Can handguns be sexy?

Skans wrote: "I like goats and dogs too, but I don't find any of them sexy either."

Well, I know this guy from Pakistan who sez...........uh, never mind!:eek:
Those hot gals on the cover of the Dillon catalogue are sexy and the guns just make'm more so. I've always said when it comes time to cash in my chips I'd like one of the suacy babes to come by and finish the job!;)
Sexy? You have got to be kidding. Sexy as in sexually stimulating? You guys are confused. putting a gun in a sexy girls hands or on her belly does not make the gun sexy either. But it sure is firearms related, so post away.

(no more women who look like men):D
There are different definitions of the word "sexy." Those of you who think it only refers to a certain type of attraction to another are thinking with the wrong part of their anatomy. :) According to, one of the definitions for the word "sexy" is:
3. excitingly appealing; glamorous: a sexy new car.
So, yes a handgun can be glamorous or appealing.
Appealing, or excitingly appealing? Excitingly appealing would indicate that something more going on than something being simply appealing. Guns ARE appealing, but hardly excitingly appealing.

Am I thinking with my anatomy, or do I simply have comprehension? Let's take a look at the root word of sexy....Sex. Hmmm, what could that mean?

So you look at your fav guns and try to attach adjetives to express your level of excitement towards the object? Who's really thinking with thier anatomy here? Question: Do you get even more "excited" about the guns after you've had a few drinks? DO Glocks start to look good after a pint of Jack Daniels?:D
I once had a girlfriend who described my Dad's large frame Smith .357, I think it's a Model 65 as sexy. When I asked her to explain why, she said that to her, and mind you she was rather gun literate, the large frame gleaming revovler spoke of an old school State Patrolman, which she thought was "sexy".

I soon there after took to carrying my Model 10 anytime I could find an excuse.:cool:
Guns are just inanimate objects. Such cannot be sexy in my view. Beautiful maybe, but not sexy.

Back to the subject- Carrie Fisher sure made that Hi-Point laser look sexy back in the day as Leia.
I especially liked her in the slave outfit on Jabba's sandship, but have you seen her lately?:eek: Surprising nobody has mentioned Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft. Quite cheesy, but who didn't absolutely love the look of her wielding dual H&K USPMs? That's what I call sexy guns.:D
This thread kinda reminds me of the old Dashiell Hammett, Mickey Spillane books.

She had a pair of 38s, and the 45 in her hand was impressive also.....