Caliber and brand

All great choices. If it hasn't been suggested already I would suggest a .22lr as your next purchase. Personally I like a 22/45 Ruger. Plenty of equally good choices. A .22 will do more for your practical shooting ability than any other handgun. It shows your mistakes and is forgiving on the budget. My first handgun was a Beretta 96. But I never learned to shoot well until my 3rd handgun which was a 22/45. Flinching, pulling, to much finger, not enough finger, etc... are all much more obvious.
Can't argue with a CZ 40 cal but the Beretta PX4 is nice too. Also consider a Sig Sauer SP2022 . Polymer frame but has a reputation for accuracy, durability and reliability. I know, both my daughter and I have one.

380, LCP or LCPll look nice for a pocket pistol if you can get one where you live (not on our "approved" list)

45, I can't comment on anything than the 1911. I've had one for over 40 years and love it.

44mag, gotta go for style points on this one. Desert Eagle would be my choice and I've seen them used for $650. Pretty rare but you can find one if you're patient.

357/38, if you're planning on shooting mostly mag loads then look at the Ruger pistols. I've had a S&W for 40 years and it's digested it's share of mag loads but my wife's Ruger handles them much better.
Hello. Im brand new here, but was reading this post and thought i would share some experiences.
I have a few handguns and will rate my personal preference at the end.
I have always liked Berreta 92 and 96. Have a 96 Inox in 40 cal. That shoots pretty well.
I use a Kimber Master Carry 4 " in 45 ACP that is very accurate and hard hitting.
I use a Sig P320 for my everyday conceal carry in 9mm and just recently purchased a Ruger 357 mag GP100 for fun shooter.
All are pleasures to own and shoot, but i seem to gravitate to the Sig because it is easy to clean, very accurate, and smooth shooting with good capacity. The Kimber is my 2 nd favorite, but will show shooter fatigue if on the range for a while. Number 3 would be the new wheel gun Ruger, just plain fun!! And last would be the Berreta because it will stove pipe those squared off FMJ rounds every now and then. Otherwise a good fun gun also though.
No matter what you choose, have fun :)
Well here goes:

1. Ruger Redhawk in 454 Casull with a 7 1/2" barrel because you just gotta (also shoots 45 Colt)

2. A good 1911 full size in 45 ACP, too many good ones to list a Colt or Springfield RO are good places to start

3. Glock either 9mm or 10mm (not a fan of the 40 S&W)