Call Me An Idiot

Mosin, We finally agree on something, my AAC Handi with a Nikon 3x 30mm scope has taken a pile of Texas hogs including one 350# boar, each with a single 125 gr supersonic bullet. You will need to load for it to be cost effective especially if you plan to shoot a lot of ammo through this fun rifle. I simply installed a 5/8 x24 GI style flash suppressor on it, works as well as expensive ones at night wwhere you will have a quick loss of night vision no matter what. I have a standard length camo stock and forend on mine to give my Handi better handling
Glad to hear that! I plan to shoot about 50 rounds of commercial through it just for brass first then start reloading. I also was thinking of going the birdcage flash hider route, but I might just shoot with the cap on, I haven't decided yet. Thanks again!

