Can I sell my beretta 93R?

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"While there probably are not be any factory originals, there are at least 2 or 3 93R kits that were built onto Taurus receivers and are transferrable here in the US."

Correct and I have seen one in person... at the time it was for sale for 30k... and that was a WHILE ago...
The Philippines has no restriction on full auto weapons. Their gun shows are amazing. I think perhaps the OP should have mentioned his location.
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Its not showin the pics anyways.
Yes I am interested when you legally import it into this country. I have CA$H. Please post some pics in THIS thread now so we all can look at them. Thank you. -Goodspeed
Not worth your trouble, if imported into the US now it would be government purchase only, and the government can buy as many new guns as they want without yours so why would they buy yours.

Has more local value where you are at than it would here.
goodspeed(TPF) said:
Yes I am interested when you legally import it into this country. I have CA$H.

You could have a bajillion dollars in crisp, new Franklins and unless your last name is "Police Department" or you're an SOT with an LE demo letter in your sweaty little hand, you can't have it. And even if you're the latter, you can only have it as long as you stay in business as an SOT; the minute you stop paying that tax, you need to transfer all your post- sample guns.
Rock and a hard place.

Read under here /\/\ and above here \/\/......
this thread is wasting my life, you're not going to import it (from a practical viewpoint), end of story. I love how everybody goes crazy when someone posts something like this.
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