California ammo ban...


New member
Fellow shooters, the state of California is considering legislation that would severely restrict ammo sales in the state, please call the comittee to voice your opposition if you live here, if not, make as many people aware of this draconian law as possible. YOUR STATE MAY BE NEXT.
We need to stand together to defeat this Marxist agenda. Please do not discount this as a "not in my backyard" issue because it very well could be.:barf:

California Assembly Bill 962 will be heard before the Senate Public Safety on July 7th 2009.

see bill information and contact info here at

Please fax and call the Senate Public Safety Committee

PH: (916)651-4118
FAX: (916) 445-4688

Mailing Address:

State Capitol
Room 2031
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ahh yes, a Governor starting out as a Republican that governs like a far left liberal. What else would you expect from a man married into the Kennedy clan and to boot, she is ugly as sin. Might as well call it Taxachussetts on the west coast.
That's pretty bad... Submitting fingerprints to purchase ammunition, which in turn go to Department of Justice.

Keep us updated.
I hate the idea too, especially since I buy online. But just to set the record straight the 50rd limit is a private party transfer. You can buy a boxcar full in a store.
This sounds somewhat akin to Israel (and be easy, I didn't read the bill). I believe they are allowed to obtain and keep in their possession one handgun (long guns and shotguns prohibited) and 50 rounds of ammunition for said handgun in their domicile. On top of this, it is very common in Israel for civilians to carry concealed. What gives?
Originally this bill was to be passed and then a brand spanking new statewide computerized system was going to be initialized. Fortunately, the financial mess of the state delayed the project because of the cost. Now they want to amend it to be done by a paper log book. Folks, I have given this state up for dead. That ludicrous lead ban in Condor areas alone warrants a mass exodus of the state by hunters. :barf::barf:

UPDATE: On 7/7/09 - The Handgun Ammo sales restriction passed the Senate Public Safety Committee. It will now go to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Please contact the members of the committee and urge a NO vote on AB 962.

I understand many of you reading this are not in the PRK, but I hope to bombard the committee members with enough responses from gun owners to realize how ridiculous this really is.
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Good grief, where do the folks running Kalifornia come up with these ideas. The state's giving out IOU's and they're concerned about someone giving someone else more than 50 rds. of ammo without a ton of paperwork!!!! Unbelievable to say the least.
I'd take a much more cynical view about these sorts of bills if I were you guys, and not get worked up about them. There's probably half a dozen such bills a year introduced in California just as there are here in New York. None of them will pass, and none are expected to--they're showboat bills by lawmakers who are feeding a particular constituency, the same as the resolution a couple local idiot lawmakers were talking up around here to make upstate New York a seperate state.
I'd take a much more cynical view about these sorts of bills if I were you guys, and not get worked up about them. There's probably half a dozen such bills a year introduced in California just as there are here in New York. None of them will pass, and none are expected to--they're showboat bills by lawmakers who are feeding a particular constituency, the same as the resolution a couple local idiot lawmakers were talking up around here to make upstate New York a seperate state.

I truly appreciate the calming sentiment, but that isn't what helped the AWB sunset without a fight and is not what has kept the present administration from attacking 2A (yet). Lawmakers were bombarded with letters and e-mails and they pay attention to their voting constituencies who pay close attention to how they vote on certain hot-button issues. Forums like this one are what made the difference, as can be seen by the consistent alerts about the countless polls which popped up on various news web sites about 2A matters and how badly the the antis were beaten each and every time as a result of forum members voting on them. So yeah, bang the drum and loudly.
We been trying to split CA into 3 states for a long time. The liberal south, the liberal north, and those of us who have some sense, stuck in the middle.
Good grief, where do the folks running Kalifornia come up with these ideas. The state's giving out IOU's and they're concerned about someone giving someone else more than 50 rds. of ammo without a ton of paperwork!!!! Unbelievable to say the least.

Yes, and let's not forget that family members are included among those you're not allowed to transfer more than 50 rds. a month to.

I wonder how they'll determine who it belonged to in the first place and how they plan to enforce the law.

Are you allowed to buy ammo for a family member? Does that count toward your allotment, or the persons' you bought it for? If you signed for it, probably goes toward both your allotments. Crap, hope it's not 50 rds. per household per month. If it's not, it won't take long for them to amend it to that.

If the owner of the ammo dies, does next of kin own the ammo, or does it go into probate. Maybe it just goes towards the next months allotment for the person who inherits it, once it's determined who that is , or maybe there's a waiting period until you get into the next month where the allotment amount starts again.

Maybe..........ah never mind, I'm getting confused. I'm glad the gas bags who wrote the law are real clear about how it works and how to enforce it.
What I want to know is how is .22lr ammo going to be treated, as rifle or pistol ammo? typical bureaucratic garbage will dictate this one. Please I urge all of you to tell everyone who owns a gun about this piece of legislature.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

A little melodramatic but you get my point...

I'm with you Manny, right in the dragons lair(SF bay area). These are feel good laws that the Ds constantly are pushing down our throats. Will they ever understand that criminals don't obey the law? Maybe they do, and maybe they are trying to disarm good law abiding citizens. You know a disarmed populace is mush easier to control. I wish gun owners from all over the states would move here so we could get rid of the bums in sacramento, you know Arnold isn't the only guy running the state. I also would love to see the NRA fighting more here in kommiefornia and I have sent them many letters stating such.

Every American should be worried about gun laws here, as this is where they come to fruition and are passed along to other states and even the federal government.
Remember when Arnold signed that bill last year declaring Californians had a right to bear arms? Well, the left has abandoned that tactic and now are focused on taking away the ammo. There was talk about amending the condor preservation bill to include any bird of prey, I.E. lead would be forbidden to be used ANYWHERE birds of prey live in the state .:barf: