Candidate issue poll

For the heck of it, I put in what I understand to be Rudy's positions, including his past conduct on gun issues instead of his election-year-conversion position, and it came up with - Rudy.
Nevermind. I realized after running profiles for other family members that the party results were cumulative. :o

The Dem candidates rated higher for me than the Republicans (with the exception of Paul). What's a small-government, pro-2nd, anti-war Libertarian to do?

Fred Thompson
- 93.18%
Tom Tancredo
- 90.91%
Duncan Hunter
- 87.50%
Mitt Romney
- 81.82%


I don't trust Thompson.

I don't trust Romney.

I barely know who these other guys are.

Guess I've got a lot of work to do. Gee, the election is only 13 months away...

(John F. Kennedy announced for the Presidency on January 1, 1960. At that time, it was the earliest such announcement in US history. My, how times have changed...)
Republican - 55.12%
Democrat - 44.87%
Your Other Top Matches
Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) - 89.42%
Businessman John Cox (R) - 83.65%
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (R) - 80.77%

But not surprisingly,
Your Top Match - Texas Representative Ron Paul (R)
92.31% match
My top match is Ron Paul - 68.18%, second is Mike Huckabee - 56.82%. Apparently I don't have a really close match with anyone. It's always been tough for me to find a candidate that agrees with me on all the issues I find important. I'm pretty surprised some of you got numbers in the 90 percentile.
Texas Representative Ron Paul (R)
95.45% match

Your Other Top Matches
Businessman John Cox (R) - 77.27%
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) - 72.73%
Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) - 72.73%
Duncan Hunter 100.00%

Tom Tancredo 92.68%
Sam Brownback 90.24%
Fred Thompson 90.24%

Gravel 100%, who is this guy and how did he steal my positions, I never agree 100% with anyone.
Justme, I agreed with him 4.88%, so it looks like we are staunch opposites :D
Tom Tancredo (R) 79.84% match

Followed by:

Texas Representative Ron Paul (R) - 79.03%
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (R) - 75.81%
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) - 74.19%

That was an interesting survey...
Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) 81.03%
Texas Representative Ron Paul (R) - 74.14%
Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 64.66%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) - 20.69%
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) - 19.83%
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) - 18.97%

  1. Ron Paul - 81.25%
  2. Tom Tancredo - 81.25%
  3. John Cox - 75.00%
  4. Mike Huckabee - 75.00%
  5. Sam Brownback - 62.50%
As if the average American would ever, ever vote purely on lots of issues.