can anyone tell me a good defense load for the .38 speacial?

Steel versus aluminum snubbies...

Everybody here is saying that the 158+Ps recoil is gonna hurt if the gun is aluminum, but will be reasonable in a steel snubbie.

I concur. My snubbie is mostly steel with a bit of aluminum (barrel shroud, grip frame, trigger guard) and I can deal with the 158+Ps quite well.

That said, I'm pleasantly surprised that the Nyclad 125+Ps pulled over 900fps from a snubbie. If that's the case, and you have a steel-frame gun but don't want to deal with the recoil in the 158+Ps (try it first) then I'd say those Nyclad 125+P hollowpoints are an intriguing alternative! That's around 235-240ft/lbs and the speed should help expansion. I'm tempted to score some, see how accurate they are in my gun.

That's another thing: some guns just shoot one load more accurately than others. There's no way to predict. When I first got my snubbie, I found that Federal 110 personal defense hydras shot more accurately than the Nyclad 125 standard pressure. I didn't realize my gun could take some +P until a bit later. THEN I found out why, months later: that damn Federal is a squib, the turkey was tested at below 800fps by a trustworthy source (

So I'll be quite interested to see how the Winchester 158+P LSWC-HP compares in accuracy to the Nyclad 125+P HP - if the Nyclad holds an advantage, I'd consider switching.

If not, the 158s have the track record.

45automan, both of your guns (M36/60) are steel and should recoil the same. Unless - you do have a M66, then it will kick less. IMHO, recoil is so subjective that it's almost impossible to predict someone elses reaction. I have zero problems shooting my aluminum framed M38 with standard 158s, but I can tell the difference with the +P's. Conversly, I do not enjoy shooting full house .44 mag loads in my Mountain Gun. So - this gives you an idea of my limits. Strangely enough, benchresting a .458 is completely "do-able" for me, while a good friend who shoots his .44 with abandon thinks I have a screw loose for the .458 gig. Very subjective subject.


I am shooting a Ruger SP101 2 1/4" barrel 25Oz. This is a little heaver the the S&W 642.

Tony Z
I never considered the short barrel's lowered velocity hindering the opening of a JHP. It makes sense though. I am glad I checked back to this thread. Makes me think that a 158 grain LWC could work just fine. Looks like I need to start stocking a few more of those than I have. :)
I reload 125 grain jacketed hex hollow points.
Accuracy and penetration is there along with a little expansion.
Happy Shooting All.............
Be careful with the 158gr +P lead ammo in the snubby revolvers. The recoil will cause the bullet to pull out of the case, leaving you with a thoroughly jammed gun! It happened to me several times with mine! I went to the light bullets in +P or +P+ and haven't had that problem. Now the recoil is pretty stout!
Hmmm...I've heard of that...

Hasn't happened to me with Winchester 158+Ps. I've heard of handloads doing that, and a true aluminum snub might snap hard enough to do it to factory rounds.

I wonder if the Nyclad variant might be "slicker" and might pull out of the shell easier?

Anyways...if you shoot factory 158+Ps from a steel gun (or mostly steel in my case) you'll probably be OK. But definately test a bunch first, and carry rounds from a box you've partially tested.

Jim March,

Which Federal load was the "squib"?

The 110 personal defense, or the 125 standard pressure Nyclad?


Mike M.
Federal's Personal Defense line of ammo is all low recoil, they are all squib loads. The 125 non +P [ie Standard pressure] nyclad is also a squib load but the nyclad coating lets them use a softer lead than the plain Lead HP and SWHP.

With low velocity rounds you want lead, not jacketed bullets. The nyclads are almost more like a coating that keep the bullet from leading the bore...also reduces lead vapor IIRC.

From a snub gun I would recommend the 158 +P either in nyclad version or Lead Hollow point if you can handle it in your gun otherwise drop to the 125 nyclad [standard pressure].