Calling out to the Lefties out there

Beretta PX4 C format, frame mounted ambi safety controls...

I wanted to add the great low recoil C type PX4 Storm. I bought a new model PX4 C 9mmNATO in 2009. It worked well and the mag release can be switched. The newer "compact" PX4 series has ambi slide controls. No formal word yet on a smooth DA only C(constant) type model yet.
Also, I like ambi type frame mounted safety features. It's faster & natural.
As for the "best" of recent models, I would research the HK/LEM P2000 semi auto model with night sights in .357sig. ;)
I am a lefty too. Best advice "just adapt". I have a CX4 Storm on layaway and I don't even know if I am going to switch the mag release to the other side when I bail it out. :cool:
Another lefty, but right eye dominant shooter here. I learned to shoot right handed and do okay at it. Can shoot either handed but since my primary pistol platform is the 1911 type, its always better to have 2 mitts on that big hunk of steel anyway.
I have found that using my non dominant hand has a few advantages besides shelling out extra for southpaw models of weapons I like. First and foremost, my right hand trigger finger is a bit more sensitive which helps with the trigger press. The other advantage is when I get to the "non dominant" shooting stage at the local IDPA match where I do shoot left handed. I generally do better at it than the traditional righties do;)
+1 to oneounceload post on the H&K P7 for being totally ambidextrous in a semi-auto; this applies to the P7M8 or the P7 PSP; the P7M13 works as well, but that is a larger grip.
alot of the hk guns with out safeties have the ambi mag and slide release as does walther if im not mistaken
I'm a lefty also and just purchased a CZ 75B SA which has both an ambidextrous safety and magazine release, so I hope it will work well for me.
CZ-85 combat...

Just one more "left hand friendly" sidearm;
The CZ-85 & CZ 85 Combat pistols; 9mmNATO & .40S&W. ;)

Noted firearms trainer, gun writer & USMC officer; Jeff Cooper called the CZ-75 pistol; "The greatest 9mm pistol ever made."

It has a lot or merit & is a proven design.
Like other posters, i've never found it to be much of a problem. I use my middle finger to push the mag release button and my index finger on slide releases (when I use them - i usually slingshot the slide).
Personally, my carry guns are either DAO autos (no safeties or decocker to forget) or revolvers. That means that those have the same manual of arms and are generally ambidextrous.

OTOH, I really wish that I could have mounted an ambi safety on my Star PD. THAT was a really nice carry gun back in the 70's/80's.............
As a lefty I learned to adapt a long time ago. If pinned down on the subject, I guess a Glock or Walther P5C would be my go to for "lefty".
Like others have stated, you learn to adapt, and typically find that while ambi controls are nice, they're not an absolute necessity. There's certainly no need to give up left-handed shooting.

That said, I'd recommend a revolver.

IMO lefties actually have a slight advantage using a revolver that has a counter-clockwise cylinder rotation, like the S&W's. Because the cylinder rotates contrary to the strong side of your grip. So if your adversary grips the revolver over the top strap in a manner that stops the cylinder rotation, you have the advantage of being able to roll the revolver inward, forcing the cylinder to advance. Try this with an unloaded revolver some time. It's very hard for a righty too keep the cylinder from advancing against a lefty.
The Walther P99 / Smith & Wesson SW99 is a pretty good ambidextrous gun. I am left handed but grew up being taught to be able to shoot with either hand. You can and will adapt a right handed gun for left handed shooting if you can't find a good ambidextrous weapon. It just takes some practice, and playing around with it to figure out what will work best. (Unloaded of course)
I shoot Sig P229 and P239. I am left handed. I do not competition shoot, I shoot to live. On the 239, the mag relaease is left handed (I had it switched out). On the 229, the mag release is right handed because i never got around the switching it. I use both of these guns equally well. No problems being left handed.

The de-cocker is operated with my left index finger. Not sure why you'd need some other way of doing it, but it works fine for me.

The slide-release is tough for me to use, because I am right hand retarded (can barely do anything other than very gross motor skills with right hand). It does not present itself as a problem for what I do. I suppose that if I did competition shooting, it might be an issue, but I don't care because i don't compete with other shooters. I shoot to live.
I am right handed but definitely left eye dominant. I am learning to shoot left handed or both eyes open and right handed. Only my XDm .40 has ambidextrous magazine release. I tend to shoot revolvers when practicing left handed.
Anyone have any tips for overcoming opposite eye dominance?
Good Left Hand Pistol

I have a Taurus 24/7 G2 Compact that is very good for lefty's. All controls are on both sides of gun including thumb safety, magazine release, and decocker. It is a DA/SA with a 13 and 17 round magazine. Around $400 new.
Left handed, right eye dominant. I shoot right handed, everything including traditional archery and play right handed guitars. By the time I found out they made left handed stuff it was a done deal for me.
I carry a Stoeger 9mm w/ ambi decocker with the mag release switched over, and am waiting for a PX4 45 to come in at my LGS for a similar format. The Sig doesn't fit my hand comfortably.
Although, like most lefties, I'm very much ambidextrous, I'm also extremely left eye dominant. To me that makes a right hand shooting stance awkward. I practice it occasionally just for worst case possibility.
I got used to being a lefty in a right handed world. The only problem I ever had was shooting an M-16 in basic with a brass deflector that always seemed to put the hot brass in the crook of my arm when I was qualifying. :)

I had a mess of semi autos which I shot lefty until I went for a 9mm carry gun. I chose the M&P 9mm over the Baby Glock because the slide release was ambidextrous. Once I had converted the slide release over to lefty, I found the whole thing uncomfortable strangely enough. I just got used to racking the slide a certain way and hitting the release with my index finger. I ended up selling the M&P and carry a SW 642 snubby when I carry. But next time I would get the 'righty' glock. It's just not that big of a deal to me anymore.