearm to be "secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console, closed trunk, or in a closed container secured by an integral fastener and transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle" regardless of a CWP.

However, if you have a CWP, "then the person also may secure his weapon under a seat in a vehicle, or in any open or closed storage compartment within the vehicle's passenger compartment"

Has anyone had luck with a safe and secure under-seat storage?

I keep my gun on my person, or in a fastened holster in my center console, but I figure it could be a good place for a "backup gun" considering I seldom have any backseat passengers.

(Note, I am NOT comfortable with a firearm pointed at my backseat passengers and the gun would NOT be left in the car.)

I would want something secure that covers the trigger completely. Ideally, a kydex holster that I could mount under the seat.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
I have an under seat locking drawer in my Jeep. It bolts to the floor under the seat brackets. Locks with a key.

I dont regularly keep a pistol in there, but its nice to have a secure way to lock up a gun if i need to.
Steel, lockable and anchored

A Gun-friend of mine, recently showed me a lockable steel case that fits inside his console. Looked pretty neat. He has a CCW permit but there are times/places when you "can't" or shouldn't carry. :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!!
It bolts to the floor under the seat brackets. Locks with a key.

That’s enticing for those “gun free zones”

Kwik2010, I got the impression that the cloak mount sat at the front of the seat, not under.

I have a couple alien gear shells, none of which are cloak tuck, unfortunately.

That could be a quick solution, though.
The one I have is just 2 clips that you mount to wherever you want and then the IWB clips snap into it. I don't think it's exclusive to any specific spot.
Bicycle combination cable lock through trigger guard of an empty chamber pistol, pistol in a fast food bag.
The one I have is just 2 clips that you mount to wherever you want and then the IWB clips snap into it. I don't think it's exclusive to any specific spot.

I’ll have to check that out, thanks!

Bicycle combination cable lock through trigger guard of an empty chamber pistol, pistol in a fast food bag.

Not quite looking for a storage area, more so an accessible retention device under the seat. I keep a small safe in my trunk in the covered spare tire hatch that is secured to my vehicle. Fits a pistol and sore mag and you can’t see it from the street at all.
I use a snapsafe secured to the seat frame and keep it out of sight under the passenger seat. It is only used when I am in a cc prohibited zone. In TX you can carry a loaded gun in your vehicle as long as it is Concealed without an ltc. With an LTC you can carry it Concealed or open carry in a holster waistband or shoulder
Colt M10, 38, snub in nickle locks in Jeep Wrangler console. Wrangler is 4 door hard top variant so no canvas.Lock console every p.m. and unlock every a.m.. Not much point in carrying a locked up gun in your ride when you need it imo.

.02. David. :)
Bicycle combination cable lock through trigger guard of an empty chamber pistol, pistol in a fast food bag

......I sure hope you dont need to access that in hurry...
Call me what you will... I still have a problem keeping a gun in my car for longer than the few minutes I may have to run into a post office or school where they are not allowed (in PA). Even then, with that gun in my car it will be at the very least in the back of my mind the entire time I'm away from that car. If the gun is not on my person, I'm not carrying. Where I live, especially when I'm in an urban environment, cars get broken into all the time, in seconds, not minutes. If my gun is accessible in a holster under the seat or in my console/ glove box, there is a pretty good chance it's going to get stolen. NOT knocking those that do keep a gun in their car, for whatever reason... just saying I'm not comfortable with doing so where I live.
Call me what you will... I still have a problem keeping a gun in my car for longer than the few minutes I may have to run into a post office or school where they are not allowed

I am the same way, hence my trunk safe. I am thinking more along the lines of a road trip, or long commute where I don't want my pistol digging into me. I usually put it in my center console holster in those times, but feel under the seat would be quicker. Also couldn't hurt as a "backup"

I live in a city and have had my parked car broken into a couple times. After that, there's no way I can leave a gun in my car comfortably, especially overnight.

That said, I do go to an ATM on a college campus somewhat regularly and have to leave my pistol in my console (in eyesight of the ATM) for 1-2 minutes and even that scares the s###t out of me...
Colt M10, 38, snub in nickle locks in Jeep Wrangler console. Wrangler is 4 door hard top variant so no canvas.Lock console every p.m. and unlock every a.m.. Not much point in carrying a locked up gun in your ride when you need it imo.

.02. David. :)
A single sharp yank will pop it right open.
TBM900 said:
A single sharp yank will pop it right open.
Unfortunately that is correct. Don't know his exact model or kind of console, but a few years ago had a lady friend with a Wrangler hardtop that had her console lock jam. We tried everything to un-jam it... graphite, lock lube etc. Nothing... jammed. Eventually I just took a large screwdriver and in 10 seconds we were in the console. I would never keep anything valuable in there, let alone a gun. Then again, if you live in a rural location on a farm or ranch, you probably don't even lock your front door and can get away with that.
If it is indeed your "backup gun", how would you rapidly get it when it is locked in a case under your seat? Since you mentioned not leaving it in the car, a holster oir similar in the door's map pocket on the driver's side will keep it out of view and readily available.
For a small enough pistol, the sunglass holder (up near the cabin lights) I have found to be a good place. Nobody ever would think of looking there for one.
In re the comment about leaving the pistol in the car while entering the Post Office bears noting. Firearms are prohibited on Post Office property. Unfortunately, this INCLUDES THE POST OFFICE PARKING LOT. I have tried to figure out a way around this but have been unable.
willr said:
For a small enough pistol, the sunglass holder (up near the cabin lights) I have found to be a good place.
Just for shoots and grins, I tried fitting any of my mouse guns in the sunglass holder up next to the rear view mirror of my Prius... the only thing that would fit was my NAA Black Widow in 22 mag. Not exactly a gun I'd want to have to rely on to save my life in a serious situation. FUN little revolver, but only 5 rounds, not the easiest to aim because it's so small, almost impossible to reload quickly, and the possibility that if I DID hit an assailant, unless I hit his or her head or heart directly, I'd likely just piss them off if they didn't run as soon as I showed them my tiny gun.
Unfortunately, this INCLUDES THE POST OFFICE PARKING LOT. I have tried to figure out a way around this but have been unable.

IF the PO is located in a strip mall or similar where it is not the only business; then it is perfectly legal to leave it in your car.
If it is indeed your "backup gun", how would you rapidly get it when it is locked in a case under your seat? Since you mentioned not leaving it in the car, a holster oir similar in the door's map pocket on the driver's side will keep it out of view and readily available.

Read the OP. I specifically name a Kudex holster mounted under the seat.

When I leave my car, guns go in my trunk lock. When I’m in my car, I want an accessible holster, under my seat. Looking for a mounting option or similar.

Can’t carry door map pocket due to the laws cited in the OP.