Came across an old Remington 760 30-06, got questions

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I'm trying to find a thread about these rifles from another forum.
When I get it, I'll post it here. It had tons of info and pix you might like to see.
"I'll be back..." ;)
Im fond of the 760BDL that I got in 1964 chambered in 30-06. I installed a 3-9 bushnell scope on it. I found it to be quite accurate. The only "improvement" I made to it was to install a recoil pad on it instead of the plastic buttplate.

It works quite well with 150 and 180 grain factory ammo. One thing you will notice about the rifle is its light weight. When fired in 06 chambering, the recoil is a bit sharp, but the recoil pad took care of that.
I have a 'thing' for the .300 Savage cartridge.

One of these days I'm going to add a 760 in .300 Savage to my 99, 722, and 81.
Mike I. --- I also like the 300 Savage. My Uncle gave me one years ago in M99. Not pretty but functional. I bought - by accident - from a lady who was selling of Dad's gun after the had passed. She had a custon Mauser with a very nice Fajen stock, Timney trigger, Shilen bbl and an old Bushnell ScopeChief in 300. I bought it sight unseen only to find that it was not the 300WM I expected but a 300 Savage! :) I thought I will shoot this and sell it. WRONG! That thing shoots sub-MOA with my loads and with Fed Premium! And, the 300S can be stoked up pretty good in a bolt gun.

Though I favor bolt guns, my fav M99 is my 22-250. Bought it with Bushnell ScopeChief, too.

Oh, M740 and M760. I use 150-160 (up to 180 at times) bullets and 58g of H4831. I have been able to sneak in 1 MOA but a bit over that is okay for what I do. For long range I go to a7MMM.
Old thread, came across on search and wanted to help next guy.

2 types of tunes on these. On mine you need to heat up the red locktite and put 3/16 punch through. I drilled out for 1/4. But had to sand the burrs off.

Replace the original and it is quite again. After 100 sind rounds started moving again. Thinking should lube it for range work.

Putting action back in and reassembly is tricky. I put it back in without everything on the tube. The pulled slightly apart to put it all back together.

I don't have spotting scope. But 3rd shot seems to open a little. First two are inch or less, on my starting loads.

I am having trouble deciding on next load with imr 4350, they were all similar.

Hunter, which is higher pressure caused problems and stuck cases.

What I don't like is you have to rack it hard or will fail to fire. Also can be funny feeding if laying on bench or odd posistion.

I like to load one in chamber first, for hunting.

They also replaced with dust cover with plastic to quite it up. Midway has parts.

I just put timney trigger in, dropped from 4.5 to 2.5lbs. I don't know if that was original. Since light for the era. No creep. I'd be tempted to just replace spring.
Are you full length resizing your brass? Many people came to me with the "Won't fire all the time" problem. If you neck size with these guns, you will have trouble with full lock up.
If you neck size with these guns, you will have trouble with full lock up.

Very true and this admonition is apt with some rifles other than the Model 760 pump, including a lot of lever-actions and semi-autos.
New brass, full size. The Hunter loads that jammed were getting toward max, but still below.

I had some neck sized out of 700, that shot fine.

They say you can't neck size and for brass for pumps, not sure why that would be true..

IMR4350 shot well though nothing really stood out. Nothing was crimped. I may see what effect crimping has.

Also the necks may need chamfering. The bullets scrape on full length sized brass. Went in fine on neck size.

I am cuious effects of using fires brass. I bought hundreds of 30-06 brass, so haven't reused yet.
The time I had a fail to fire was when sneaking in deer blind and not racking hard.

The hunter loads got stuck after firing as I worked up load.
If I can make sense of your writing, you used neck sized ammo from a different rifle and it worked in the pump. The chamber in the other rifle was probably a little smaller than the pump chamber. Why in the world are you neck sizing ammo and switching guns with it anyway.
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