CA AB2062 Resurfaces!


New member
Apparently the Assembly Bill 2062 is back up for vote! They are voting on this on the 22nd! Call as many as you can as often as you can. It's just a few minutes of your time which can make a huge difference.
Mark Leno(D) - Chair 13 – San Francisco (916) 319-2013

Mimi Walters(R) 73 – Laguna Nigel (916) 319-2073

Anna M. Caballero(D)28 – Salinas (916) 319-2028

Mike Davis(D) 48 – Los Angeles (916) 319-2048

Mark DeSaulnier(D)11 – Martinez (916) 319-2011

Bill Emmerson(R) 63 – Redlands (916) 319-2063

Jared Huffman(D) 06 – San Rafael (916) 319-2006

Betty Karnette(D) 54 – Long Beach (916) 319-2054

Paul Krekorian(D) 43 – Burbank (916) 319-2043

Doug La Malfa(R) 02 – Biggs (916) 319-2002

Ted W. Lieu(D) 53 – Torrance (916) 319-2053

Fiona Ma(D) 12 – San Francisco (916) 319-2012

Alan Nakanishi(R) 10 – Lodi (916) 319-2010

Pedro Nava(D) 35 – Santa Barbara (916) 319-2035

Sharon Runner(R) 36 – Lancaster (916) 319-2036

Jose Solorio(D) 69 – Santa Ana (916) 319-2069
Nothing you want to exist anywhere in the US, that's for certain. It's a bill requiring a license (ala FOID) to buy pistol ammo, limits it to one box a month, prohibits mail order for ammo of any kind, and a lot of other little nasties. It needs to be stomped out, its authors and supporters thrown out of office and prosecuted (if I had my way they'd be deported), and permanently dismissed with prejudice.
All of the major gun control groups are pushing for microstamping laws as a back door method of getting rid of guns. The goal is to make current guns and ammo illegal, and new guns and ammo prohibitively expensive.

There are two types of Microstamping:

1) Having a unique ID imprinted on a cartridge case by your firearm when you shoot it.

2) Having each bullet made have its own unique serial number.

Here is a page all about these plans:

So if the antis can't win one way they will reluctantly agree to 'allow' the people to bear arms; they just won't let them have ammunition to shoot in them.

It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. These type of bills are being introduced with great regularity in numerous states. They need to be watched carefully and defeated.
Not only defeat the bills, remove those who bring them forth. Squashing the ants is one thing we need to do now, but we need to wipe out the anthill too. This kind of stuff clearly paints a bright spot on who our enemies are.
Unfortunately until democracy is restored in California we won't have much choice over who to vote for. Members of the legislature are essentially appointed and the elections are little more than a rubber stamp. Sort of like Cuba.

California Assembly to Consider Severe Restrictions on Ammunition Sales!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stand Up and Make Your Voice Heard Today!

On Tuesday, April 8, the Assembly Public Safety Committee will consider legislation that would require gun owners to obtain a “permit-to-purchase” before buying handgun ammunition..

Introduced by State Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), Assembly Bill 2062 puts ammunition sales in the crosshairs. AB2062 would require that law-abiding gun owners obtain a permit to buy handgun ammunition and would impose severe restrictions on the private transfers of handgun ammunition. Applicants for a “permit-to-purchase” would be required to submit to a background check, pay a $35 fee, and wait as long as 30 days to receive the permit..

Under AB2062, it would be unlawful to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require vendors to keep a record of the transaction including the ammunition buyer’s name, driver’s license, the quantity, caliber and type of ammunition purchased, and right thumbprint, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice or the number of his handgun ammunition purchase permit. Vendors would be required to contact the purchase permit database, to verify the validity of a permit before completing a sale. All ammunition sales in the State of California would be subject to a $3 per transaction tax. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited. Any violator of AB2062 would be subject to civil fines..

Please contact the members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee and your State Assembly Member TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this onerous attack on our Second Amendment freedoms. Contact information for the committee members can be found below. Please click here to find your State Assembly Member..

State Assembly Member Jose Solorio (D-69), Chair
(916) 319-2069

State Assembly Member Greg Aghazarian, (R-26), Vice Chair
(916) 319-2026

State Assembly Member Joel Anderson (R-77)
(916) 319-2077

State Assembly Member Hector De La Torre (D-50)
(916) 319-2050

State Assembly Member Fiona Ma (D-12)
(916) 319-2012

State Assembly Member Anthony J.

Portantino (D-44)
(916) 319-2044
I believe in most areas of the country, an anti-ammunition law could be over-turned in state court.. of course, California is different.
The pendulum swings both ways. And EVERYTHING hinges on the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. I hope and pray we get a decision next month that clarifies the individual right. Then we will have clear standing for challenges based on 2A.

Imagine . . .
You can't make people apply for a permit to exercise ANY other individual right. Can you imagine needing a license to exercise your freedom of speech, press, and religion; the freedom of assembly and unreasonable search and seizure?

How about a permit to buy paper to print newspaper on?

Owning and carrying (keeping and bearing) by your average sane, law abiding person will now be every bit the protected right that freedom of speech, or freedom of religion is. And with some inescapable, reasonable restrictions, that right will have to be accepted and supported by our society as such.

It would even be much different from the scrutiny associated with, say, getting a driver's license, because although driving is a privilege, owning and carrying (keeping and bearing) is a RIGHT. That's what I hope and pray will be made clear next month by the Supreme Court.

May wisdom prevail!
A Supreme Court decision isn't the missing ingredient. Demand from the people is. CA would still ignore a positive Heller outcome. They won't do a thing until someone--in the order of a few million someones--actually forces them to do so, and simple lawsuits in courts that are stacked against us aren't going to cut it either.

Within my lifetime California will have a virtual gun ban. At least the poor economy has slowed the influx of Golden Staters to this state.
Glad to see that the CA legislature is diligently on the job. I was afraid they'd be distracted by the sideshow of a >$16B budget deficit. Now I can relax in the knowledge that they are still doing the people's business. Once ammo is completely banned, CA will become the state-workers' paradise it has longed to be.
A Supreme Court decision isn't the missing ingredient. Demand from the people is.

Demand is essential. But I don't believe an unequivocal decision from the Supreme Court can be ignored without consequence.

For example, if a states want to benefit from funds to build roads etc. from the federal government, they have to comply with a whole assortment of conditions, including the requirement to have certain laws in place, like standardized permissible blood alcohol levels for drivers.

If they don't comply, cut them off. Don't want to adhere to the Bill of rights in it's entirety? Fine, you no longer have the financial support of the federal government. Sorry, you can't pick and choose which civil rights you're going to allow, enforce, etc. What's next, speech? Then what?
Nothing you want to exist anywhere in the US, that's for certain. It's a bill requiring a license (ala FOID) to buy pistol ammo, limits it to one box a month, prohibits mail order for ammo of any kind, and a lot of other little nasties. It needs to be stomped out, its authors and supporters thrown out of office and prosecuted (if I had my way they'd be deported), and permanently dismissed with prejudice.

That is beyond ugly....... One box of pistol ammo a month? My god.
So bill passed Appropriations Committee but was referred to "suspense"...or am I reading this right?


Is this thing still coming at us or not?

Yes it is coming to the full Assembly for vote. I got on the phone with all of the guilty parties. Several are saying "Not us, not us...he wasn't there" or a couple said "Well, OUR assemblyman abstained" --meaning they were too cowardly to stand up to the Donkey majority, but didn't want it to be pegged on them either. Others have conveniently skipped town. Some staffers are very, very nice, others tired of hearing from us, maybe one or two outwardly anti 2A (one afraid of me, apparently), and at least 4 I have my phone programmed to speed dial Tuesday morning.

What really hacked me off was they didn't even debate the wretched thing. They barely even MENTIONED IT other than going straight to vote and it passed "Roll Call B" --meaning all Donkeys voted for it (unless they abstained, which by one report I have from one staff at least two did, but I will verify that Monday) and all Repubs voted against it. Total tally 10 to 5, which could have been 10-7 OR even 9-8 if more could have been goosed to cross the blockade. Ideally it could MAYBE have been beaten if the sneak attack hadn't happened which would have given us more time to actually twist some arms, but of course that was why they did the sneak attack on us in the first place. I'm sorry, but R or D, liberal or conservative, whatever ethnic origin, etc. THIS CRAP IS INEXCUSEABLE FROM ANYONE.

Of course with CA's gerrymandering, nasty palm greasing (makes me feel like my hair is crawling with worms just thinking about it! ew! :barf:), terrorism by the rabid antis and the virtual one party monopoly the guilty have virtually nothing to fear. :mad:
Yes it is coming to the full Assembly for vote. I got on the phone with all of the guilty parties. Several are saying "Not us, not us...he wasn't there" or a couple said "Well, OUR assemblyman abstained" --meaning they were too cowardly to stand up to the Donkey majority, but didn't want it to be pegged on them either. Others have conveniently skipped town. Some staffers are very, very nice, others tired of hearing from us, maybe one or two outwardly anti 2A (one afraid of me, apparently), and at least 4 I have my phone programmed to speed dial Tuesday morning.

and why are they in office again......................It seems like you . Will have to be a criminal to fight the criminals in office!!!

just like the patriot act. Well we didn't read it, or I didn't vote on it. Because I wasn't there. or I wanted to be a patriot , so I voted yes, even though I didn't read it. If politicians don't know what they are voting for, or don't cast their own vote, They should be FIRED!!!!!