Can you carry any kind of gun you qualify for in all states?

Even though a state has reciprocity with Texas on CCW. The state law for those other states still apply.
Double Naught Spy,

It's there, but I forgot you technically have to be a member to download the Sportsman in pdf format. The current issue has the information about the laws passed. Here's a quote from the article in question.
Rep. Hupp’s bill also lowered the CHL age
for active and veteran military to obtain a
CHL from 21 to 18. I just looked at the
DPS website. Take a look for yourself at
the demographics by age for Texas CHLs.
It’s interesting to know that there are 262
CHLs who are 21 years of age out of a
quarter of a million. Also, it’s interesting
to note that only one has ever had their
license suspended, one has had his or
her license denied and no 21 year old
Texan has had their license revoked. The
statistics for this age group is remarkably
lower than for older Texans.
Another question that’s come up from
members is what impact does lowering the
age requirement for military have on CHL
reciprocity? None! And this was
researched before Rep. Hupp’s bill was
filed. When a Texas CHL goes to another
state they abide by that state’s laws.
Military, active or veteran, under the age
of 21, who want and qualify for a CHL will
have a license with a picture in profile and
their license will be good only in states
that offer a concealed handgun license
to folks under 21. At present, only a
handful of states (Montana, South
Dakota, and Alabama among them) offer
licenses to those under 21 years of age.