Can someone explain what happened in Louisiana with gun confiscation?

But can you trust that they will abide such law? Something tells me that they did the confiscation because they wanted to, and generally when they want to do something they do it and only afterwards does the court do something about it, by which time you may be dead or broke from the legal bills.
Cabbynate wrote:

I could be wrong but I think it would be a tuff job for LE or the military to disarm Nevada........

Not to be a jerk, but drop a couple battalions of soldiers into Nevada, and Nevada goes bye-bye REAL fast. :p
But can you trust that they will abide such law? Something tells me that they did the confiscation because they wanted to, and generally when they want to do something they do it and only afterwords does the court do something about it, by which time you may be dead or broke from the legal bills.

It takes away the authority to issue such an order and makes it unlawful for a governmental agency or law enforcement officer to do so. The only exceptions are a law enforcement officer in the discharge of his duties. Which means you have to commit a criminal act with a firearm for it to be taken away. If you are not charged with a criminal act after arrest the firearm must be returned to you.

basically you either get arrested and charged with a crime or it is unlawful for the officer to take your firearm away. Which means paperwork for the officer and the possibility of being held liable for falshe charges.

These acts give easier recourse to due process for the vicitim and penalties for the officials violating them.
The huge majority of incidents of people shooting at helicopters and most of the terrible stuff the media said happened in the superdome never happened.

A friend of mine researched this stuff for the Loyola NO criminology department and they didn't find anything at all to back up all those reports of widespread madness.

There was not much in the way of communication down here at that time, so they just started reporting unconfirmed rumors from random crackheads as fact.
If laws do get passed that make the confiscation of home defense weapons illegal by law enforcment, (unless involved in a crime of course) then say the scenario happens, what would be your course of action?

ie, police come to your home, in the midst of a similiar situation as NO, and forcefully try to take away your weapons. Both they, and you know for a FACT that they are knowingly violating the law......what could or would you do? :confused:
Let them take the ones they can find . They have just committed a home invasion! They are nothing but looters and robbers! Report it to the next level of LEO! State or Fed!!!!
ie, police come to your home, in the midst of a similiar situation as NO, and forcefully try to take away your weapons. Both they, and you know for a FACT that they are knowingly violating the law......what could or would you do?

WARNING: This is thread veer and takes the topic into a what-if discussion.

There is already a scenario under discussion here, ... a real occurrance. No reason to initiate a SHTF discussion.

Moving to L&P.
My understanding is
Here in SC that was put in the State Constitution
The officer will be held liable and can go to jail.