Hey guys I have a ruger P95 and it's a great gun,however my wife has taken it over,perhaps forever! Anyway Being a worshiper of the big .45ACP i seem to have a problem with the 9mm. Now I know most morden data shows it to be as good as the .45,well almost. What if the HP you shoot the BG doesn't expand? HMMMM. My brother whois a rabid 9mm proponent says the faster follow up shots from the 9mm and shot placement will more than compensate for any advantage the .45 may have. Is he right here guys? I can fire my 1911 .45 pretty fast but not as fast as a 9mm,I have been shooting .45 for over 10 years. I have always wanted a Beretta 92 with night sights,see where I am going here guys? Help me if you can.