Can McCain beat Hillary?

I think he could. On issues such as Iraq, experience, and foreign policy, McCain would wipe the floor with Hillary. On immigration, Hillary doesn't have a card to play, as she stands for open borders and social chaos. Hillary even had the nerve to say we need a commander in chief that respects the military, coming from her, that's pretty funny. McCain takes this argument away also, as he is a war veteran, POW, and he claims to have 100 retired admirals and generals supporting/endorsing him. Bottom line, McCain wipes the floor with Hillary.

As far as guns go, I don't think he will play the gun control card, he know's its a political loser and he knows how much political influence the NRA/gun owners have. I think if Hillary is the nominee, McCain is our best hope. Feel free to make arguments as to why he's not, but I think he is.
My thoughts are that maybe he can beat her. I am not sure since the general attitude of voters is to stick it to the Republicans in 2008. Though McCain does have a strong independent streak which might carry over to election. He probably would do well with Independents, and moderate Republicans, but it is possible he might not be able to win over conservatives in the Republican party. Right now it does not look good for the Republicans in 2008.
I like McCain...

He's far from perfect, but he's better than most of the other choices. He's also the only one that stands ANY chance of competing vs. the Dems, with the exception of Rudi the RINO whom is completely on the left on social issues.

I don't think he stands much of a chance against Hillary or Obama though.
I agree.....

after reasearching and reading up, I think McCain is a good alternative to Huckabee, as far as Pro-2A candidates go.....

Just go to McCain's personal webiste and read up on his views....

hey the things that stood out to me is that:

He now opposes the Assault weapons bans

He's in the fight to make it legal for law abiding citizens in DC to own handguns

Ya will need our guns when he puts on his sombrero and declares amnesty and open borders.

Does anyone remeber McCain/Fiengold(campaign finance reform), opposing the Bush tax cuts, Amnesty for Illegals, buddying up with Teddy Kennedy ect, ect, ect.

You all either have bad memories or will overlook anything out of fear of the big bad Hillary.
I would hope so, but he has really angered many constitutionalists with his McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance muzzling of 1A, AWB support, Illegal amnesty and gang of 14 Supreme Court vote blocking.

Edit to add: But Hillary is much worse. It would definately be a vote for the lesser of two evils. Better to try for a better candidate!
Last edited: is truly amazing how many Republicans have selective memories when it comes to John McCain. His stand on immigration, if nothing else, should disqualify him from the Republican party.
the McCain-Fiengold act told me everything I needed to know about how McCain views the American People and how little he truly understands even the most fundamental principles of the Constitution.
I was in favor of McCain over Bush in 2000. I would not vote for McCain in the Republican primary, but would certainly support him over Hillary or Obama.

The main thing in 2008 for me is I want a Republican, any Republican, to win the White House. I think we will have a major problem if the Democrats hold the House, Senate, and Presidency at once. We just went through total control of all branches of government by the Republicans, and it was a fiasco. It will only be worse with the Democrats.

McCain is dead wrong on immigration. McCain Feingold was a terrible law, but it is already passed. The other issue with McCain is he wants to close the so-called gun show loophole. If elected, he will need to be watched closely.
The main thing in 2008 for me is I want a Republican, any Republican, to win the White House

Guess what I thought the same way on bush but found he was not a republican in my opinion. I see McCain as the same type president, simply cannot vote for either Hillary or McCain, we cannot nor should not vote for the lessor of two evils the country cannot afford to do so, we need dramatic change. I do not see how either party represent me, the republican throw us a bone on 2nd adm. but continue to destroy the middle class with trade agreements, unchecked spending, importing slave labor,so we cannot afford to vote on one issue.
Vote for McCain if you do not like free speech before elections, if you do not like gun shows, if you have contempt for gun owners, and if you like to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
I wouldn't count on McCain to support 2A rights at all. You don't see him at the range, so I don't want him anywhere near anything as potentially destructive as the presidency. Something just tells me I don't like either choice we're getting so just concentrate on voting for the other offices and hope that a good Congress will stop either from being too destructive, as well as keeping well supplied in the event of various unfavorable legislation. It is not out of the realm of the possibility that opposition may need to be visible.
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Just a friendly reminder that our borders are secured (or not) by legislation, all of which originates and is enacted by, yep, the Legislature; not the Executive. Say it with me-CONGRESS. Sure, McCain may the Dems to play ball on immigration, but it's not a slam dunk (as Bush painfully learned). You all need to stop worrying about the figurehead (for that's what he/she is) in the White House and pay attention to who you are sending to the Hill. Same goes for gun laws. McCain or Hillary or any of the other dimwits running can do no more to restrict or expand gun ownership than can you or I. And, let's not forget the Court, which is largely conservative right now. No, as much as Bush has worked to expand the powers of the Executive, he is, for the most part, handcuffed without Congress's help.

From what I remember of McCain the Republican Party has never been supportive of him or his ideas.When I see most of the big money going to Mitt and Rudy(both Dems in Rep clothing) and none of the others getting any money I just can't see him(or Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee) winning. Got to go with the money.:barf:

Mitt and Rudy say things now that are 180 degrees from when they were in office. I can't trust that. And the others have no support($$$) to keep them in the game. The big tent of the Rep party is only good for those who give lip survice to the big game. John, Ron and Mike have been pushed out from under the tent to stand in the rain. But at least they've been consistant in their views. I trust any of those 3 over the first 2.

Without the support of the party John can never beat Hillary. And I just don't see the party support coming, maybe later but the big money goes to something that isn't Republican(Mitt&Rudy)

I don't say this just on what they say but what they did in office. Rudy and Mitt look like Democrats, going by their record. Such a big change in EVERYTHING you believe in is to much of a streach of the imagination.:mad:
I don't say this just on what they say but what they did in office. Rudy and Mitt look like Democrats, going by their record. Such a big change in EVERYTHING you believe in is to much of a streach of the imagination.

Many conservatives would say McCain is also a RINO.

At least John voted along party lines most of the time. Granted 'The Straight Talk Express' was way out of line from the Reps. Since then he may say things that sounds like the Dems but his VOTE has been in line. Even during his first run for POTUS he had this same problem. I'd listen to him, it would make sense and then he would vote the other way.

That's why I don't see the party backing him now or ever. He just seems a contradiction of himself. His words go against his vote. But his vote has for the most part been in line with the party.:confused: