California Doubles Sales Tax on Firearms and Bans Carry in Public Places

The military doesn't care. They won't be sourcing their firearms in California and California can't regulate them. If anyone needs microstamping it is the police. So I'm 100% in favor of that.

I was thinking of the California National Guard units, which are normally under the command of the governor. Usually National Guard units receive equipment from the federal supply system, but could California attempt to make their own requirements for microstamped duty firearms?

If microstamping is such a great idea for civilians, there shouldn't be any exceptions for anyone else.
I was thinking of the California National Guard units

National Guard units all use Federal weapons and equipment. This became mandatory after WWI when many units were unable to field effective equipment.

The militia, or the California State Guard might run afoul of issues as they source their own gear.
Just take a look at the name, National Guard.

Not State Guard, not state milita, but National Guard. During peacetime, they are under control of the state Gov, but they can and have been Federalized in war. So they are not only equipped with Fed standard (or secondary standard) equipment, but also their training and organization is specifically done to allow smooth integration with full time active Federal forces.

The state Governor can activate and call them out, (something they can't do with the Army Reserve), but other than that, (and, I think the state pays the troops) state control is limited.

Active duty military based in CA (or any state) can, and will tell the state government to pee up a rope (If they are feeling polite) when it comes to state gun control laws, and many other things, unless specifically ordered to do otherwise by higher Fed authority.
This is scary and obviously an example of the inmates running the asylum. It seems they are much more sympathetic to criminals than law abiding citizens. What confuses me more is why the Citizens of California continue to vote for them. Sadly, I see a growing lack of knowledge in current events and how Government works her in my state and worry this is slow downward National trend.
I ask you to look again. Where is the permission slip so all rich people can form security teams with whatever they want? Has to be in there. All gun control has to have an “unless you are rich claus.” These people are rich, important, anti gun and surrounded 24/7 by security.
Where is the permission slip so all rich people can form security teams with whatever they want? Has to be in there. All gun control has to have an “unless you are rich claus.”

I doubt you will find anything in writing. The general operating assumption is that, unless specifically prohibited, it is permitted.

Private, legally armed, security forces exist and are allowed under current law.

Anyone with the $ can hire them for any lawful purpose. Been that way for a long time, and will continue until/unless some law expressly forbids it.
Private, legally armed, security forces exist and are allowed under current law.

The Chief of San Fran Police was talking about bringing back the Special Patrols that the city drove out of business in the last 20 years. Sky high crime and shortages of regular police have combined to make people pine for those days.