can i buy a mac-10 with a suppressor?

Open bolt designs produced before a certain date are legal, IIRC. They have to be either papered as MGs or SA only.
Legality of Mac 10 with suppressor in Florida

As long as the Mac 10 was manufactured prior to 1986 and the current owner has a Form 4 for the Mac 10 and a form 4 for the suppressor you can purchase them. The process involves the following steps.
You will probably be asked to prepay for a portion of the item or all of it but may not take possession until you are approved with your form 4 for each item.

If you CLEO will not sign off on the form 4's you can use a business entity like a corporation, LLC, or a trust to make the purchase. If you do this it is advisable to create the entity first and have the entity purchase the weapons so that the paperwork you submit to the ATF matches the actual transaction. Most people make a mistake with this and technically violate the NFA. If you would like help filling out the form 4 I have instructions for a trust at .

Once you receive it the items it is important not to let others who are not co-trustees on the trust use the items as the NFA defines a transfer to include "loaning". In addition, you need to be careful to include your spouse or other family members, who are eligible, who know the combination to the gun safe or you would like to be able to shoot the items so you are not violating the NFA through constructive possession.

Most of all remember that just because you obtain a transfer permit, does not mean your trust is valid. If the trust is not valid you have violated the NFA and are subject to 10 years in jail and a $250,000 enhanced penalty that applies to NFA trusts. You might argue that the trust is not valid so the $10,000 penalty should apply.

Hope this helps clear up some of the issues on this.