(California) Senate approves bill to 'microstamp' pistol cartridges

i don't think it would really effect criminals all that much anyway, look at it from a criminal standpoint. If they know that guns made after 2010 have this feature, just use older guns. Or hell, since revolvers aren't included ... use a little .38 special. They really aren't solving any problems since people (even criminals) are smart enough to figure out what is going on.
The only ones not smart enough to figure it out are the politicians.

Seriously, they are smart enough. This really has nothing to do with crime or criminals. It has to do with gun control and is a back door means to drive gun manufacturers and those who sell, collect and shoot firearms out of California.

It has to do with people control. By making the populace totally dependent on the state for their protection, for their health care needs, for their jobs, for their education and all other aspects of life, they can be in charge and be the little kings and queens they really want to be.

Money is power. What they really want is for every dollar in California to flow through them, so they can redistribute it as they see fit. They can reward their friends and punish their enemies. They will use some of this money to appoint judges who think the same way they do, and will continue to twist, ignore and pervert the Constitution.

They will use our own money to defeat the one remaining real power that the citizens of this state has. That is the proposition process. They will lie and use advertising to defeat anything they don't like. If that doesn't work, they will get one of their pet judges to over rule it.

The battle is so much more than it seems. Every time a gun owner runs away
to another state, to "freedom" or the "real United States" they win one more piece of the war.

Don't think your politicians are any different than ours.

California. Coming to a neighborhood near you, soon.
California. Coming to a neighborhood near you, soon.

Doubtful. Some of us have state constitutions that pretty much outlaw everything the PRK does.

My state still has "Live Free or Die" on the license plates and welcome signs. CA's mentality is...not exactly compatible.
I hope you're right.

I was actually thinking more of Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Washington and, I hear, Colorado. These states have a border or are near a border of Ca. and the muck seems to flow outward from this state.

In politics, when you get large enough and have enough money and influence, you begin to affect things on a national level.

Consider Feinstein and Boxer and tell me that their legislation has never affected you where you live. These are the types of people that California is sending to the nations capital and they swing a big stick. And who allowed them to aqquire this much power? Who put them on the committee's and panels where they influence so much legislation? Why, the good politicians from the other 49 states.
``This is something that would be helpful in identifying the gun that was used in the commission of a crime,'' said Sen. Jack Scott, D-Altadena, during Thursday's debate. ``It's just giving law enforcement one more tool.''


Scott has been on an anti-gun jihad since his son was shot and killed in an "accident" at a party some years ago.
Abndoc's post is a bit frightening. Kalifornians that migrate tend to want to impose their ideals on their new state in many cases and AZ certainly doesn't need their kind of thinking.

Let the liberals lounge leisurely in LA with their kooky ideas, we don't need their ideas in AZ.....
Let the liberals lounge leisurely in LA

The problem is that they won't. Certain people here have a mindset that is foreign to me. It's a need to control and direct other people. Microstamping is a symptom of this disease, not the disease.

You have to be aware. Join pro-gun organizations. Write letters and be involved as much as you can. Vote.

The battle is lost only when you give up.
The problem is not migrating Californians, it's yuppified urbanism, another term for that soft underbelly of the modern consumer culture in America.
I'm curious myself, and have posted the following in every Internet forum I frequent:
The governor has an automated hotline which is a public opinion poll which he himself set up for the people to let their opinion be known.
I simply am asking for your help by doing the following simple favor:

CALL the Ca. Gov's Sac number (916-445-2841)

Press 1 - for English
Press 2 - for Voice your opinion on Assembly Bills
Press 1 - for Micro Stamping Bill (AB1471)
Press 2 - to oppose it.

And you can watch progress on what he's signing by: http://gov.ca.gov/bills/#all So far I don't see an action on it yet, but for heaven's sake call that number and vote NO on it. EVERYONE. NOT JUST CA RESIDENTS, EVERYONE. Do it NOW.
The problem is that not enough of her voters know it.
My guess is that many of her voters already know it, and most of those that don't are like those that already do: They don't care because she's one of their own. Just like high-profile liberals who carry guns while denying that same right to others. They always give a pass to their own, they always find some lame excuse why the law doesn't apply to them or their own, and I have yet to see anyone get very far by showing them the hypocrisy.

You'll get further if you call the number that Yellowfin posted. Or rather, you'll have a chance of getting further.
I guess they don't look at it the same way I do. I would ask the question: "What makes her life more worth defending than mine?"