Can someone explain what happened in Louisiana with gun confiscation?

If I recall correctly (which is always a problem with me), it wasn't the ATF. It was the local cops.
If my memory serves, they only tried to take them from those who they saw with them. Then a bit latter the city was sued over the depravation of rights and property. Not sure how the suit turned out of if it is over with yet.
Some people got labeled looters and some got labeled as scavengers.
Once you got labeled a looter your rights as a citizen ended.
Once the looters lost their rights all the potential looters lost theirs.

What are you some kind of an ALCU kook that wants to arm looters. They're out there shooting at helicopters and bothering puppies in the Superdome. We have to protect our law officers during these unstable times.
It's interesting how the ACLU and other similar organizations always seem to stand up for scumbags in just about any situation. Is that why they're anti gun as much as they are, to make things safer for the hoodlums they so dearly embrace?
Yes they did. It was all over the news and internet. Personally I think it was a test of sorts, to gauge public reaction to governmental extreme measures in the event of a crisis.

More to follow due to storm clouds on the horizon...
I think the cops who tackled the old lady worked for the California Highway Patrol. Lots of cops from other states came to "help" as well. As soon as the order went out they went absolutely nuts, they had been waiting for something like that for quite a while, apparently.

I wouldn't know, I headed for Texas when it was still way out in the gulf.
New Jersey SWAT team has been disbanded for hijinks they did in NOLA. Some of them may face charges. Not directly gun related except for having their pics taken with Hooters girls holding their duty weapons.
Yes they did. It was all over the news and Internet. Personally I think it was a test of sorts, to gauge public reaction to governmental extreme measures in the event of a crisis.
Wow. I don't watch the news as I don't believe a thing they have to say. I watched the you tube video and It amazes me how this type of thing could have gone on here in America. I understand them wanting to disarm the BG's but an old lady? I live in Nevada as you can see and I don't think that type of thing would go over very well here. To many upstanding citizen's willing to protect there 2 amendment rights. Lots of .50 cal's and AR and AK in the hands of citizens. I could be wrong but I think it would be a tuff job for LE or the military to disarm Nevada........
Not watching the news/sticking your head in the sand is not good idea, even if you dont believe all they have to say it keeps you abreast of what is going on, then you can use other means to come to a general truth about what the news says. Knowledge "the fact or condition of being aware of something" :) They wont take the guns at first, they will stop the supply of ammo, then they will put a bounty on your guns, have family, friends, neighbors turn you in for cash, then they will come get them. It will be systematic over a period of time. Of course this is just hypothetical....right!
Not watching the news/sticking your head in the sand is not good idea, even if you dont believe all they have to say it keeps you abreast of what is going on, then you can use other means to come to a general truth about what the news says. Knowledge "the fact or condition of being aware of something"
Your right. I need to make some changes. A buddy of mine said pretty much the same thing about the ammo supply. I gotta stock up on more ammo. I have no family here in Nevada so I would one of the first to join up with the fight for you rights's clan. (though I would be around member #15,0024);)
Yes they did. It was all over the news and internet. Personally I think it was a test of sorts, to gauge public reaction to governmental extreme measures in the event of a crisis.

More to follow due to storm clouds on the horizon...

Hmm, could this be why they never funded the proper maintenance and upgrades to the levees even though their lack of ability and stability were known and brought to light for quite a while prior to this incident?

Your right. I need to make some changes. A buddy of mine said pretty much the same thing about the ammo supply. I gotta stock up on more ammo. I have no family here in Nevada so I would one of the first to join up with the fight for you rights's clan. (though I would be around member #15,0024)

Personally, if widespread disaster struck, I would offer myself to a ranch owner as a guard. Set up tripwires and notifying flares for night watch. Post signs that tresspassers will be shot on site. (Now if someone approached during the day, seemingly unarmed and garnishing a white flag, I wouldn't shoot, but you know what I mean). I would offer my services as a rifleman and guard to protect their family, cattle and other ranch animals from predatory humans during the off hours. I would also offer myself as a ranch hand doing the crap work around the place. All I would ask for is 2 meals per day minimum and a place to rest. On top of that, my ammo stockpile will soon be that of a small coalition, so I have no doubt someone will afford me their hospitality.

This would be highly available at any ranch/farm within 200 to 400 miles of any major city, as that would be the average range of most automobiles. People would drive from the danger and abandon their cars to continue on foot. From there, they may become desperate and attempt bad actions against local ranches and farms.
I was in MP school last year and had a few people from La. down there couple of them were in the National Guard and stated that yes they BATF was doing the confiscation regardless of proof of ownership or not. Some was house to house others was when people were just moving their belongings they would ask do you have any weapons they replied "yes" as most law abidding citizens do and they were confiscated. BATF at its finest
What are you some kind of an ALCU kook that wants to arm looters. They're out there shooting at helicopters and bothering puppies in the Superdome. We have to protect our law officers during these unstable times.
Honestly, not being sarcastic here..... I'm not sure who this was directed at, and I'm not sure if it's satire. I do know this; By disarming indiscriminantly they aided the looters. They took the right of self protection away from law abiding citizens. Do you think they got any weapons off the scumbags who had them illegally? I certainly hope you are not advocating such an idea. The right to bear arms is an entrustment that good people will do good things. A law abiding gun owner should never need to give up a gun at the time they need it most. I seriously doubt a CCW permit holder was shooting at any helicopters, but the b*stard who did was a dangerous SOB, and people should have the right to protect their family against such A-holes.

Not watching the news/sticking your head in the sand is not good idea, even if you dont believe all they have to say it keeps you abreast of what is going on, then you can use other means to come to a general truth about what the news says. Knowledge "the fact or condition of being aware of something"
There's a good point buried deep here. You need to repeat the mantra: "Liberal slant, liberal slant..." while you watch the news, but you do need to watch it. Camera lenses have no biases, but the editors who choose what footage to show do. Interviews will be taken out of context, but you can't make any judgement at all if you don't even watch. It doesn't take long to notice conflicting reports. As hard as they try to add their biases, you need to try equally to see through them, otherwise, you know nothing, and by the time you hear anything, it's so convaluted that it's just blather.

Yes they did. It was all over the news and internet. Personally I think it was a test of sorts, to gauge public reaction to governmental extreme measures in the event of a crisis.
HMM... It would be easy to say that this is one of those "Black Helicopter" deals, but in a way... Naw, can't make that jump. I'll agree with this however; it may not have been executed for this purpose, but you can bet they later used it as a guage to measure public outcry.
Hmm, could this be why they never funded the proper maintenance and upgrades to the levees even though their lack of ability and stability were known and brought to light for quite a while prior to this incident?

Hate to be a wet blanket here, but history is history. The indians warned the spanish not to build a settlement there. "Many big storms come". The Spanish built, and the settlement was destroyed. The Spanish warned the British, same result. The French got the same warning, had a few "minors" but rebuilt. Then a huge city wound up there, and a few got so bold as to believe some piles of dirt would keep them safe, and they did, until conditions dictated a storm of such magnitude. Since recording weather is a relatively new idea, everyone was shocked at the size of this monster. Climatologists will readily tell you that in terms of geologic history, Katrina was not so uncommon.
One hundred years ago they would stick a candle wick down a well to measure temperature, now we're "caught in the throws of a global warming crisis". These people won't want to talk about what ended the last ice age. Priests prayed at the edge of a glacier in 14th century Sweden, asking god to make it stop, and it did! Was it because the earth goes though natural cycles? NO! it's because of Tanzer's SUV! (which hadn't been built yet). Mount St. Helens blew more junk into the air than mankind has in two centuries, and it doesn't hold a candle to Krakatoa or Vesuvious. But we stubbornly push forth the idea that man's uncaring attitude is the cause of our problems. We don't allow the cutting of underbrush in the California hills, then we stand back in awe as fires ravage the landscape, and we can't stop them.
-----END RANT HERE----
Building better levies will make us all feel better about ourselves, at least until nature shows us that we continually underestimate it. If a disaster hits my area, I demand the right to protect my family.
The end result was that Louisiana, Texas and other states have now passed laws that forbid confiscation of firearms during emergencies by any governmental unit.