Can you still get guns through CMP


New member
Can you still buy anything at a good price from the CMP? If so, what is recommended for as a good value, and what is the waiting time?
M1 Garands. I ordered mine at the end of January and got it last week. It was a service grade Springfield and looks very, very nice.

Allegedly there will be more 1903s next year. We'll see...
Well, that's worth looking at their sales page ;)

Select the firearm you are interested in on the left hand side, and check it out

The Service Grade Springfield M1s are the same price they were two years ago- 595 bucks

In my opinion, and in some others' the Service Grade rifle is the best 'bang for the buck'

However, carefully read and understand their grading system and what the grades mean

When they say it might take 120 days, they mean it. It may take that long. I got mine in 14 days in 2008. That was 2008 though, and this is now. But I still love to rub that in: 2 weeks. Ha ha ha-ha ha mine came in 14 days. Ahem. Sorry.

The CMP is a hell of a deal and you can beleive that when somebody mentions that they stand behind their sales you can believe that this means the CMP stands TALL. Example:

My M1 had a clip-loading issue. Really hard to press a clip in. perfect function otherwise. I called the CMP. Oh, they said, check the bullet guide, does it look bent or skewed or anything? Sure enough, it had a little bend. Ah, they said, we'll drop a good replacement in the mail for you. You'll see it in a few days. Anything else? I said yeah, the trigger guard's not really in great shape. You got a milled WWII type kicking around? Sure, we'll toss that in, too, no charge. And a few days later, the replacement bullet guide and trigger guard was at the door- no charges to me- and the rifle's been fantastic since.
FWIW, I've got 2 correct grade SAs and 2 CMP service grade specials in new walnut stocks, 1 an SA and 1 an HRA. These service grade special rifles are collector grade metal (in approximately new and matching conditions) in brand new stocks. All 4 are post-Korean manufacture. I use one as a shooter (it's about 2 MOA ... my last range trip put 4 clips all in the 10 ring at 100yds), and am contemplating using the specials as well. My 2nd CG SA is a 5.8mm ser. no. in pristine condition...with its CMP provenances it's probably a better collector.

IMHO, CMP is the best source of milsurp anywhere. What you get is authentic, reliable and backed by the best customer service anywhere. If you want a pure shooter, I'd go service grade, for collecting, correct grade, and for rebuild projects, rack or field grade. You won't go wrong.

I sent in my order for a service grade carbine last Monday, so I am interested in the wait times as well. The website states that the wait will be anywhere from 60 to 100 days (2 conflicting times from 2 different places on the website). However, in the post above hardcase states that his order was filled & shipped in about 4-5 weeks (if I did my math right). Does anybody have any other recent purchases for comparison?

I am also wondering about communication between order time & ship time. Does anybody know if you get an order confirmation? I would hate to wait 60-100 days only to find out that I was customer # 101 on a list of 100 and won't get my carbine!
Plan on the longest wait. I'm not joking or making fun. They don't have dozens of people working there. Plan on the maximum time

Yes, you get a confirmation. I would suggest joining the CMP's forum and asking the members there what the "usual" wait and procedures are now. My experience is two years old
Not sure what the wait time is these days, I ordered a Inland racker on Christmas Eve 2009 (sent in the order) and had the carbine delivered at my door on 23 January 2010, not bad considering 3 holidays in that time period.
My paperwork for my most recent M1, the SA Service Grade Special ("collector" grade metal on a new walnut stock set) was received by CMP on Feb. 9, '10 and rifle was delivered on March 4, '10. YMMV.

Well, by my count that makes 3 folks within the last 3 months that received their order in about 30 days. That gives me a little hope. I have been a little worried as I have seen 2 different carbines drop off the available list in the last couple of weeks. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the info guys. :)
Well, the Inlands dropping off the rack grade list came about because there was a boatload who wanted to pick up a less expensive option, for $419.00. And I'm sure some went to people who bought to simply sell parts, unless it was put together out of all unmarked parts, it would be very easy to make back that investment selling the parts individually.

Then the service grades started reappearing, and people who thought they had been shut out of certain manufacturers jumped hard on them, taking more off the list of available carbines. Think it's bad now? Wait till this week, after they air the first episode of "The Pacific." Carbines actually sold for a fairly decent price until "Band Of Brothers" aired, then suddenly people wanted a rifle like they saw carried on that program.

It broke my heart, they offered oilers this past week, good used ones, and people bought the good ones up by batches. I saw posts on the forums of people buying up 5-10 or more, hoping to get a few ones they needed, and planned to sell or trade the remainder. They sold them for like $5.00 each, betcha a dollar these folks don't resell them for their investment. And gee, allowing others a chance at them for a reasonable cost would have been stupid, wouldn't it?

With the list of service grades coming back, I really hate that my money isn't right to buy another carbine currently.
I've been buying from the CMP since last summer and it didn't take long to fill up my gun safe. I'm in the process of modifying the safe now to hold my new collection of M1 Carbines (I never would have thought these rifles would be so much fun to collect.)

So who is going to be first to torture Skydog with photos? :)

We have been very good so far but it's time to be cruel ;)
"...Not sure what the wait time is these days..." 60 days for an M1 Rifle.
Read this first.
Shoot the matches, even if you don't have to. You'll meet some truly fabulous people most of whom will bend over backwards to help you, including letting you shoot their rifles.
Well, it was exactly 38 days from mailing the order form until it showed up at my door. That was a little better than the 60 days advertised. Unfortunately, as I feared I ended up being customer 101 on a list of 100 and didn't get the carbine I wanted. I was able to change my order to a very nice SA M1 and am very pleased with this rifle. I dig the customer service at CMP! :)
I guess the M-1 prices are OK. Their prices on the 1917 Enfields seem extreme, considering their own statement that the rifles are in poor condition. $500, 300 and 150 for various grades. How much did the rifles cost new in WWI? $350 for an MKragy Krag that they state is unsafe to fire? I know little about rifle values but these prices seem high for stuff that is worn out junk. Why would I pay $350 for a gun I can't shoot? Are the salvageable parts really worth that much?
The CMP's M1 prices are OK? (incidentally, just under 32 dollars in 1918 had the buying power of $500 of today's US currency)

Their prices on Service Grade Springfields are the same as in 2008- 595 dollars

Here's my 595 dollar M1 CMP rifle after I cleaned up the USGI stock. It's a 1944 Springfield receiver and a 1946 Springfield barrel. I hadn't finished working the wood yet in the first photos. The metal is as-received. It's accurate and dependable. Clips were a little hard to press into the magazine but function was OK. The CMP diagnosed the issue over the phone (for free) and sent me another bullet guide (asked if I wanted a WWII type, found one, and sent it to me- for free)

595 bucks. Where can I get a better M1 and support like that for this money? I'll buy another one, just tell me where to pick it up :) I think the CMP is great



This is what I've ended up with
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Yes, your M1 is a beauty. Nice job on it.

For sure, if I had the $ right now, I'd order an M1. I just don't understand the prices for the guns they admit are in poor condition and some unsafe to fire. Unless the parts are worth more than I know, I could not spend $350 for a rifle that's unsafe to fire, or up to $500 for a rifle the seller states is in poor condition. Business has been terrible for 2 years and $ is hard to come by.
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Many guns bought from the CMP have different parts added later by the buyers.
Often these Garands at gun shows are marked up for a fat profit, despite the CMP's request that people Not resell these rifles.

My first Garand will be bought at the Anniston CMP in person and would not consider buying one at a show, due to the high prices and possibly replaced parts.
Being sort of a gun novice, my "Gun Guru" (retired Navy rifle team) will drive down with me. He has four Garands and Really Knows his guns and parts etc.

Chris B:
Yours is a true Battle Rifle Babe.
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