Camo? Bah!!! Humbug!!!


New member
I have set in plain view, in street clothes, 20 ft from grazing deer for 15 minutes before they decided to move on. I was watching two does, hoping they would draw a buck. No luck, but that moment combined with other accoiunts I've read convinced me that camo gear is just a big sales gimmick. I still have camo gear only because the warmest gear is camo. Anybody else have thoughts on camo? :D
Was it deer season? If not, they knew to ignore you no matter what you wearing ;)

I've recreated similar "encounters" like the one you describe, but not in hunting season! :o I have slew of camo, mainly because I collect it, but partly for hunting.

No, it hasn't brought me much luck. But I don't think my luck will change switching to a tweed jacket and knickers, either. :D
My brother had it happen to him on the first day of hunting season. (Result: deer stroganoff for the rest of the year, and a 1/2 mile haul)

Here's a tip for staying still: bring a good book. It happened to my bro while he was engrossed in "master and commander" he was on his knees hunched over, and he didn't hear the deer walk up on him. THen he thought he heard something, and turned around. Deer jumped, and bolted. About 20 yds away, jon took a shot from his 20 ga. THe deer dropped instantly. And i was sitting down, heard the bang, then this long, slow CLICKA CLICK! as he shucked a cartridge on the ground. Grabbed my radio, and ran over. It was an awsome day (although i was bummed because I had a deer walk to within 50 yds of me, (i didn't think my 12 ga could reach) and the deer ran off eventually.

but anyway, back on topic, i think a tree helps you somewhat, because it destroys your outline. My deer saw me when i stepped away from the tree. (dumb, dumb, I won't do that again)
Most animals are color blind so actual colors don't really matter. As long as you keep still, they won't see you. What I find really stupid is guys wearing camo and their bright hunter orange vest.
Animals are not color BLIND, they are color LIMITED.

Most only see shades of gray - MANY shades of gray (many more than humans can see). This is actually better for seeing movement, for improved depth preception and low-light vision.

Some animals can see MUTED colors (turkeys for example).

Camo is useful in that it breaks up the outline of the hunter. Even though deer cannot see colors the different shades of the camo make it very hard for them to "see" the mass of the hunter. As for blaze orange camo, it is required by law in most states from most hunting seasons (not required for turkey [in some states] because they can see it).
Cautious deer

Deer don't care what you are wearing as long as you are behaving in a non-threatening way. :cool: If you are camouflaged and odor(:barf: )-camouflaged you can get nearer to them if they can't see you. If they see you and think you are acting threatening they will run no matter what colors you are wearing.

I forget the name of it but there is a book on deer behavior and biology which contains a page showing the spectrum of colors that deer can see. Blaze orange looks like a deep yellow to them. They can see farther into the blue than we can, which explains why it's more important to not use laundry brighteners than to wear camouflage.

Happy deer watching/hunting/picture-taking everybody
My Grandpa was the best hunter I ever knew and he didnt own a single item in camo and never used scent free this and that.Todays carbon suit-camo junkie hunters are taking the fun and challenge out of hunting if you ask me.
Aww, grandpa!

My older relatives are always saying just that. "You don't need that crap! We used to hunt in plaid jackets with welder's pants to keep the burrs off!" They have acceded to the times by wearing their old G.I. field parkas, but only for convenience. Myself, I have one set of camo, in Shadow Grass. It's mainly for waterfowling, but I figure anything that breaks up my profile works. So far it's my shooting and not my appearance that keeps that trophy off my wall.
I agree (mostly)

For whitetails I strongly believe that its not the camo or the pattern but the UV light reflected by the material. I see many more deer when wearing old faded clothes, camo or otherwise, that haven't been washed in standard detergents. The brighteners in standard detergents have "stuff" in them that enhances color that makes the material shine to whitetails. I try and avoid washing my outer garments, but when I do I typically wash them in plain water or in some kind of detergent that prevents (reduces) UV reflection.
A deer will smell or hear you before they see you-if you are standing/sitting completely still. I'm not even a hunter and I know that.
I use camo patterns bout every time I go into the field.

One thing I did notice, the doves come alot closer when I wear the pattern I have on in this picture. No, I'm not the guy with the yellow on. Don hasnt learned the art of camo yet. Most of them birds are mine. ;)

Pray Tell, Lennyjoe...

What's that there four-legged critter in the picture? Sure don't look like no dove!

By the way, what is that camo pattern your wearing? I'm always on the lookout for something that works in Arizona.
Them 4 legged critters are 2 cottontails and 1 jackrabbit.

The pattern is Seclusion Open Country by Cabela's. Works great in areas where the foliage isnt too thick.

I wear bright orange only when I am walking to and from, but I wear it over my camoflauge.

I don't wear camoflauge to hide myself from deer. I sit still for them. Instead, I wear camoflauge to hide myself from nature's little alarms that can see better than deer.

As long as you stay down-wind and quiet, deer are easy to get close to, or to let them get close to you, depending on how you are hunting.

I know I am not the only one who has killed deer wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
camo bah humbug

The key point here is sitting. Motion, you would become very visible and as far as UV brighteners in the twilight hours, you would glow as a neon light. Camo breaks up the human outline with or with out movement. The idea is to produce no solid outline of the human. Brighteners are in all dyes manufactured today. In the mornings and evenings is when animals are most likely to see uv glowing which is unnatural. During the day animals are less likely to sse you because of the wavelenght of the sunlight being reflected at that time. camo sporting color ranges of natural colors of browns greens and reds are just as bright as any other colors due to the brighteners. Use the spray it works. I use and you will see a big difference in how other animals react including birds squirrels and deer.
In his book titled The Earth Is Enough the late author Harry Middleton describes a man who, after debating the merits of camouflage with a local latest-trend "expert," successfully hunts for and kills a " huge old gobbler" while wearing a Santa Claus suit. He explained the man's rationale for this act as follows:

"Later that afternoon at the cafe the story was told, and he explained his antics as only an attempt to demonstrate that turkeys were spooked more by motion than fashion. 'As long as you're still and quiet, you could wear kilts, for chrissakes,' Emerson said with great conviction. It wasn't that he was against the wedding of turkey hunting and technology or even the notion, however curious to him, of hunters wanting to be invisible, if that's what they wanted to be; rather, it was just his belief that some of the old knowledge about woodsmanship was as good and reliable as the new. Emerson also made it clear that he felt no man should go into the woods holding more aces than whatever creature he might be after. In Emerson's own ethic, each time a man went into the woods he had the chance to return with some grain of solace as well as food."

To which I say Amen.

Good luck, and good shooting!

I thought the reason to wear camo was not to be seen by other humans? ;) Nothing wrecks my bowhunting plans worse than another hunter seeing me and walks in for a happy chat.... I am not that social when it comes to hunting/woods time. Any other time I am a real communicator and listener too..... I don't like human contact in the woods for a few reasons. The biggest reason is I don't know who or what the other human is doing or thinking.....that alone makes me uncomfortable. Every so often you hear of a hunter being killed by someone out in the woods. I sorta act like when I go out to hunt I am in a personal survival game. Sounds odd and off note but I steer clear of any human contact if at all possible. It's the few days a year in which I can be as unsocial and unpersonable as I wish. about 360 of the rest of the days I have no problem with people and enjoy constant contact and one on one....... When someone tramps through my little slice of peace and calm I know the chances of success in that spot are much lower in percentage. Another human with another set of odors and once you start speaking the idea of being still to view nature are off. When my son and I hunt we hardly speak. We can talk to each other with our eyes, sign language. If we speak at all, it's after one of us has moved real slow to the other's ear and whispers. It works well for us.....we almost always see abundant wildlife and often get a shot off as well.
I think camo is nice to use but I find it to be nothing short of a marketable product that is very limited if not used with hunting skills in place. The best US military sniper camo is worthless if his movement(s) are seen....... but if he uses his camo with stealth he is very hard to find and or ever see.

My main camo is that of the issued type........ Woodland BDU's, a boonie hat and sometimes a camo face mask or paint....... I have went face exposed and had about the same luck as face covered. That is with deer hunting here in Michigan.
It's funny that this thread came up - I just received the new Cabellas catalog yesterday and about puked over how they have gone beserk on camoflauge....

Deer hunters are more fashion conscious than Joan Rivers and Paris Hilton combined. Camo is the fashion choice for hunters. Hunters that wear camo, actually wear it to impress other hunters, because deer don't care what you wear. The will notice movement, but if you stand still in the middle of a field they are likely to ignore you, all other things being equal. I have done it several times, in jeans and khaki colored shirt. Wearing, God forbid, tennis shoes... :eek: and not the cool gore-tex water proof super insulated scent trapping boots.....

Buying camo is a consumate American consumer's act after being mind-trained by the advertising psychologists.........Look at the catalogs, they have camoflauge everything from tents, to cooking pots, to cameras, to sleeping bags, to gun stocks, to binoculars, to underwear for crying out loud....

And it SELLS!! Big Time it sells!!

As PT Barnum said.....There is a camoflauged sucker born every minute.....
The one I like is on TV the big game hunters are out in all there Camo and the guide just has regular cloths on.I myself think it has become a big joke I have stood in a field with bright orange head to toe and had deer walk with in 20 feet. How did they hunt years ago with out all this junk :barf: