Came home to find shots fired and crime tape

"He was linked to the crime by his fingerprints, with were in the database because of his "day" job. Daycare center employee."

I bet there weren't exactly a lot of parents who were happy to find out that a burglar and murderer had been watching their kids while they were at work.
Other than carrying 24/7 there is little that you can do on a personal level.
Realistically you will not be able to get the BG evicted from your complex. That is a very difficult legal process expeciall if he really is a BG and a section 8.

These things will continue to grow in frequency until such time as shooting BGs become common in your neighborhood. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. This is where you need to get your friends and neighbors together and make an effort to change the outlook of the DA on how to handle shootings from a self defence perspective.

best wishes and Good Luck

Sad truth is, you can carry 24/7, if its a drive-by you are SOL.

T. O'Heir, you sound like Bookman, the library cop on Seinfeld. :D What the hell are you talking about, dude?
Bad Guys...

a little paranoid? I lived in a gated community and had the same thing happen. The difference is that I actually saw it happen. It was retaliation for the actions of another resident. Don't flatter yourself. Mind your own business and there is little reason you would draw the attention of the assailant. Keep the carry piece handy, but don't let fear rule your life. Odds are, the guy with the shot up car got the message and the people who shot the car will never set foot on the property again. I would however make a point to have no association with the other resident.

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for offering advice or information. Nothing further has occurred and from what building management said there were two arrests made that same night. From here on in I'm carrying 24/7, (to my girlfriends dismay). Thanks again and I know I have people out there to offer advice should something else crazy happen.

Be careful and stay safe.
Unless somebody has been arrested and booked and has their prints on file, or has worked security, military or law enforcement and has their prints on file, they may be virtually unknown to the fingerprint data bases.
Many people have the mistaken idea that you can just get a perfect print off a crime scene, pop it into a computer and then presto-whammo the culprits name and location pops up on the screen.
It doesn't really work like that, 99 percent of the time.

Thing is, the public does not realize this, as they have been misled by bogus tv shows.
So when they get robbed they get angry at the police for not dusting everything under the sun trying to get a fingerprint.
Silly ass shows like CSI (which once showed somebody being identified with DNA testing from a peice of rope he handled) are only going to make the whole thing worse on working cops in the real world.
Most people cannot comprehend that you need a smooth surface and an unblurry print for it to even be identifiable. And that any given smooth surface in their home or vehicle will have their own prints all over it, and family members.
Its the same **** with multiple hit shootings. Our local newspaper editor had a cow recently when some career scumbag got shot twice when trying to run over some cops in a Buick. He cannot get it into his head that just because you shoot somebody one time, they don't fall over and die like they did on reruns of Gunsmoke.
...So when they get robbed they get angry at the police for not dusting everything under the sun trying to get a fingerprint....
Boy, ain't it the truth, Jack! I learned to lift the prints anyway, even when they were obviously so smeared they were useless. Saved me a lot of "they didn't do a *$%# thing!" Mind you, I'm talking minor cases here: Vandalism, petit theft, etc., where you know the case will most likely go nowhere. For serious stuff, we call out det., ID, and sometimes BCI. Still, with time, the databases are getting better, and more times than not, the actor will be a repeat offender with prints on file. As I said earlier, the real problem is the juveniles. It isn't legal to keep juvi prints or pics on file, and one hell of a lot of the major crimes in this country are committed by juveniles.
I know the feeling..

I had a similar situation happen at my apartment complex a few months ago except I was police taped INTO my apartment. I had my stereo cranked and was getting ready to go run at about 9pm, but when I opened my front door I realized that my entire apartment was covered in police tape. I proceded to get yelled at by 2 different LEO's for being inside of the crime scene. Neither bothered to tell me that there was a murder or why they were so paraniod. The first LEO told me to go back into my apartment and wait until they told me it was okay to leave and the second LEO told me to get outside the police tape. I started to walk and then they both freaked out... I guess I was walking towards the body. The shooting was done by in my complex despite neither of the shooters or the victim were residents. They just choose my complex because it was nice and not heavily patrolled for a drug deal. I later found out that the entire complex was outside looking from behind the tape to see what was going on while the two shooters were around the complex somewhere and eventually escaped. So, having a nice community doesn't make a difference. I doubt that people are going to conduct illegal activities in a place that is heavily patrolled.
True, but I used the threat of fingerprint evidence many times to get confessions, often when there could not have possible been any. Thanks "CSI"! Actual convictions based on fingerprint evidence are rare in my exp. To hard to get and to easy
True, but I used the threat of fingerprint evidence many times to get confessions, often when there could not have possible been any. Thanks "CSI"! Actual convictions based on fingerprint evidence are rare in my exp. To hard to get and to easy for lawyers to explain away in court. Confessions on the other hand are usually hard to argue with.
True, but I used the threat of fingerprint evidence many times to get confessions, often when there could not have possible been any.
Hee-hee! We actually had one gang-banger convinced that a Garrett weapons detector was a lie detector! He was arrogant, cocky and waived his rights under Miranda, so we questioned him about a shooting. He lied out his backside, and we knew it, so one of the guys picked up the Garrett, holding it close enough to his weapon so that it would beep, and at every lie, he would thumb it on...."beep beep" :eek: :D . The guy confessed to everything & got 15-20 with a gun spec. :D