can you shoot with either hand ?

I have always been ambidexterous. Bows, guns, baseballs, whatever and whenever, I can do it just as easily with either hand. Always. That's not to say it's perfect or matched in accuracy or abilty. It's just that I can switch sides back and forth with no problems. I do have preferences though. I prefer to eat, drink and write with my left hand as my wrist is more flexible on that side and I prefer to throw with my right arm as it's more muscular in that aspect.

As I was growing up I had a hard time understanding why some people couldn't do something one handed or with their left hand. My wife can't do ANYTHING lefty and this totally stumps me.

I also don't have a dominant eye that I can discover. Good to know I"m not alone in this.
I am not proficient with both hands, but in a pinch my left hand can do. I have practiced so that I can at least have 75% or better accuracy in my left hand as I do in with right hand.
jibjab, It helps because in order to continue to BE ambi, I have to practice my penmanship with my right hand as well as fludity/economy of movement with my left side for those tasks I normally perform righty.

Thus, the answer to your dilemma is the same as the answer on how to get to Broadway - Practice, practice, practice.
Right handed, right eye dominant. Except for hockey, where I shoot left-handed (I guess that is not at all uncommon).

I make a point of practicing left handed, usually at the end of my range sessions. I'm fair-to-middlin' passable off the weak hand.