Call goes out for REPEAL of 2nd Amendment

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Put an
openly gay, CCL holding, democrat woman in charge of the NRA.[/quote]

That would take quite a bit of steam out of the anti-position. Its easy, intellectually lazy and PC to demonize old white men. Gads...they might have to rely on actual facts...horrors! :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hmm. Wonder how many folks would quit the NRA over that?

Gwinnydapooh, I didn't advocate trying to construct a showdown over repeal. At least I don't think I did :)
While we're at it, let's find one who has a degree in journalism, is left-handed, a member of a minority, handicapped, and is a celebrity.

Might as well nominate the tooth fairy, she'll be easier to find. ;)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
DC: In a moral sense, I agree with you that repealing the Second amendment, a guarantee of one of those inalienable rights our government was instituted to protect, would "void the contract". I a legal sense, the terms of a contract are those that are written down, and the only portion of the Constitution which is NOT, according to the Constitution itself, subject to amendment, is the representation of states. "No State, without it's consent, shall be deprived of equal sufferage in the Senate." The very fact that the Constitution, in article 5, explicitly sets out some things which can not be amended, by implication allows everything else to be amended.

Anyway, we should be so lucky that they attempt to repeal the Second amendment. Why should they open that can of worms, and wake the sleeping giant, (Would there be even one gun owner in the country who wouldn't figure out what was at stake if they attempted that?) when they're getting along just fine VIOLATING it? No, the only way they'd even CONSIDER attempting that would be if the Supreme court ruled in our favor in a major way. Which would be nice, and we should try for that, but I'm not holding my breath.

Sic semper tyranus!
Look at it this way: if such an empty act were to give symbolic power to a federal government that wanted to then use that symbolic power to justify their turning American citizens into subjects, then something quite ominous has occurred:

They have ceased to be a representative government--i.e., have ceased simply "representing" the people and have begun "subjugating" them with force. They will have become a "regime," not a government, and therefore can and should be treated as an anti-American foreign power and a threat.

Therefore. . .

[This message has been edited by bamaflier (edited September 20, 1999).]
BamaFlier, you said:

They have ceased to be a representative government--i.e., have ceased simply "representing" the people and have begun "subjugating" them with force. They will have become a "regime," not a government, and therefore can and should be treated as an anti-American foreign power and a threat.

I agree with that ONE THOUSAND PERCENT!!!
I am not Spartacus...but I do stand beside him...and all other defenders of our Constitution and great land. Unlike Spartacus, let's win the war.

This means a clear perspective of our goals, and an unwavering determination to reach them.

Just a quick note, I was listening to one of those early sunday morning talk radio shows, and there was a retired congress man on explain exactly what was going to be involved in the repeal of the 2nd amendment. He stated it would take 10+ years of legislation, and that in the mean time they needed to tighten the noose, so that the back lash would be less felt when they did repeal.
I've spoken to a few folks about this too. I remind them that as soon as ANY Amendment could possibly be put on the chopping block, the others could fall as well. I ask them what their most important amendment is. The First? Fourth? Fifth? As soon as any mention of this is made, it reeks of destroying the entire Constitution, not just the Amendments. Don't like it? Tough! You can't do anything about it and you can't say anything about it because your right to fight back or discuss it or complain about it are gone as well. Is this example extreme? Maybe, but it usually gets the point across.


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