Thank you all for the replies.
As for my asinine, well, I'm not very clear what the laws are, and thought it would be easier to ask. I realize that my asking was a long shot, and I'm aware of California's stand point on guns. You're looked at as some kind of criminal if you even mention you like guns. And better luck trying to explain that you like guns but don't really hunt. I guess target shooting for fun and to hone your marksmanship is just stupid. And no Number 6, I did not fall alseep in Gov class. This is California, and guns are never even mentioned, which is why I'm a little shaky on this topic.
I know he's a convicted fellon, and he's not the kind of person you'd want to have a firearm. I am not quite sure what he did, something along the lines of possesion I believe, but I know he has never robbed, raped, attacked, or killed anyone. Sure he screwed up back then, but he's a good guy and I don't think it'll hurt to let a 70 year old man borrow a shotgun to go pheasant hunting one time.
He is no exception to the law, and you are all right, no convicted fellon should be allowed to posses a firearm. Thanks again for making the laws clear. And I'll be sure to drop him off at the nearest county jail Number 6.