Caliber choices.

I have two 7x57 rifles. A new to me Remington Mountain rifle and a custom built by my grandfather. The rifle built by my GF is built on a Mauser 98 G33/40 action with either a Douglas or P.O. Ackly barrel. No one is left alive that knows for sure.

I have killed most of my deer with that rifle. Lately I have used a 7-08 for my hunting. It works well but I feel the 7x57 still has a slight edge with heavier bullets with its larger case capacity. But that's just me.

Now we just need to talk about that other great round, the 8x57 Mauser. I also have one of those built by my grandfather.:D
My sister-in-law hunts with a 7mm-08 carbine which is quite similar to your 7X57 rifles. She has taken many animals with this outfit including elk, antelope, mule deer, and plenty of whitetails. Good cartridge for big game!

That's exactly what happened. You have us crazy old men who want to hang onto the past, but progress always gets in the way, and before you know it, Jack o conner's wife has replaced her famous 7x57 with a 7-08.