Can McCain beat Hillary?

I think McCain can beat Clinton. He brings honesty and integrity to the campaign. Of course, his national security experience is a given. Economic policy, so-so. Health care, so-so. Immigration issues, about the same. Gun control he doesn't excite me, but better than Clinton.
The main thing in 2008 for me is I want a Republican, any Republican, to win the White House. I think we will have a major problem if the Democrats hold the House, Senate, and Presidency at once.
The last time it happened, it lasted two very confused years, after which the Dems lost their 4 decade hold on the House, the sitting Speaker lost in his own district, and the Republican Revolution came to town, led by Mr. Newt, to implement the Contract with America.
The last time it happened, it lasted two very confused years, after which the Dems lost their 4 decade hold on the House, the sitting Speaker lost in his own district, and the Republican Revolution came to town, led by Mr. Newt, to implement the Contract with America.

I believe that during those 2 very confused years, we got the assault weapons ban, which then lasted for 10 years. So while absolute Democratic control might be short, the effects may be long term.
What's better, a Democrat that you CAN oppose, or a new "Republican" president with Democratic objectives that the lemmings in Congress WON'T oppose?

Ideally, I'd have a real Republican and conservative for President, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

No McCain. McCain/Feingold. AWB. Illegal Amnesty. Gun Shows.

No Rudy, no Romney. They both WANT to establish universal payer Health Care. They both flip-flop all over the place on eminent domain, free speech, gun rights and social policy. Research Mass. law 40Q. Romney endorses decisions such as Kelo.

No Huckabee. Denounces evolution in favor of creationism. Chuck Norris is his celebrity sponsor. Take the race seriously, Huck.

I need Thompson or Paul to step up and become serious candidates; neither has done anything to merit my vote.

A weak Republican showing will teach the party what it forgot since 1994; you can't ignore what it means to be conservative in order to make a buck on the Hill.
No Huckabee. Denounces evolution in favor of creationism.

Why does that matter? As president, he isn't going to be able to do much of anything to further his viewpoint. Congress really is very unlikely to pass any legislation regarding evolution or creation.
Why does that matter? As president, he isn't going to be able to do much of anything to further his viewpoint. Congress really is very unlikely to pass any legislation regarding evolution or creation.

I suppose next someone will come out in opposition of a president because he drive the wrong brand of automobile.Who cares were he stands on evolution? To think of all the things at stake and the person reffered to in the above quote is worried about who he prays to.
My prediction!

Hillary will loose to Bama by a few point!

Bama is not in the Know and Afro Ameican!

NOT BEING PREDJUDICE , America is not ready to elect a Afro American!

I see a White Women coming first!:eek:

We will end up with a Watered Down, Republican! Say John McCain !

Democrat's will over whelm the Congress and Senate and again nothing will get done!:barf:

Just my Lame Thoughts!:confused:
None of the Republican candidates that have come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the various state primary/caucus held so far, will win in the fall. That's without regard to which one of them it is.
I don't see any difference between McCain and Hillary. Who cares?

On further thought I'm wrong. There is one difference, Hillary has never actually voted on a gun ban in the Senate.
I for one see a huge difference in McCain and Hillary.... McCain is a frikkin war hero, Hillary let the Clinton gun ban take place, and as far as I can see, the only bullets she ever dodged were the ones that her husband was feeding to Monica. Really do hope McCain gets it.
George H. W. Bush was a frikkin war hero too and he sold out gun owners he had pledged to defend during his election. He was so pissed at the NRA for not endorsing him he found a very public excuse to cancel his Life Memebership. That was of course, after he was out of office.

Frikkin war hero doesn't equate to protecting gun rights.
Correct me if I'm wrong.. Bush was never a POW.

BTW, any idea what excuse he came up with to cancel his life membership?
War hero = POW only?

Bush(41) was a WWII pilot in the Pacific that was shot down and rescued by a submarine just prior to his raft going ashore on a Japanese held island. At that time, the Japanese were not taking POWs. They were low on food and eating them.

Bush took offense at the NRA's use of "Jack Booted Thug" to describe ATF agents and renounced his membership in "disgust."
Never new that about Bush- the NRA part. That is kind of sad. It tarnishes his rep in my mind a bit. I consider my Grandfather a WWII vet a war hero, but he has the highest regard for POWs. I think that there are some things worse than others to have to go through.
No difference?
How about taxes, socialized medicine, appointment of judges, creating an extra-constirtuional office for Bill to be uber-ambassador to the world?
Romney has publicly stated that he SUPPORTS a new AWB, McCain does not. Huckabee concerns me that in the fact that he has made religion such a big issue, almost as if he's trying to have a monopoly on it, pure arrogance. I really don't care what religion you practice, just don't publicly advocate it. Big questions dog Huckabee on immigration as well, plus the question of issuing 1000 pardons in Arkansas?:eek: How tough would he be on crime? He's also got tax and spend issues from his days in Arkansas, the Huckster is far from perfect, as is McCain and the rest of'em.:p

Say what you want, but I'm getting behind McCain at this point. From what I've read on his website, his Second Ammendment stance is totally acceptable to me, opposes new AWB, opposes hi-cap magazine ban, opposes importation ban, supports overturning DC gun ban, ect, its all on his website. I like his stance on Iraq and while you may not agree with him, he tells you what he's gonna do and why he's doing it, no funny stuff.