Camo? Bah!!! Humbug!!!

Yeah, I wear some camo now, but believe me, I killed as many deer in the old days, wearing jeans and a wool shirt, as I have when wearing camo stuff.
Camo sure looks good though :)
Wish I could give credit for this quote but I can't recall where I read it.

If you move they will see you even if you're wearing camo; if you don't move they won't see you even if you're not.
Yep - things are getting a little out of hand (real product):

...mind you, I do believe that dear relations with a deer are illegal in 34 states. :eek:
Emerson also made it clear that he felt no man should go into the woods holding more aces than whatever creature he might be after. In Emerson's own ethic, each time a man went into the woods he had the chance to return with some grain of solace as well as food."

Amen +1

That is as well said as I have ever heard.
And dont forget to camo your truck, your four wheeler, and the camping trailer you sleep in while you are on your hunting trip. :rolleyes:
You never know them deer might have a scout out for you on the road in. If they see you coming they will clear out of the area for days!!
I used to use camo to hunt, until al my old BDU's from my service days finally wore out. Now it is just an old pair of jeans, snake boots and a t-shirt with a jacket if needed. (good ole mild SGa winters) Cant really see as how the change of attire has hurt any.
However I have a friend that I introduced to deer hunting a couple of years ago. He will not even go scouting with me unless he is in full camo gear. Kind of funny to me, but he is a good friend so I don't laugh about it (Not when anyone can see or hear me anyway :) )
I guess it is a personal choice.
I'll confess: I wear camo and the orange vest on top (w/orange cap). I received the camo as a Christmas gift. I like the camo for two reasons: waterproof and it "breathes". I have a knack for getting caught in wonderful "Nebraska" weather (rain, sleet, snow, etc.) when I hunt, and the camo really helps keep me dry and comfortable. Lots of pockets for stuff, too. I wear the orange on top because it is the law, and because I don't want to get shot by another hunter. And more pockets in the vest.

Plus, it is kind of like a uniform to me. I don't have to worry about getting it dirty and stuff like that.

OK. Everyone can pile on now..... :)
Well heck....

I have a ton o free camo wear courtesy of over 28 years of service and the
I have set in plain view...
For sitting, Camauflage is often unnecessary, if you can sit still.

When you start moving, the camauflage can really make a difference in hiding your movement.
Got a closet full and dont use any of it. Mostly because the most sucessful hunters i know are two old geezers who never use camo and poke fun at anyone who does.
The older i get i kinda understand their observations and the intertainment value of younger folks.
I dont deer hunt anymore and last year i let some young folks hunt on my land. Two hunted the small overgrown ridge on the north side all season with no luck full camo even on their face.
Two hunted the moutain in heavy timber with full camo tree stands face makeup and hand held radio's
no luck either.
Each morning i watched from my deck and counted a couple of spikes one six point and one really big one [for TN] over the course of several days along with several does.
They never saw them from the tops of the ridges or mtns but they got lots of exercize carrying all that equipment up there.
How long have deer been around? What about all animals that are hunted? How long has camo been produced and sold to the hunting public? I'll bet it's a commercial money making business. Ages before we started hunting, man was killing animals without camo. Hmmm.
The late Howard Hill said..." a guy ought to look like a gentleman when out hunting and not some wild looking creature..." It is an advertising gimmick to cater to those who like dressing & playing commando when hunting...I rather look like and behave like a "sportsman", not a para-military man with his greasepaint.....ready to capture the enemy....Howard Hill could hunt circles around most hunters could most of his contemporaries...and take that grenade out of your mouth!
I was re-reading (for the umpteenth time) the late Gene Hill's Shotgunner's Notebook, and came across his pithy (and relevant) observation on how some hunters appear to the public, and about camouflage:

"I have long wished that hunters--all of us--would give a little more thought to our public image.

"Next time you walk into a diner during the shooting season and you see your counterpart wearing his plastic orange cap, a coat stiff with old blood stains, and sporting a belt knife that would be more at home on a sugar plantation, think about how this looks to the people who don't hunt. If you were a farmer, who do you want hunting on your land? What sort of spokesman do you want when the locals start complaining about shotgun patterns on all the road signs, and the newspapers carry the traditional story about the pet dog or cow or even horse that was gunned down?

"We all talk about 'ethics.' But the simple effort of putting our best face to the public seems to have been overlooked. I somewhat resent having to wear a license the size of a wanted poster, and I have mixed feelings about being draped in hunter orange; an incarcerated felon looks like a banker by comparison. I'm ashamed that our elected officials don't trust us not to steal game or shoot each other--but whose fault is it?

"Looking better won't solve the problem--but it won't hurt you or our image. And after you've thought about it for a long time, tell me why a person out for an afternoon in a bird cover has to wear more camouflage than a combat infantryman. Maybe it's time we all grew up before it's too late."

Well said, Gene. Well said!

Good luck, and good shooting.
Looking at the new Fall season Cabelas... Wow.

If I wore some of the stuff they have for sale in there, I would honestly feel like an idiot. Somehow I don't think I'll be needing a camoed piss bottle and portable camping rectal thermometer anytime soon.

If you wore all that stuff you would be so camoed you couldn't tell your ass from a hole in the ground.
About camo a artical in Ontario Out of Doors showed that as long as you wernt reflecting alot of UV light (someone else here mentioned it :)) and you break up your outline it didnt really matter what colors etc you were wearing as long as it wasnt blue. It claimed deer notice blue better then other colors and it will get them spoked. He claimed that deer wernt color blind completly and saw things in shades of yellow for the most part.

Its the September Issue 2005 and was written by Russ Swedlyk.

By judging the pictures he edited to give about the same coloring as what deer would see I see no reason that colors would effect the effectivness of any color combination (With the exeption of wearing blue) that doesnt make you look like one big soild color to the deer.

How true that is I am unsure. But I hope this input helps :)

shotgun.jpgI got the ugliest benelli in the world. I love ugly guns!


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I figured I'd slather myself in mud and dress up in my loin cloth like my native american relatives... but on the other hand I think I will stick to wearing Jeans, a natural colored (brown, gray, black) sweatshirt for those fall hunts and maybe a hat.

Father used to wear a wool coat (red checkered) and wool pants (red checkered as well). Seemed to work fine for all the deer he killed.

I laugh as well and kinda cringe at the Cabelas catalog cause you KNOW as sure $hit that someone out there is buying ALL the latest and greatest gear... it's usually the bow hunters :D. They seem to enjoy new technology after all they do buy $200 sights for their how many year old sport?
Here's a thought.....

...If you can afford it, go ahead. I'll be sinking my money into the firearms and ammo before I spend a penny on camo clothes, though (and we all know how addicting/$$$ consuming that can be.....)
Kingudaroad: that's not an ugly gun! Looks fine to me.

But I'd always be afraid of setting it next to a tree, walking a few steps away, and then I can't find that darn camo'd gun for the life of me.... :D