CA AB2062 Resurfaces!

What A Difference!

I just got back home from a weekend trip into California. We have friends and relatives there. I stopped by one of the gun store that I used to frequent. I was talking to one of the sales guys that I've known for years.

He had a new handgun on the counter in front of him. It was in one of those fancy factory cases. Next to it he had the paperwork of the person that purchased it. I guess he was double checking it for accuracy. I couldn't get over the amount of paperwork required to purchase a gun in California.

By the time a person in the Golden State has completed the required forms, a person in Nevada is walking out the shop with gun in hand. Then the poor guy in California still has to wait ten days.

The funny thing about this is that it ain't making California any safer then Nevada. All it does is impede the good people of that state from exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
The goal has nothing at all to do with safety whatsoever. It's not even really about people exercising rights, though they don't like that so much either. The goal is to tick off all the gun owners to make them leave and to browbeat the remaining population into voting 100% anti gun politicians into office 100% of the time. They paint us as the problem and themselves as the cure. Pure and simple. They don't want us around because we call their BS and don't vote for them, and they don't like armed folks around for when they get bold enough to do the real nasty stuff. Safety is the ostensible reason, an outright lie, and they get away with it. They want a unilateral unstoppable autocracy. No less. And for 2/3 of the state's seats they've won.
Yellowfin is correct. The commissars in Sacramento would like nothing more than to drive all of us undesirables from the state and leave them free reign. The leadership has already let slip that they don't consider the conservative counties to be a part of the state. That's about 2/3 of the real estate. Keep in mind that per an ancient SCOTUS decision illegal aliens count toward the apportionment of seats in congress. Between the sanctuary cities and the efforts of the commissars in Sacramento to turn the state into a sanctuary state that means lots more power shifting to California along with the flow of illegals. And with the completely gerrymandered districts guarantied to assure a Democratic Party victory before the first ballot is cast it means more seats in congress shifting from the conservative mid western and southern states into the hands of the Democratic party commissars.
The Real California Problem

There are many threads here about California and its laws. There are many theories about them. One explanation seems to have been missed. It does explain the problem with the laws there.

Here in Nevada the state legislature meets once every two years.Right now they are not in session. In other words, even if they wanted to pass some new, stupid law, they couldn't. In contrast, the lawmakers in California operate full time. I feel that gives them too much time to make distructive laws.

I only wish the US Congress was changed into a part time operation. Imagine how better off we would all be!:)
The Senate was supposed to have voted on this today. Anyone heard anything?

Also, I received a reply from Lois Wolk today. I had sent her an e-mail expressing my opposition to 2062. Here's her reply, way ex-post-facto. Any typos are mine:

"Thank you for contacting me in opposition of Assembly Bill 2062 (De Leon). This bill requires, commencing July 1, 2009, that any person that sells or transfers more than 50 rounds of handgun ammunition in any month to register as a handgun ammunition vendor.

"I appreciate you taking the time to let me know of your opposition to this bill. As originally written the bill would have placed new requirements on purchasers of handgun ammunition. However, the bill was amended in the Assembly Appropriations Committee deleting those requirements and is now limited to licensed firearms dealers. The bill would not place any new restricins on a legitimate gun owner's ability to purchase ammunition. The bill also includes an important provision to allow law enforcement to arrest gang members who are subject to a gang injunction and who are in possession of handgun ammunition. These provisions earned the bill stong support among many in the law enforcement community , including the Sheriff of Yolo County, where a gang injunction is now in place. For these reasons I supported the bill when it came before me for a vote on the Assembly floor on May 29, 2008. This bill is now in the Senate. If you would like to follow the progress of AB 2062, please visit and type, "2062". To receive updates by email, click the "Subscribe" button and input your e-mail address.

"I respect the rights of gun owners and rely upon them for advice on gun related legislation. While we may not have agreed on this issue, I hope you will continue to keep me informed on other issues as they come up in the future.

"Once again, thank you for contacting my office with your concerns. I hope you will continue to let me know your position on issues that concern you. If you would like more information on current legislative issues, please visit my website at ."

I read the amended version, and it looks like the Handgun Ammunition Purchaser's Permit has all been struck. Everything else is the same...right thumbprint, name, address, all sent to the Justice League. Not to mention all the frikken hoops an FFL needs to jump through. That'll just make Vacaville's gunshops lower their already dismal customer service levels. :mad:
All In The Same Boat?

We all realize that California isn't the most gun friendly place in the nation. After Obama wins in November, we will all be in a similar situation.
This applies to .22lr and will destroy all of the legitimate shooting sports.
You will not be able to practice or compete in any sport, nor will you be able to give your son or daughter a box of .22lr at the range without facing a felony charge.:mad:

Its already illegal for the gangbangers and convicted felons to have or use guns, so this does nothing to prevent or stop crime.
thats it...

... we are screwed

Is there any thing we can do, I believe it will take effect June 2009 we got a year... so what can we do??

Or maybe we should all just leave this place to the hippies and vegetarians, I guess it some how would reduce crime.
Schwartzenegger might not sign it, particularly if Heller goes well. If it is signed, leaving is not the answer, but political revolt. Vote out or recall those responsible and ostracise them from society. I for one refuse to do any business with those who favor anti 2A measures, so no tobacco for them. Anyone who owns or works at a business should refuse service to them and deny them admission to any civic and social organizations.
Yea, Right!

Political revolts, fight back, don't leave, these steps have done a lot to help California. A few more of these steps and a complete ban will soon occur.

Nothing would make me happier to see the good people of California take that state back. Also waking up with Jessica Alba next to me would make happy too. However, neither event is going to happen anytime soon.