Can you really pull the trigger?

I don't like posting to threads when there are so many people already responding because it gets redundant. But I thought the following scenario might clear something up...

If you and your family were starving to death and you had one round left in your rifle, a bigass deer steps out at 20 yards, clear shooting lane, no way to miss.. would you shoot it?

It's an easily answered question for me because I have no problem killing an animal(or anything for that matter), even the first time there was never a question... But for you it might be different.. You might say yeah but thats just a deer... Truth is, to most people who have thought it over, there is no difference.. You better believe these people when they say they would pull the trigger 100%. They have already thought through the things that may hold someone back from doing it, and they have decided. Where I come from your life isn't worth as much as your car so it's not hard shooting some scumbag that pulls a gun/knife/whatever potential threat... Fact is man, this isn't as big a deal to some people as it is to you.. its just like any other decision that has to be made.. some you contend with, some you don't... Hell I ate dinner with a buddy about an hour after he killed his first dude, he said he wished he could go back 10-8 cause he was gonna be bored at home. There is a million ways to look at it..

And by the way, I understand what you are saying, I don't buy it.. I dont think probability has anything to do with it.. I can't assure you that the sun will rise tomorrow.. but I can assure you that I will shoot you if I need to.. Just remember that the people down the street might kill you for $20, or a Black & Mild(I hate cigars).. They're not thinking it over like you are..
Here is my point for all of those who say that you must know or must be confindent or must believe that you can pull the trigger or else you don't need to be carrying a firearm. You cannot know 100% that you can pull the trigger until you 100% HAVE pulled the trigger. Sure I feel that I COULD, WOULD and WILL. But I don't 100% know that until I PULL the trigger. I'm not Miss Cleo. I cannot predict the future. Only when I pull the trigger and hear BOOM! Will I know for 100% sure that I could. Does not mean I doubt myself. I'm as confident as the next guy. I'm just honest.
I disagree. For instance I can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that baring things outside my control (i.e. a stronger force than I) I am going to type the letter “a”. A. I know this because I know that I have decided that I am going to. There is no clairvoyance, divination, or prophetic revelation, just a simple decision. It is simply knowing the “mettle of your mental”.
You make the decision long before presented with the problem. This works for most moral issues. Black and white issues that is.
I couldn’t agree more.
to be honest i dunno. to be more honest, i really don't know. right now i can say yes and feel strong about it because deep down most likely it won't happen this instant or for the next hour, day, etc. in other words, i was never in that situation with a human. i was kinda with a dog, then i realized the growl was a sound reflection into my garage (i was in the garage) from my next door neighbor's fence, so no worries one i realized that. but i would think if i was in a life and death sit. i would pull the trigger and empty the mag (12 rounds).

con: dealing with the thought that you killed a human being even tho it was a bad guy.

con: I know the police are gonna give me BS about not giving me back my gun that i rightfully own and paid for and legally used to defend my family (parents) and myself. The Constitution gives me that right and so does the preamble. but cops don't seem to look at it that way, but i can be proven wrong....might.
I've been in several situations where under the laws of the state of Georgia I would have justified in firing my weapon in self defense. I've only completed drawing my weapon twice.

In every case the shoot?/no shoot decisions was clicking through my head God only knows how fast? In one situation, my assailant stopped his assault when I got off the line of attack and he realized I was drawing a handgun. He stopped and released his weapon. I stopped drawing mine.

In another, the two strangers fighting in my living room, obeyed my commands, noted the BHP in low ready and left my dwelling. I can remember my thought immediately prior to drawing my weapon:"If I draw it, I might have to use it." I drew it.

In the other situation where I drew my gun, I was walking into a stranger's house to find out where the screams were coming from. Granddaughter's boyfriend was in the process of beating the snot out of grandfather who was sitting in a chair incapable of even attempting to defend himself. I stopped that and held my BHP just to the side of the big tough guys head. I told him that if I felt the need to line up on his head I would immediately pull the trigger. I meant it. In fact, I was really hoping he'd do something stupid. But I acted as I have trained myself to act and refrained from listening to my emotions.

Will I pull the trigger? You bet. If needed. On the other hand, I've still got a chance to get through this life without causing a major injury to anyone. It's a goal of mine...I'm just not a fanatic about it.
Boris,have gone back and read all the post alot of good honset answers,but to be truefull I think you question is like the old question for religon class a hunderd years ago." Is god all powerfull that he himself could biuld a rock so large he himself could not lift it". you keep talking about not knowning a 100%,I am sorry and don't mean to offend bit that is per B.S.Like others have said much better than I , It has to be yes or no,or there will never be time to answer if I should.You are correct in that the mind set of combat is different,from the street, only in that some times you can shut down on your street or at combat that I experinced you never shut down.I think you are truly looking for a one stop answer,but there is none other than yes or no.if you have not faced it I hope and pray you never do,it is not an easy thing to take a human life.but as i train my troops you strapped it on and that should be the first thought in your mind every time you have a confortation. And not to knock the Christian religon. But GOD gave us the mind to save ourselfs,and IMHO,if and when I reach his AO I will await his desion good or bad.Until them BG'S beaware been there and done that,and will again if called upon
Just to jump through all semantic hoops, I'm as certain as anyone can be without having already accomplished the event. I don't know the sun will rise tomorrow until it does, either, but I can get close enough to certainty for my purposes.
I've been to the point of gun out, low ready, in the middle of the night with my wife crying with fright. It turns out she'd woken up from a nightmare and thought an attacker was in the room, so there was no real threat. But when I thought there was, I wasn't worried about whether to pull the trigger. I was just trying to find the threat she was shrieking about. I was ready (meaning willing) to do whatever I had to do.
I've trained and practiced and trained some more.
I hope that if SHTF, I'll fight like I've trained.
Yes I will fight to the end, just hope I never have to.