CANADA: "So, you want to buy a handgun..."

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Good moring Mr. Bull. I'm happy to meet you. There was a point in time, February 1973 to be precise, that this American planned to leave this country. I really feel no need to justify my reasons to anyone as to why. The land down under where water drains backward was choice number 1 for me. Situations changed and I remained here. Even though I would have left it, I would have still loved it. Suffice it to say that sometimes life gives you soul searching choices where there is no right or wrong answer. Only hard questions.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Love it or leave it! And if you love it work like hell to reinstate the Constitution. You know, the thing that all members of government have sworn to uphold and defend.

Better days to be,

It is like in the Philippines, the communist and activist hate Americans or US, but offered them a US VISA and they will be the first one in the Queue at US Embassy for visa stamping on their passport.

What else to say, their leaders also are drinking milk and eat bread and butter at the Netherlands and their guerillas are suffering malaria in themountains. Why don't they just go to North Korea Or China.

I am not putting myself under the American's shoes but I respect every individual rights and views, because I believe that we are living in one cosmopolitan world.

I still prefer to live in my country run like hells rather than governed by foreigners. I have many relatives in USA anyway.

The Visiting Forces Agreement bet. PI & US was already approved, this only reminiscent the sweet old days of the Filipinos and Americans.

That's true Red Bull, many talk against US but they want so much to be a US Citizen if possible.

My parents sister and cousins, my wife sister were all in US and if they come for vacation I mistakenly look at them as Born Americans. I one time dream also but I am not lucky. He he!

I am already happy talking with you here.

I am sorry I am a little bit deviated from the topic.


Let me set aside my addmitedly pompous behavior for a moment: I love America with every fiber of my body. I will die for freedom. I also have a place in my heart for anyone that wishes to live here. I really wish that I had the power to make more places in the World as wonderful as America because I wish that more people could live in the wonderful country I do (unfortunatly, EVERYONE wants to live here, and we can't fit 4 billion people in our borders).
I feel so fortunate for being born American, and I truly feel for the many masses that wish they could live here. I wish that we could ship off all the dispassionate people that take America for granted and instead replace them with people that really love America and appreciate it for what it is. Most peope born here do not appreciate what they have, but most people that finally get to move here and have lived elsewhere love it more than the natives and are much more passionate about our freedom. (I live in a area that is more than %50 "foreigners", I must say that many of them come here to rape America for her wealth and then leave when they are done, but many people similarly move here and truly become "Americans" and help keep our country free).
It is such a great thing to be an American...I really wish that everyone had it as good as I.

I sense that underneath it all, rabbit assasin is bitter about something against America. Many people around the globe are bitter at Americans, mostly gealous because we have something that they will never get (true freedom), others are bitter because we have so much wealth and even though we give give give, it is not enough. Perhaps rabbit assasin deeply wishes he could move to America but knows it will never happen, so instead holds us in contempt. We will never know, because he would not be honest with himself or us, even if I am correct.
I love this country but I am really starting to hate (yes hate) the people here. The people who voted in the white trash in the white house, the soccer moms driving their suv's, the urbanite's who want to dictate to the rest of us how to live our lives and the rest of the fat, dumb, blind sheep who are turning this once great country into socialist welfare state where the goverment is going to micromanage everybody's lives. Well I have been giving some serious thought lately of just getting the hell out of here. Where to go? I don't know, someplace where there is no goverment breathing down your back even if I have to sacrifice my standard of living. Any suggestions? Sorry for the rant but it saddens me to see this happening and the majority of the people are willing participants.

Reality from a canuck.The essence of the post by Dennis Olson is sort of right BUT!The firearms Aquisition certificate he mentions is good for 5 years and simply renewed for $50.00 then.Yes you must have a transport permit for a handgun BUT I have had them mailed direct to an and picked it up there.Most often a fax will work to verify legality.Any gun can be sent through the mail from a dealer anywhere in the country and between private parties.The courses he mentions are for first time gun owners and usually include hunter saftey.Once you have a certificate it is difficult to have it revoked even if involved in some crime concerning a gun.Not like your system of a lifetime ban on guns for crimes not even related to guns.Strikes me that isn't very democratic is it?Why do you allow this to happen,why can't you buy a gun from another state direct,why do some states limit gun purchases to one a month?Can't you control your gov't;are you subjects who let this happen?Strange that in Canada I can buy excellent garands for 100.00 and sks for 60.00 and you pay 500 and 200.These are advertised everyday prices.Yes we have some stict laws but you have lots as bad or worse.And I forgot to mention all the shotguns with 12 inch barrels we can have and the AR 15s with 12 barrels ,bayo lugs and flash hiders.
Red Bull a few points -
It's jealous not gealous -
NOT everyone wants to live in the USA.
You say "I live in a area that is more than %50 "foreigners"
Where is that may I ask ?
Are those people you call foreigners people who aren't US citizens ? or are they Mexicans who are waiting to become citizens or Mexicans who are US citizens.
I've been to towns near the Mexican border and seen nothing wrong with all the people there even though they might not speak English properly. Some of the most friendly people on Greyhound buses were Mexicans.
Walking over the border than back again I see why they want to move.

I'm not bitter about the USA at all, I just don't like brash statements like yours denigrating other countries.
I was in the USA for a month in 1997 and hopefully be back next year.
Would I like to move there - honestly I don't know - I really like the different countryside like around Yosemite and Kings Canyon plus all the South West states.
It's nothing to do with gun laws or money why I'd move.
AS for our gun laws - up until 1991 we had cheap sks's skk's too. Beforethe 70's there were no gun licences. Our restrictions on hunting in NSW are virtually none. It's only in the last few years they have got tough.
There are some cases where we are better off.

And Remember Vote NO for a republic in the November referendum. I hope you Canadians stick with the Monarchy, I think we will keep it.
if you add up all the pros and cons you realy come out about the same anywhere you go theres some type of gun controle weather leagle or not until we are able to do somthing about it we are doomed to have to particapate in it weather willing or not ccw background checks outright bans on guns ect do we want to end up like so many other contries either so much hassel just to buy carry a gun that you want to give up like our friend from the north or with no guns in the hands of the priavet (not leo ect.)good guys sorry for ranting if im out of line please let me know

zip: "if you add up all the pros and cons you realy come out about the same anywhere you go..."

That's becoming true. However, it was not true fifteen or more years ago.

As our government brings America into line with the rest of the world we are losing rights many Americans take for granted. Furthermore, through laws, regulations, and directives that are not currently enforced, we have lost many more rights and are not yet aware of it. As the use of massive data bases and the centralization of power increase, we gradually will become aware of additional restrictions. We are being reduced to the Least Common Denominator and, some of us at least, are offended.

One problem is the general rule that each younger generation accepts the status quo and, only as they age do they recognize how our country is being diminished to "fit" and to suit the rest of the world.

That other nations (with glee) see us reduced to their level does not require us to join in their rejoicing. Regardless of how it is spelled, jealousy remains the emotional motivation for those who are glad to see us fall to their level. Any and all assistance and American lives lost defending the freedoms they so freely give up are forgotten as they see American pride, which they call arrogance, is destroyed.

My rejoinder to their two-faced perfidy is inappropriate to TFL so I must stop here.
so very true though 15 or so years ago i would not have noticed but i have done some background and studying written a couple papers on the subject but what you saying is right
Keep in mind also that Americans wear their problems on the cuff. We make a HUGE public stink about every little infringment of our rights that goes on, even if it is 5000 miles away from us. Our media broadcasts to every nation and most of them watch our broadcasts for hours every day.
On the other hand, other countries 1) tend to keep their problems quiet and 2) don't have the entire world watching their media discuss every little problem in detail. So, people that only know about America through it's media (or get most of there info from the media rather than from living here) get a very different perception than reality.
Yes, we have some creeping violations on our Rights, but we make a BIG stink about it because we want it to stop. The sound of the drums is much louder than the battle.
We are a very free country. We are just making a big deal of little Rights violations right now, so that they never turn into big violations.

rabbit assasin - Your arguments have become stale and repetitive opinion. If you have reduced to quibbling about spelling (it is spelled both ways depending where you are from BTW) and continue to insist that not "everyone" wants to move to America, then you have nothing more valuable to say. The FACT is that we allow MORE people to immigrate legally into our country every year than ALL the other countries in the world COMBINED. (That does not even include illegal immigrants, which adds a very significant amount of people coming into our country at any cost). And, even with that, we turn away hordes of people that wish they could move here, or spend 20 years working at it as their lifelong dream. Your *opinion* that not that many people want to move here is not supported by fact and there is nothing left to argue but the point that you say that you "don't think you want to move here". That is fine; we don't want anyone that "thinks they want to move here". Move to the back of the line, there are millions if not billions of others that KNOW they want to live here more than anything else in the world and would kill you for the opportunity

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited October 01, 1999).]
There have been some comments on this thread to the effect that the U.S. has saved the world a few times.To some degree this is true but the first and second world wars lasted 5 years for most countries not just the 3 that the u.s.was involved.Viet Nam was your war but at least 40,000 canadians fought with your military,a few hundred died and at least one got a Medal Of Honor.I know the movies are almost exclusively about U.S. army actions but that was only part of the whole war.
96K...Locking this.

I hope ya'll can take a breath, chill, and try to be mature adults if part 2 is started.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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