CANADA: "So, you want to buy a handgun..."

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Dennis Olson

New member
I pulled this off another BBS. Thought you all might enjoy reading it. Yes it CAN happen in Amerika....


It is September, 1998 in Anytown, Canada. You walk past the local gun store, and, acting on impulse go back, step in and fall in love! There, locked behind glass, is the gun of your dreams. That special handgun you KNOW is going to make you look good on the range. And the price is just too good to be true! It feels custom-made for your hand, and with a great deal of joy you say, "Wrap it up, I'll take it!"

Thus you have unknowingly taken the first step in a road becoming less and less traveled....

The first thing you are asked is, "Can I see your FAC?" While you look blankly the salesman, he says again he wants to see your Firearms Acquisition Certificate. While you are still looking blankly at him, he starts explaining to you.

"A firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC) is required before you can purchase any firearm here in Canada. If you don't have a valid FAC, you must get one, and when you have it, you come back and I will sell you the gun. By the way here is a list of instructors."

Feeling a bit let down, you take the paper and mumble your way back home, and start phoning.

FAC Instructors and Examiners are certified by the Federal Government to teach and test for FAC's. You discover that you have to take a minimum of 12 hours of classes, and two tests, one written and one practical to prove you have basic firearms knowledge, and supposedly some safety knowledge as well. Cost $100-125. Finally you find someone who is putting on a course in the next week who has an opening, so you leap at it. After all, you don't know enough about the current legislation to challenge the course, so feel this is the best plan. Time passed since you saw the gun - 1 week. You take the course, think it's interesting, but seems to be too repetitive and doesn't really attend to safety too much, but what the heck, now you can go get your gun. Wrong! Course takes two weeks spread out over several evenings - Cost to date: $125.00 - time passed 3 weeks.

You make your first trip to your local police department to get the forms you need to fill out to apply for the FAC. This four page triplicate form is an imposing 8.5"x14" and asks such questions as what colour are your eyes, blue green, gray, hazel or maroon? **Maroon? Just where do they think you come from?** They ask about your private life, family life, health, finances, relationship breakups, prior brushes with the law and about medications you may be taking. Severe penalties are dispensed if you lie on this form, it warns ominously. You also have to acquire the oaths of two people who have know you for more than three years who think it's ok if you have a gun... BUT... they must be of certain "Classes" of people.. Doctors, lawyers, military officers, tribal band leaders, fellow employees, hair dressers, clergy or your (married to you) spouse (common-law, while good enough to ding you for taxes is not good enough to sign as a character witness). There goes another week! Time passed - 4 weeks.

So you take your recently acquired certification of course completion; two passport photos of yourself ($12.00); the fee for an FAC application which is non-refundable ($50.00) and the completed application form to your local police department. Again, you get excited thinking the gun is now yours.

Wait!! The police officer takes your money, application, etc. and says "OK it'll come in the mail if you qualify. We keep it here for 28 days before we even start to process, most are taking 6-7 months to come back" SIX TO SEVEN MONTHS!! In that time frame the police will contact your two endorsers and grill them about you, they will check your neighbours to see what they think of you (**nothing like letting the whole neighbourhood know you will have guns on premises) they will call your employer, and lastly, but not least they call up any ex's in your last two year time frame and ask them if they feel alright about your owning firearms!!! But it's the law.. What can you do? (Cost to date: $187.00 +14% tax).

You are one of the lucky ones, your FAC arrives in a speedy six months. Full of joy you rush down to the gun store to finally buy your gun. With a flourish you present your FAC and plunk your money down, drooling over your new toy. The salesman carefully writes down reams of information on his receipt book, name, address, gun stats, numbers, and on and on, and you bounce from foot to foot in anticipation. You sign a big legal book stating you have actually purchased this firearm, the salesman takes your money and hands you the sales slip and smiles. "When you get your Permit To Register come back and we will give you your gun." Stunned you once more go to your local police department. Of course you don't live near the gun store, and have to go to the police in your jurisdiction so waste another day or two there, but we won't count those. Time passed - 7 months.

The police take your sales slip and tell you to come back the next day or so, and they will have the Permit filled out for you. Getting really frustrated you come back two days later, and they ask what time you want on the Permit. They guestimate it takes 1 hour from the gun store to the police department.. So they give you a specified time span of 1.5 hours to complete the task. To the cop shop? "Yes, you have to bring the gun back here for verification." So off you go to the gun store, show the salesman the Permit and he says, "OK, where's your case and locks?" Numbly you hand over money for a small gun case; one trigger lock and one case lock. ($40.00) You notice the time and drive through heavy traffic and get to the cop shop barely within the specified time. You open the case, and the officer carefully inspects the firearms verifying all the numbers. You are planning some weekend shooting tomorrow. Wrong. The officer smiles, locks the case and walks off with it saying, "When you Registration Certificate comes in the mail from Ottawa, phone us and let us know and we will start the next step.. Have a nice day!" Cost to date: $227.00 +14% tax (not including the firearm), time passed (and now we will count those days last week.. 7 months, 1 week! And you are getting REALLY pissed off.

Patience has worn extremely thin by now, but at this point you have invested quite a bit of money, so you wait... and wait... and wait. Finally anywhere from 3-6 months later, your green registration slips arrive from Ottawa (we will use 3 months in our count). Ecstatic, you race down to your local police department to claim your gun... finally! Time passed: 10 months 1 week)

There you are informed that before you can pick up your gun, they must do one more check and make sure there are no restraints against you... after all it has been months now!! The next day, getting really cranky, you go down to the police and FINALLY, you can take you gun home with you on a Permit to Transport... but again it has a very short time span. As you are leaving, you comment that "Finally I can go shooting!!" "Wait", says the officer, "do you have a valid Permit to Carry? Firearms Licence? Club Membership Card? Need those before you can go out and use that thing!" WHAT?????

As pissed as hell you slam into the house, chuck the locked case in the gun safe and start dialing your local gun club. Yes you can get a membership for $50, and yes they will sign an application for a Permit to Carry stating you are a member in good standing... but not until next month's meeting. It will take about 3 month's to get the Permit back, and you can not go to the range without one, they remind you the penalty is 2 years in jail and a hefty fine!!! Livid you go to a sporting goods store and buy the Firearms Licence issued by the Provincial Government (**knowing damn well it is just a tax grab**), and they nail you another $21.00. By now you are furious.

At the club meeting 3 months later you finally get your Permit to Carry. Time passed: 13 ½ months - Cost: $298.00 + 14% taxes NOT INCLUDING ANY FIREARM OR AMMO.

Finally you can go to the range. But somehow, the thrill of discovery 13 ½ months ago just isn't there.


There's another way, too. Use any suitable object to break the neck of an armed enforcer, take his gun. You won't get much practice with the firearm this way, but it will be available for repeat of the performance at point blank range at a later date. That is, after all, how guerillas behind the enemy lines operate.

Be ready to take casualties. A lot of them.

To me, the fact that Canada is not having a civil war is attests to remarkable capacity for self-deception that all humans have. Certainly, the loss of cozy life and possible loss of life are ghastly to contemplate, but how could they not smell the thick smoke of things to come!?

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Dennis, this is going to sound incredibly naive, but do you know, or do we have any Canadian TFL members who can verify some or all of this? That is, is this their true, current reality of firearms ownership?

A few years ago they imposed draconian taxes on tobacco products. The result was an incredible surge in illegal trafficing in tobacco. Surprise ... they had to rescind the onerous taxes. If this is their current reality for firearms, I would be amazed if they don't have a problem with smuggling.
I do not know the veracity of this report, but it fits with what I hear about their next focus of gun bans: "highpower sniper rifles" aka bolt hunting guns. I think they are trying to make the populace easy prey for grizzlies and politicians. Barf!

At this point, I am not so sure I could stomach even visitng the people's comissariat to the north...
I don't know if it's accurate or not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

The next time you're in the library, just look up Canada's "Charter of Rights and Freedoms," I think it's called. It basically guarantees that Canadians have the right to be as limp as linguine. Every Canadian I've known has been a fine person, but when it comes to liberty and freedom, the poor sons of biscuits ain't got a chance.
I first saw this post on HK-L about a year ago. It was purportedly "composed" by an HK-L subscriber from Canada.
Re complaint/comment on things Canadian, including ridiculous laws, and the accompanying loss of individual freedom, under a parlimentary systems, the amount that they ever had is questionable, and they have an Official Secrets Act too. In any event, what exists today, did not spring forth from the cabbage patch, full grown. It built up, over a period of years, and exactly the same thing could happen here.

It may have been Thomas Jefferson who observed that People usually get the sort of government that they did not vote against. That line of reasoning works for me, but as a general question, I have from time to time, attended membership meetings at sportsmens clubs, I wonder as to when was the last time that any number of gun owners, for instance, contacted their "elected things", about anything.
I don't know Canadian law, but in the UK, the political parties each put up a candidate for a seat in Parliament. No primary elections, no independent candidates, no getting on the ballot for a few dollars.

The candidate does not have to live in the district and may never even show up if the seat is deemed "safe" by the party. Everyone votes for the party, and few even consider the individual candidate or their own interests. They vote for a party because they have always done so. And of course, there can be no such thing as a "maverick" candidate.

Once a party has control of Parliament, the party leader becomes Prime Minister and the party dictates the agenda. In many cases an MP is simply told how to vote - or else. Even when there is a "free" vote, each MP knows how he had better vote - or else.

The UK is not a democracy. The people have little or no influence on their MP, since he has no interest in his district and little to fear from disgruntled voters. Courts are useless, and the "supreme" court (the Law Lords) is part of Parliament. In fact, everything is part of Parliament, except the puppet queen, who is technically the head of state but has no power.

The Prime Minister is not like a President. He is more like the Speaker of the House, the head of the majority party, or at least the leader of a coalition. There is no system of checks and balances, no check on Parliament.

There is no written Constitution; the "constitution" says whatever the government of the day says it says, and any act of Parliament is automatically constitutional.

Since Parliament is controlled by the half dozen or so people who set policy for the party in power, those people effectively are an oligarcy, dictating to the country through their rubber stamp MPs.

It's a different system, and one that makes it very easy to control the people.

Well your completely wrong on one thing.
First an independent can run for a few dollars if they want.
Their system is no more undemocratic than yours is.
The ONLY reason the 2 party systemm prevails is because people vote that way. Tell me if I'm wrong but the US is pretty march a two party system as well.
Your right that politicians vote the way of their party , but do you think a republican would represent his party if he always voted the same as democrats and went around supporting Clinton.
As for having the prime minister chosen by the other politicians in his party - well Clinton would have never got a look in a parliamentary system.
Their are benefits and disadvantages to both systems.
Don't assume that your system is better just because you beat the English in the revolution.
The tough gun laws in England have much more to do with the high urbanisation of England and the lack of land to hunt on for ordinary people. It has NOTHING to do with their parliamentary system.
In England the House of Lords is a house of review and I'm sure Canada as Australia does has them too.
The Quuen of Australia (she is also the British Queen) can give our Governor general the approval to sack our Prime minister(it has happened). I'm not sure about England and Canada but they probablly have a similar situation.
To sum it all up we get the politicians we deserve and we all have the power to change that.
This is why we left England... and pretty much stay clear of Canada... yes, they did by F-18s from us... but it was under 20 and we have more than that parked in our secret hanger under the Niagra Falls in case of any Great White Northern Agression. (I am laughing as I'm typing here.)

No, Canada - Statehood is still denied! But you do make a good pizza...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Dennis Olson: I am nearly getting impatient and cannot breath freely in reading your post because of the many ran around you've made in acquiring your pistols. And the so much time consuming you exerted before finally getting your instrument. I feel like I am the one in your position.

Based on your story, that is how hard to buy a pistol in Canada. I thought it would be easier to buy guns in Canada like in US. I even dream to migrate in Canada with my family. If I am there it looks like I cannot enjoy my hobby with the too much restrictions especially I am a brown skin and a short man. Its good I did not buy their Para Ordnance Pistol, but instead I bought a Colt Pistol.

Thanks for the info, I can relay them to my friends.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited September 28, 1999).]
The English and Canadians are Subjects, not Citizens. They have no Rights, and that is why their 'Royalty' can take away anything they wish without a fight.

I will forever remain a citizen, (an armed one), for as long as I breath.

The Prime Minister of England stated for the record recently that his anti-weapons proposals have nothing to do with crime "I just want to destroy the gun culture".

Don't tell me that English rule is "no worse, just different" in a namby-pamby "you're okay, I'm okay" diatribe. America has been slowly going the way of more government control, but we are far from England or Canada, as seen in the example above.
The biggest difference with America is that the same people that had the balls to sail across the ocean to start a new life and give the middle finger to the English, left Americans as decendents. We have the blood of freedom in our veins; the spine to stand up to this kind of thing. You will never see Americans settle for being treated like other countries by their government, we will die fighting first, it is in our genes.
The present is just the calm before the storm. If things continue to push and our freedoms continue to be eroded, you will see a backlash on a scale that only Americans could muster.
Are you sure they aren't citizens ?
quote the relevant parts of their constitution first.
As for the rest of your statement all I'll say is it diminishes the reputation of your fellow Americans with ignorant arrogant statements about how you are free and others aren't.
Go and read a few history books and read upon their constitutions before you mmake ill informed statements.
There are billions of people in the world that don't share your opinions about being the best country in the world and they are all right.

Easy there big boy... Take a few deep, cleansing breaths....

There, feel better? Many people from all over the world harbor misconceptions about other nations. It's incumbent upon residents of those areas to "set the record straight" without name-calling or hyperbole.

You, as the person correcting the error, represent ALL people in your nation. Is name-calling and invective REALLY the way you want others to think of your fellow citizens?

Just a few random thoughts...

[tonguey in cheeky]
As another obese, ignorant American, I must sadly admit that I have read the Constitution of the former Soviet Union. The "citizens" were granted many rights and much control over their government by their Constitution. Gee, it must have been a paradise.

On the other hand, I notice more people emigrated from the USSR to the USA than went the other direction. Hmm. How ignorant they must have been of all the benefits and privileges of "citizenship" protected by their Constitution. Or maybe they just wanted to join the lazy, ignorant, thoughtless American society.

When I was in "free" West Germany, I remember their postal service opening letters to ensure proper postage was paid. I remember tax assessors entering homes, whether or not the owners were even there, in order to count the rooms, radios, televisions and other taxable items.

I remember how West Germans marveled that Americans were able to buy and keep at home just about any firearm they so desired. How silly I must have been to misinterpret the vast superiority of German freedom.


I guess I am just too ignorant and arrogant not to want my country (political state, if you prefer) to become as "free" as these other wonderful paradises. Gee, maybe I can get someone from a much freer country to help me think this through.
[/tonguey in cheeky]

Just a little American humor, boys. ;)

Dennis Bateman

I'm proud to be an American - part of the freest, fairest, most productive country in the world.
I'm ashamed only of our American government and the people who abuse and revoke our truly remarkable freedoms.
And, folks, you know where this ex-Soviet-prisoner rodent stands. Right behind a rifle and to the side of a handgun. And Stalin's Constitution can join every other unenforceable social contract that has been ignored as soon as it was written.

Personally, I am not sure if I could stand to even visit Canada and Germany, though I had inteded to. To be in households that are undefended and be unable to remedy that - hmmm...not my cup of tea. Leave that sort of tea to our friends the Limeys <friendly grin>

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Cornered Rat: The fact that AMERICA isn't having a civil war attests to much the same. "mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable..." I wonder what it would take to get our "representatives" to understand that their evil will not forever be sufferable?

Perhaps only our ceasing to suffer those evils would do the trick.

Sic semper tyranus!
Yep, I am an ignorant and arrogant American: Citizen of the same country that has saved the collective butts of every nation on the planet numerous times. Citizen of the same country that at least half the world dreams about moving to someday.
In all my years I have NEVER ever met a single American that desired to move to another country. Yet, people are beating down our borders to get in from every continent. That is all that needs to be said.
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